Welcome to the Official Redemption® Message Board!
I am starting to tear a part my extra decks this week so more cards are being added as I put them into the binders. I was getting really confused with prices and was telling the same people different prices for cards so I'm making it easier on myself and putting prices next to the cards. If you buy alot of cards I will always give a discount or free shipping. Let me know what your interested in and if you feel a card is way over priced let me know. Oh and I do take paypal.$5Guardian of Your Souls Priests of ChristWall of Protection $3Book of the Covenant$2Self x2DoubtTable of ShowbreadElijahWater to Wine$1Nicanor Chariot of Fire promo x4 $.75Ordained as a Disciple Bartimaeus x12Frog Demons promo (signed by artist)Thorn in the Flesh Wings of CalamityAdonijah3. Magic Charms 7. High Places9. Philistine outpost11. Kir 12. The Centurion at Capernaum 13. Asahel 14. A soldier’s prayer 18. Nathan x319. Habakkuk24. King Solomon x325. King Asa x326. Asa’s good reign x327. Joseph of Arimathea59. Wandering Spirit x260. Destructive Sin x2
I forgot to say this the other day but I've sent out all cards already to everyone who has paid. Post office told me they should be there no later then Friday so please let me know if they were truthful or not Also the first page is being updated with new cards and pricings