Author Topic: Unorthodox Deal  (Read 1849 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Unorthodox Deal
« on: November 16, 2018, 10:50:47 AM »
Hey guys,

So I've been trying to figure out ways to help me finish out my collection while also having an opportunity to help others.  For those of you that know me, I have a large personal collection as well as a smaller collection of each card for my playgroup members.  For those that don't know me, I collect beyond my needs and make trades for my playgroup members so they don't have to worry about trading, selling, buying with someone not in their own proximity.

So what this does, it makes me have to work on purchasing or trading for more cards than the typical person.  This doesn't bother me as I know it helps my younger players, and they really enjoy the game!  But what this does do is creates a crazy bottleneck for me.  The way I have been going is as money comes in I open a box, share the filler cards and some of the commons with my players and use the rares as prizes.  The problem is, I never get enough URs for me or my group before a new set comes out, and the money needs to be spent there instead.  (This is not a complaint, I love this game and obviously new content, just a situation I deal with).  So I've got to try to figure something out.

So this is where this idea comes in, and this is a complete work in progress, so any suggestions would be more than welcome!  But what would people think about purchasing a box/cards for a set/box but knew ahead of time you wouldn't be getting the UR?

So here are the questions:

1) Would you be interested in a stack of commons and/or rares from a set (Early Church or later)?
2) Would you buy a box of Early Church or later at a discounted price if the UR was removed?
3) If yes to one or both of the above questions, what price range do you feel would be fair?

So my first idea (and again, I'm looking for suggestions) is to sell a box of cards at a discount with the understanding that you get every card in that box with the exception of the one UR in it.  Some people might see this as a stupid idea, but I do also know that there are playgroup members who are looking to finish collections and would love to be able to acquire "better cards" for cheaper so they could share with playgroup members.

Please help and let me know your thoughts and suggestions!

***NOTE:  When it comes to opening the boxes, you will obviously get to dictate the procedure (within reason)!  I can record a video, skype, facetime, etc. if you feel that to be needed.  I hope my reputation says you don't have to worry about that, but I also understand that temptation is real and good cards are good cards even if you don't necessarily need them!***
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 11:40:54 AM by Crashfach2002 »

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Unorthodox Deal
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2018, 11:27:10 AM »
Let me give you a few numbers to show you why I don't think something like this is a completely crazy idea.  So the reason I came up with this idea, is because if I can come up with a price that both people can agree on, both will get a good deal.  I'll get an Ultra-Rare that I need, and you will get a great deal.  So below is an example of the minimum value you will get, not even including the "filler cards."

Prices are TLG

Early Church:
23 Rares (cost at least $3) => $69
96 Commons (cost at least $0.50) => $48
At least $117 worth of cards

Persecuted Church:
23 Rares (cost at least $3) => $69
72 Commons (cost at least $0.50) => $72
At least $141 worth of cards

Cloud of Witnesses:
23 Rares (cost at least $3) => $69
72 Commons (cost at least $0.50) => $72
At least $141 worth of cards

Revelation of John
23 Rares (cost at least $3) => $69
72 Commons (cost at least $0.50) => $72
At least $141 worth of cards

Fall of Man:
23 Rares (cost at least $3) => $69
96 Commons (cost at least $0.50) => $96
At least $165 worth of cards
(I realize some of the LRs don't cost $3, but I haven't had any issues trading them for that value)

Prophecies of Christ:
22 Rares (cost at least $3) => $69
72 Commons (cost at least $0.50) => $72
At least $165 worth of cards
(This set has 2 URs so I guess I would remove both but haven't actually decided on that yet)

So the absolute worst deal you can get is basically $120 worth of cards and these again are the minimum prices.  If you were able to get a Dull or Awake LS, The Deceiver, etc. the value is only higher.

I would even be willing to do a deal where someone buys the Rares, someone else gets the commons and someone else can get the fillers.  I'm open to anything, just let me know if you would be interested. 
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 11:29:36 AM by Crashfach2002 »

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Re: Unorthodox Deal
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2018, 11:45:44 AM »
While I don't really have a collection anymore, I have access to the collection of someone who's been collecting and playing around the time I started, so I'll speak purely from the perspective of someone who's collected the game from the Priests era and has most of the playable cards in the game in multiples.

The problem with an idea like this is, while it looks good on paper, most of the other cards in the box are not desirable to people with money to spend and who already possess a substantial collection. This is excepting things like CoW and RoJ, where the rare cards actually hold value, but for the most part that is not the case with the other sets.

The last few years have seen great sets at the great expense of the older ones, to a severity I did not expect. Cards are so devalued I would not pay anything at all for a stack of tin cards, Di cards, TexP cards (outside of Grapes/Mayhem), or any foil booster cards of any kind. There's just no reason to hold onto them anymore. Adding to the fact that talks of rotation have given credence to its reality in the future, and you're left with 50%-60% of the cards in modern boxes ultimately being worthless in the future.

So, what you're left with is the commons/rares from the box sets. For people as myself, excluding those rares and commons with value (LS, player cards, splashy staples, etc), you're not left with much. There's a huge chunk of common cards and even rare cards in all sets that are just not played. Their value will never increase and can only go down. People like us do not get boxes of sets we already have for commons and rares (outside of CoW and RoJ) and will pretty much only buy boxes if we are just beginning to collect the set. There are exceptions to this: FoM's skewed packaging of Legacy rares taking cards out of the packs made getting more of those packs necessary if you're not buying the set outright. Most of the value of the boxes comes solely thanks to the UR. This is the reason I would not buy a box of EC period, and the reason we'd consider buying multiple boxes of CoW and RoJ despite having those sets.

Long story short, I could see this working for something like a box of CoW or RoJ, where I could see someone paying around 50% of the box price for the remainders of the box. But (also assuming the Legacy rares with value will be pulled from FoM boxes), the prices would have to be far lower for the others in order to get people like us to consider buying 'neutered' boxes over a few good singles from the set.

I'd be interested to hear the perspective of a newer player or someone who sells a lot of Redemption.
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Unorthodox Deal
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2018, 12:19:37 PM »
While I don't really have a collection anymore, I have access to the collection of someone who's been collecting and playing around the time I started, so I'll speak purely from the perspective of someone who's collected the game from the Priests era and has most of the playable cards in the game in multiples.

The problem with an idea like this is, while it looks good on paper, most of the other cards in the box are not desirable to people with money to spend and who already possess a substantial collection. This is excepting things like CoW and RoJ, where the rare cards actually hold value, but for the most part that is not the case with the other sets.

The last few years have seen great sets at the great expense of the older ones, to a severity I did not expect. Cards are so devalued I would not pay anything at all for a stack of tin cards, Di cards, TexP cards (outside of Grapes/Mayhem), or any foil booster cards of any kind. There's just no reason to hold onto them anymore. Adding to the fact that talks of rotation have given credence to its reality in the future, and you're left with 50%-60% of the cards in modern boxes ultimately being worthless in the future.

So, what you're left with is the commons/rares from the box sets. For people as myself, excluding those rares and commons with value (LS, player cards, splashy staples, etc), you're not left with much. There's a huge chunk of common cards and even rare cards in all sets that are just not played. Their value will never increase and can only go down. People like us do not get boxes of sets we already have for commons and rares (outside of CoW and RoJ) and will pretty much only buy boxes if we are just beginning to collect the set. There are exceptions to this: FoM's skewed packaging of Legacy rares taking cards out of the packs made getting more of those packs necessary if you're not buying the set outright. Most of the value of the boxes comes solely thanks to the UR. This is the reason I would not buy a box of EC period, and the reason we'd consider buying multiple boxes of CoW and RoJ despite having those sets.

Long story short, I could see this working for something like a box of CoW or RoJ, where I could see someone paying around 50% of the box price for the remainders of the box. But (also assuming the Legacy rares with value will be pulled from FoM boxes), the prices would have to be far lower for the others in order to get people like us to consider buying 'neutered' boxes over a few good singles from the set.

I'd be interested to hear the perspective of a newer player or someone who sells a lot of Redemption.

Thank you for your thoughts!  This is almost to the point where I am.  I need the URs but little to nothing else in these boxes, so that is why I was reaching out to see if any newer players, playgroup leaders or even resalers would be interested.  I know the majority of the player base isn't going to be interested in a deal like this.  Again, this is why I wanted to at least put the option out there and search for more!  I'm interested to see what people think about the "extra" URs in the PoC set.  I know for the AB cards, I personally seek 2 of them and then the rest are going to be available for trade.  So are people going to be willing to trade for those?  If yes, are they going to be willing to trade older URs for them?  If yes, then I might have a temporary fix, but this won't help alleviate all of the need for my URs.

*This is also one of the main reasons I didn't even include a price for the filler cards.  I know some don't even like them being there, much less them being any reason why the price is increased.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 12:26:12 PM by Crashfach2002 »

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Re: Unorthodox Deal
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2018, 02:12:03 PM »
What exactly do you need at the moment? If you can point me to that, I am willing to do a large trade to get you where you need to be while acquiring stuff for my playgroup.

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Unorthodox Deal
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2018, 02:56:31 PM »
What exactly do you need at the moment? If you can point me to that, I am willing to do a large trade to get you where you need to be while acquiring stuff for my playgroup.

Awesome!  Let me get back to you.  This again was more of a hypothetical idea to get ideas and see if anyone was willing to do something similar.  I am definitely interested in doing a large trade, but my cards are on hiatus, until the end of next week (hopefully).  We have been remodeling our basement and the cards are currently unavailable.  I do have an inventory of what I SHOULD have, but obviously would like to verify all of that before truly proceeding!  I will go ahead and update my needs list in the next day or two!


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