Selling price is ~40% of TLG prices. I only have one of each, unless otherwise noted.
Adonijah - $2
Bartimaeus - $1
Chastisement of the Lord -$1
Elijah - $3.50
Everlasting Beings (2) - $4
Haman - $6
Harvest Time - $4
Mary's Prophetic Act - $2
Pot of Manna - $1
Priests of Christ - $5
Rage - $3
Rhoda - $1
Thorn in the Flesh - $3
Water to Win - $1
Zerubbabel - $3
Lost Soul (2-line) - $6
Gabriel - $1.50
Raider's Camp - $3.50
Saph - $2
Abram/Abraham - $1
Covenant of Noah - $2
Death of Unrighteous - $1
Haman's Plot - $2
Chariot of Fire - $3
Prince of this World - $1.50
Doubt - $5.50
Joshua the High Priest - $1.50
Phinehas, son of Eleazar - $1.50
Prince of the Air - $1.50
Scapegoat - $1.50
Table of Showbread - $3
Trumpet Blast - $4
Zeal for the Lord - $2
Additionally, I'm selling TLG credit good for up to 20% off your total order at
Three Lions Gaming. I have $208 in credit and am looking to sell it for about 75% of its value. So, I get cash and you get more money than you paid for to use toward up to 20% off your TLG purchases.