Author Topic: Some urgent T2 needs!!!!! Lots to trade  (Read 764 times)

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Some urgent T2 needs!!!!! Lots to trade
« on: March 20, 2011, 02:05:30 PM »
I have a few cards I still need to get to build my T2 deck, I will trade greatly in your favor!!!

T2 Needs
Luke 19:10 LS (FBTN) (#29) (x2)
1 color no O.T. ignore LS**
No cov. No prevent LS
Jonathan, Son of Joiada

Here is the rest of my trade want/have list, thnaks and Godbless

Disciples I have for Trade:

Wash Basin (38)
Eve‘s Descendants (59)
Ezra‘s Journey (83)
Philetus (84)
Elymas the Sorcerer (98)
Questioning Christ’s Authority (101)
Pontius Pilate (106)

Disciples I am Looking For:
**=Super high need, will even pay for them, but prefer to trade (greatly in your favor)
*=High need, will trade greatly in your favor

Nazareth (25)
Caesarea Philippi (26)**
Luke 19:10 LS (FBTN) (29) (x2) **
Luke 13:25 LS (Shut Door) (31)
Luke 16:20-21 LS (shuffle NT LS) (33)
Peter’s Curse (43)
Guardian Angel (78) *
Any Disciples Promos (except Pithon and Chaldeans)**

Cards I Have to Trade:
Augur x2
Generous Widow
Furnace of God’s Wrath
Vengeance of Eternal Fire x4
Mary’s Prophetic Acts
Fishers of Men x5
Ambush the City

The Centurion at Capernaum (TexP)
Sing and Praise
The Might of Faith x2
Walking on Water x2
Goods Recovered

Abednego (Azariah)
Meshach (Mishael)
Jairus x2
Moses and Elders x2
Lost Coin Found x2
A Child is Born
Satan’s Folly x5
Love at First Sight
Transfiguration x5
Undefiled x2
Unbowed x2
Unbound x2
Warrior in Training
Job x2
Jacob (C/D deck)
Chastisement of the Lord x4
Water to Wine x4
Eve‘s Descendants ( Dis. 59)

Ship to Cyprus x4
A New Beginning
Plague of Frogs x3
David’s Music
Search (C/D deck)

King Hiram
The Magi
Bartimaeus x4
Prosperity x4

Gabriel (Kings)
Angel of Warning (TexP)
Everlasting Beings x4
Army of the Lord
Complete Set of Warrior’s Trumpets

King Ahaz (TexP)
Korah’s Rebellion x5
Angry Mob x2

Pontius Pilate (Dis.)
Emperor Nero
King Cushan-Rishathaim
Shadow (Storehouse Version)
Deadly Snare x3
Demonic Snare x2
Snare x2
Healing of Namaan

Evil Gold:
Emperor Claudius x2
Herod Agrippa II (TexP)

Leviathan x2
Nebuchadnezzar (TexP)
Set Fire
Habitation of Demons
Breaking Through

Simon the Magician
Questioning Christ’s Authority (Dis. 101)
Babel x4
Casting Lots

Prince of the Air
Prince of this World
Pride Before Calamity x2
Other Cards:
Guardian of your Souls
Angel Food Promo
Stolen Blessings Misprint x3
Kindness Misprint x2
Helmet of Salvation
Coat of Many Colors
Herod’s Treachery (TexP)
Battering Ram x3
Siegeworks x2
Renewing the Covenant x2
First Fruits
Feast of Booths x3
Day of Atonement
Passover and Unleavened Bread
The Lord Fights With You
Philetus (Dis)
Stronghold in the Desert
Storehouse x6 (both versions)
City of Refuge
Temple of Dagon x2
High Priest’s Palace x2
Demonic Stronghold x2
House of Rimmon
Cov. With David x3
Wash Basin (Dis. 38)
Burial Shroud x3
Three Nails x2
Household Idols x2
Book of the Law
Table of Showbread
Thirty Pieces of Silver x4
N.T. Only LS x2

Cards I am Looking For:
**=Super high need, will even pay for them, but prefer to trade (greatly in your favor)
*=High need, will trade greatly in your favor

Grapes of Wrath x2**
Mayhem x2**
Gomer (TexP)
Consider the Lilies
Philistine Outpost*
KoT (warriors and priests)
Nebuchadnezzar’s Pride
The 12 Fingered Giant*
Philistine Armor Bearer*
Bringing Fear*
Trumpet Blast x3
The Garden Tomb
Mary, the Mother of Jesus
“He is Risin”
No Need for Spices
1 color no O.T. ignore LS**
No cov. No prevent LS **
Caleb (Promo)
Nicholas of Antioch
Jonathan, Son of Joiada **
King David


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