Cactus Game Design Message Boards

Redemption® Collectible Trading Card Game HQ => Redemption® Market => Topic started by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 28, 2010, 03:07:04 PM

Title: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 28, 2010, 03:07:04 PM
Selling all my Redemption cards.. Have alot of cards, if anyone is interested let me know!
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: adotson85 on May 28, 2010, 03:13:13 PM
You will want to make a list of all the higher end cards you have (Cue Prof. Underwood).
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: MrMiYoda on May 28, 2010, 03:16:07 PM
You may want to keep even a basic starter deck, in case someone wants to learn in in the future.  Blessings.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Prof Underwood on May 28, 2010, 03:48:55 PM
You will want to make a list of all the higher end cards you have (Cue Prof. Underwood).
Thanks for the cue. :)
Here are some general suggestions for success at selling a large number of cards.

1.  Pull out all the Ultrarare and Promo cards that you have.  Almost all of these have a gold border around them.
2.  Check out what those cards are worth by going here (
3.  Decide whether you want to sell all the cards as individuals (so individual players will buy them) or in bulk.
     a.  Individuals: set the price far below what you see at the above site if you want to sell quickly.
          1.  If a card is worth more than $10, then sell it for 75% of value
          2.  If a card is worth between $5 and $10, then sell it for 50% of value
          3.  If a card is worth less than $5, then sell it for $1
     b.  Bulk: It depends on whether you want your collection to be bought by resellers or playgroup leaders.
          1.  Resellers: set the price at around half of what the total value of the Ultrarare/Promos are and wait for offers.
          2.  Playgroup leaders: split the collection into groups of 500 card sets.  Split the Ultrarare/Promos into equal
               groups so that each set gets an equal amount.  Then post the options on the forum and wait for offers.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 28, 2010, 04:13:06 PM
No I am wanting to sell everything, because I really need some extra money right about now. Plus I am into VS system (another TCG). Not sure if you guys are familiar with it. Also I am completely new to Redemption, which might sound funny but it's true. I bought alot of Redemption cards a few years ago, but I never found anyone to play. And to be honest I still don't completey understand the game. How do I know the differences between rare, commons, and so forth? I know I have all the starter decks they came out wth as well as hundreds of other cards. My collection is probably close to 1,000 cards if not more..
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: alpal455 on May 28, 2010, 04:14:29 PM
No I am wanting to sell everything, because I really need some extra money right about now. Plus I am into VS system (another TCG). Not sure if you guys are familiar with it. Also I am completely new to Redemption, which might sound funny but it's true. I bought alot of Redemption cards a few years ago, but I never found anyone to play. And to be honest I still don't completey understand the game. How do I know the differences between rare, commons, and so forth? I know I have all the starter decks they came out wth as well as hundreds of other cards. My collection is probably close to 1,000 cards if not more..

We are asking you to post a list of URs, Promos, and Rares that you have so it makes it easier to know what you have.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 28, 2010, 04:18:09 PM
And i'm asking how to tell the difference between Ultra rares, promos, and rares..
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 28, 2010, 04:21:38 PM
Don't mean to sound rdue, but again just not very familiar with the game. I appreciate any help though!
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 28, 2010, 04:22:52 PM
Ultra rares,rares and promos have a Gold border.
Commons are usally from starter decks that are in print,they look generic.

TeP are silver bordered
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: alpal455 on May 28, 2010, 04:26:16 PM
Ultra rares,rares and promos have a Gold border.
Commons are usally from starter decks that are in print,they look generic.

TeP are silver bordered

Rares do not have gold borders.
Go to ( and the ones you see here post and those are all URs, rares, and TxP (TeP).
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 28, 2010, 04:29:10 PM
They are white,but inside the borders.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: alpal455 on May 28, 2010, 04:34:19 PM
They are white,but inside the borders.

What do you mean? ???
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 28, 2010, 04:37:30 PM
Some of them are gold around the card image.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: adotson85 on May 28, 2010, 04:57:33 PM
Do your remember what sets you bought? Since you bought them awhile ago I'm pretty sure none are TxP. Look at the bottom left corner of the card and see what the symbol there is. Post a description of each symbol and we can let you know what sets you have and what cards to look for that are of value.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 28, 2010, 05:05:49 PM
That is much better said.

 In the bottom left of each card is a symbol,here are what  some of those symbols  mean:

Sword,means its warrior version
crown,means its king version
G or single letters is the name of the starter deck that card came from
P means Promo
 there is more but just to start with is the above ;).
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: alpal455 on May 28, 2010, 05:33:14 PM
Icthus (fish)=Apostles
Wings=Angel Wars
Nothing=Originals (most of these are not worth very much)
Candle Stand=Patriarchs

Newer Sets

Cross=Rock of Ages
I cant remember the one for the Faith of our Fathers
Ark of the Covenant=Priest
Treasure box=Txp (Thesaurus ex Preteritus (I think I spelled that right)
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 28, 2010, 07:34:48 PM
BTW Lemon Head,the thread topic "seliing" is spelled wrong,should be selling ;).
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 28, 2010, 09:38:43 PM
Sorry about the spelling error.. I will check over my cards and list what sets I have =)
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 09:38:52 AM
No its fine ;).  In the bottom left of the page that we are posting on,it says modify,delete,lock.Do modify and you can add on to posts and you can change the topic of the thread.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 29, 2010, 12:12:50 PM
I have cards with Angel wings, a crown, a fish, womens, looks like the seven candle sticks on some of them, and also some that have the ark of the covenant on them.. Ofcourse, I have all the starter decks. Here are some cards with a gold trim that I found:
2x Son of God(in different language, not sure which one lol)
2x Angle of The Lord(different language as well)
1x Breastplate of Righteousness (crown in bottom left corner)
1x Breaking Through (crown in bottom left corner)
1x Household Idols (fish in bottom left corner)
1x Altar of Ahaz (covenant in bottom left corner)
1x Leviathan (candlesticks in bottom left corner)
1x Soldier of God (nothing in bottom left corner)
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 29, 2010, 12:14:05 PM
How much for Soldier of God? Or are you selling them as a whole?
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 12:15:04 PM
Thats an expensive card right there
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 29, 2010, 01:08:05 PM
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 01:14:07 PM
Thats probally Fair.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 29, 2010, 01:15:27 PM
TLG says $10. Fair would be maybe $5-7.5. I'll pay full though.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 01:16:07 PM
7.50 be a good discounted price ;)
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 29, 2010, 01:17:12 PM
Is this good Mr. Lemon Head?
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 01:20:33 PM
Good Deal! If Mr. Lemon Head accepts.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 29, 2010, 02:02:34 PM
So are there any good cards from the sets I listed that I should be looking for?

To that one kid: I am sure I will sell you the card seperately, but right now I really want to try and get everything organized and see what all I have of value. My ultimate goal is to give a great deal on my whole collection, just because I need to get rid of all of it. But let me sort things out, and I will get back to you! if I do sell it to you seperately, $10 shipped sounds good to me..
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 29, 2010, 02:04:50 PM
It is a good card for getting someone to buy more. example: my falling away drawing I did a while ago. I cashed in on that! If nobody buys, I'm the first on the list though right?
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 29, 2010, 02:44:20 PM
Four sure man! Just need to get everything organized.. lol
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 29, 2010, 03:36:05 PM
Ok sounds good. If it is cheap, I may take all of it. I'm only a 14 year old though.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: adotson85 on May 29, 2010, 04:39:38 PM
I have cards with Angel wings, a crown, a fish, womens, looks like the seven candle sticks on some of them, and also some that have the ark of the covenant on them.. Ofcourse, I have all the starter decks. Here are some cards with a gold trim that I found:
2x Son of God(in different language, not sure which one lol)
2x Angle of The Lord(different language as well)
1x Breastplate of Righteousness (crown in bottom left corner)
1x Breaking Through (crown in bottom left corner)
1x Household Idols (fish in bottom left corner)
1x Altar of Ahaz (covenant in bottom left corner)
1x Leviathan (candlesticks in bottom left corner)
1x Soldier of God (nothing in bottom left corner)

Okay so it seems you have cards from Angel Wars, Kings, Apostles, Womens, Patriarchs and Priests. Now go to ( and click on each set you have and see what cards you have of value.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 04:42:24 PM
Yeah,Three lions gaming is a good place to get prices ;). (
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 04:45:04 PM
Also,the different language son of God and Angel of the Lord are in Greek.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: 777Godspeed on May 29, 2010, 04:46:44 PM
Here ( is the pricelist/checklist that is also helpful.

Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 04:48:20 PM
I thought we already gave him the right link,but I see the person above me gave him the single price list and I gave the main URL.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: 777Godspeed on May 29, 2010, 04:54:13 PM
Ken has a PDF checklist/pricelist (which I linked to) and also the singles, w/price and add to cart ability, available from the store site (which appears to be what you linked to).  They are all good tools to use. I prefer using the PDF format as I can print it out and use it for the pricing and/or as a checklist as I go through my cards.

Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Townsend on May 29, 2010, 06:12:59 PM
pm sent
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Good Samaritan on May 29, 2010, 06:46:27 PM
Cool,I just got confused for a second.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 31, 2010, 03:57:00 PM
Thanks for the links.. any cards from the starter decks of decent value?
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 31, 2010, 04:12:29 PM
Also I want to throw this out there for everyone to know.  I am big into the card game VS system, so if anyone.has some or know anyone that has some, let me know! Also I have been on vacation this weekend, so I will start sorting all my cards out tonight. Thanks!
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 31, 2010, 09:04:19 PM
Well I have sorted out all of my cards, and I have a total of 827 cards give or take a few (this number includes cards from starter decks)... I am now going to search the prices for these cards, list the cards of value, and then begin to sell!
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 31, 2010, 09:48:40 PM
Can anyone explain the difference between a promotional plague of flies, obedience of noah, angel food, and faithful servant between the regular original ones?
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 31, 2010, 09:50:15 PM
And stillness..
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Townsend on May 31, 2010, 09:51:13 PM
I believe I dont know for sure but  I believe the special abilites are all the same its just promoting/advertising something.

Thats just what I think though

(With some exceptions like Mary)
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on May 31, 2010, 09:57:05 PM
well the reason I ask is because I was looking at prices, and I saw some cards that were listed as promos and were quite expensive. Then I saw them much cheaper listed as an original card. What is the difference?
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Townsend on May 31, 2010, 09:59:34 PM
Does your card have a little box at the bottom of the card with a number inside of the box
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 31, 2010, 10:21:01 PM
What he means is, a box with a number, a letter (p), or an icon (such as a sword or a crown.). That was soooo confusing it's not even funny.
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: Townsend on May 31, 2010, 10:23:56 PM
Does your card have a little box at the bottom of the card with a number inside of the box
Gosh darn it that one kid does this look better
Title: Re: Seliing Redemption collection..
Post by: that one kid on May 31, 2010, 10:25:26 PM
Oh you're fine, I was just giving you a hard time.  ;)
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection..
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 01, 2010, 03:30:41 PM
Alright I have sorted out all my cards and am going to list all cards with a value of $.50 or more (all prices from

Original cards (including cards from starter deck A and B):

2x Angel of the Lord   $1.00/ea
2x Christian Martyr   $1.00/ea
1x Plague of Flies   $5.00
2x Son of God   $1.00/ea
1x Stillness (not sure if it's the promo or original version)

Starter deck C:

1x Abel   $1.00
1x Burning Censer   $1.00
1x Christian Martyr   $1.00
1x Foreign Enemy   $2.00
1x Goshen   $5.00
1x King's Sword   $1.00
1x Power of the Cross   $1.00
1x Priestly Breastplate   $1.00
1x Sinful Kingdon   $1.00
1x Search   $5.00

Starter deck D:

1x Ancient Evil   $1.00
1x Baptism   $5.00
1x Bear   $2.50
1x Burial   $1.00
1x Evil Spawn   $3.00
1x Holy of Holies   $2.00
1x Jacob   $4.00
1x kingdom's/ World   $2.00
1x Silas   $1.00
1x Strong Demon   $1.00
1x Swift Horses   $5.00
1x The Body of Christ   $2.00

Starter deck E:

2x Christian Martyr   $1.00/ea
2x Coliseum Lions   $1.00/ea
2x The Fifth Seal   $.75/ea
2x Fouls Spirit   $2.00/ea
2x Fountains of Living Water   $1.00/ea
2x Priestly Crown   $1.50/ea
2x Son of God (Greek)   $3.00/ea

Starter deck F:

2x Angel of The Lord (Greek)   $3.00/ea
2x Burial   $1.00/ea
2x Freedom!   $3.00/ea
2x Gift of the Magi   $3.00/ea
2x Raised to Life   $.50/ea
2x Temple Veil   $1.00/ea

Starter deck G:

1x Burial   $1.00
1x Denying Blame   $.50
1x Increasing Numbers   $.50
1x Lost Soul (1 Corinthians 1:27)   $.50
1x Lying Unto God   $1.50
1x Taking Egypts Wealth   $.50

Starter deck H:

1x Blood of the Lamb   $.50
1x Burning up the Chaff   $2.00
1x Christian Martyr   $1.00
1x Egyptian Horsemen   $.50
1x Golden Calf   $1.00
1x John   $.50
1x Lost Soul (Jeremiah 7:18)   $1.00
1x Murmuring   $1.00
1x Zelophedad's Sin   $.50

Women's Expansion:

1x Claudia   $1.00

Apostle's Expansion:

1x Angelic Rebellion   $1.50
1x Apollos   $1.00
1x Bartholomew (Nathaniel)   $.75
1x Guardian Angel   $1.00
1x Household Idols   $5.00
1x Liberating Angels   $1.00
1x The Meal in Emmaus   $1.00

Patriarch's Expansion:

1x Abraham's Servant to Ur   $2.00
1x Battle Cry   $1.00
1x Deepening Lie   $1.00
1x Drowning of Pharaoh's Army   $1.00
1x Haman's Plot   $5.00
1x Jacob's Ladder   $1.00
1x Joseph   $1.00
1x Leviathon   $7.00
2x Solomon's Temple   $3.00/ea
1x Storehouse   $5.00

King's Expansion:

1x Angel of His Presence   $.50
1x Angel's Sword   $.50
1x Battle Prayer   $.50
1x Bow and Arrow (Good)   $1.00
1x Breaking Through   $3.00
1x Breastplate of Righteousness   $4.00
1x David's Tent   $1.00
1x Egyptian Archer   $1.00
1x Glittering Sword   $2.00
1x Hezekiah's Signet Ring   $6.00
1x Ira   $3.00
2x Israelite Archer   $3.50/ea
1x King Jeroboam I   $.50
1x Lahmi   $1.00
1x Put to Fight   $1.00
1x Two Thousand Horses   $2.50

Angle Wars Expansion:

1x Blast of Fire   $2.00
1x Innumerable   $1.00
1x Lost Soul (Romans 3:23)   $9.00
1x Possessed   $.50
1x Que   $2.00
1x Spiritual Realm   $1.00
1x The Stars   $1.00

Priest's Expansion:

1x Altar of Ahaz   $12.00
1x Azariah the High Priest   $.50
1x Eli the High Priest   $.50
1x Holy of Holies   $.50
1x King Evil-Merodach   $.50
1x Set Fire   $2.50


1x Soldier of God   $10.00

My ultimate goal would be to sell everything in one big deal or sell it all one way or another, but I am definitely willing to sell the cards seperately. I am also open to giving discounts and deals. So if anyone is interested in the cards listed, please PM me, and we will work something out that is fair for both of us! thanks and God Bless!


Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection..
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 01, 2010, 04:01:32 PM
1x Plague of Flies   $5.00
1x Household Idols   $5.00
1x Haman's Plot   $5.00
1x Leviathon   $7.00
1x Storehouse   $5.00
1x Hezekiah's Signet Ring   $6.00
1x Ira   $3.00
2x Israelite Archer   $3.50/ea
1x Two Thousand Horses   $2.50
1x Lost Soul (Romans 3:23)   $9.00
1x Altar of Ahaz   $12.00
1x Soldier of God   $10.00
You've got some good cards in there, but there's a lot of people selling cards right now at huge discounts.  I would guess that your whole collection would sell for about $30.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: that one kid on June 01, 2010, 06:03:37 PM
How much are you going to sell all of this for?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: fyero on June 01, 2010, 06:25:59 PM
I wouldn't sell them at exactly TLG because most sell them at around 50% or more off - Technoethicist
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 01, 2010, 09:31:50 PM
The total of all these cards, according to TLG, is $229.25. I would happily let go of this lot for $100 and throw all my other cards in for free.. That is 56% off from the prices at TLG.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Townsend on June 01, 2010, 09:35:32 PM
Personally I think the three lions prices are inflated and the lot you would sell prably would only sell at the maximum of 50$ and thats the maximum. Id try to sell from 40-50$

Just my thoughts
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: adotson85 on June 01, 2010, 09:38:36 PM
The total of all these cards, according to TLG, is $229.25. I would happily let go of this lot for $100 and throw all my other cards in for free.. That is 56% off from the prices at TLG.

Realistically I think you may get closer to Prof. Underwood's estimate of $30. They may be worth $229, but $100 is pretty steep for a collection that is lacking high end cards. Basically it comes down to supply and demand. Even though they are worth X amount doesn't mean people are willing to pay that much for them.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 01, 2010, 09:39:27 PM
The best thing to do is just start the bidding at $1 and watch what happens.  You've already got several people posting on this thread, which means that people are award of it and watching it.  Just start the bidding and see where you end up.  My guess is that it will be much less than $100, but you never know.  Maybe it'll surprise me :)

P.S.  I forgot to account for the value of the complete starter decks.  Even used, if you have the complete decks for C&D, E&F, and G&H, then I would up my estimate of the price these cards will go for to about $45.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 01, 2010, 09:41:11 PM
Well if that's the way I should go, that's the way I should go. You guys know that I don't know much about Redemption, so I am not familiar with what all of the cards are worth.. I mean if TLG is too high, then I will be willing to let go of these cards for a great price.. $50 is something I can live with. Anyone want to make offers on the lot or single cards?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 01, 2010, 09:47:54 PM
Anyone want to make offers on single cards?
Just beware that if you sell single cards, then the price that people will be willing to pay for the lot will go down.  Personally, if I was going to sell the single cards, then I would do prices like below:

1x Soldier of God   $10.00
Complete C&D deck   $8.00
Complete E&F deck   $5.00
Complete G&H deck   $5.00
1x Altar of Ahaz   $5.00
1x Lost Soul (Romans 3:23)   $5.00
1x Leviathon   $3.00
1x Plague of Flies   $2.00
1x Household Idols   $2.00
1x Haman's Plot   $2.00
1x Storehouse   $2.00
1x Hezekiah's Signet Ring   $2.00
1x Ira   $1.00
2x Israelite Archer   $1.00/ea
1x Two Thousand Horses   $1.00
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 01, 2010, 10:01:30 PM
Well I will just wait and see what kind of offers I get, and I will go from there.  :)
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: fyero on June 01, 2010, 10:48:59 PM
I'll start the bidding for the lot at $5  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 01, 2010, 11:57:42 PM
I'll up it to $10 :)
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: fyero on June 02, 2010, 07:18:09 AM
I'll up it to $10 :)

AHHHH!!!! grrr you outbid me
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 02, 2010, 03:20:41 PM
I love these message boards and this entire atmosphere. You guys are great, but I don't think I can go any lower than $50 at the moment.  I mean I spent well over $100 when I bought all of these cards, so $50 for the whole collection is a great deal. If anyone is interested, please let me know! Thanks!

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: TechnoEthicist on June 02, 2010, 03:31:15 PM
While that might be true....card prices and people's willingness to pay for them have dropped DRAMATICALLY...I'm selling 2.00 rares for .10 in some cases due to lack of desirability and overabundance of stock...I wish you luck in your 50.00 obtainment...
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 02, 2010, 05:14:12 PM
Well people just have to make offers!
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: DDiceRC on June 02, 2010, 05:23:51 PM
Still accepting bids on the lot? I'd bid $40, but only for the whole lot.

However, if you split up the lot I am interested in Plague of Flies and Stillness.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: lebronjamesfreak11 on June 02, 2010, 06:45:13 PM
I will buy altar of ahaz for $5, pm me back with an answer
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: alpal455 on June 02, 2010, 08:57:46 PM
I bit $10 so you dont lose any money for selling that cards but you gain $5 instead of prof's $4
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: YourMathTeacher on June 02, 2010, 09:00:01 PM
Didn't DDice just bid $40?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 02, 2010, 09:21:16 PM
Didn't DDice just bid $40?
Oops, you are totally correct.  I didn't see that.  In that case, I would only sell the Altar of Ahaz if DDice was willing to still buy the lot for more than $35.  Otherwise you'd be losing money.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 02, 2010, 09:58:55 PM
Didn't DDice just bid $40?
Oops, you are totally correct.  I didn't see that.  In that case, I would only sell the Altar of Ahaz if DDice was willing to still buy the lot for more than $35.  Otherwise you'd be losing money.
So you are saying I should sell AoA seperately and then sell the rest of the lot?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: DDiceRC on June 02, 2010, 10:10:40 PM
I don't need AoA, so I'd bid $35 on the rest if Prof wants it.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: adotson85 on June 02, 2010, 10:11:53 PM
No. He is saying you should try to sell the cards at the best possible price. If you sell the AoA seperately for $5 then you had better hope you can sell the rest for at least $35 dollars to equal the $40 bid you already have.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: lebronjamesfreak11 on June 02, 2010, 10:12:23 PM
I am the one who wants aoa
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 02, 2010, 10:21:18 PM
OK so at this point it looks like LJF11 gets Altar of Ahaz for $5, and DDiceRC has the top bid for the rest of the cards for $35.  So the next question is will anyone outbid DDiceRC for the rest of the cards?  Remember, there's complete C&D, E&F, G&H decks and a Revealer LS in there.  Not to mention the Soldier of God promo that I've heard there is no other way to get nowadays.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: that one kid on June 03, 2010, 10:07:32 AM
OK so at this point it looks like LJF11 gets Altar of Ahaz for $5, and DDiceRC has the top bid for the rest of the cards for $35.  So the next question is will anyone outbid DDiceRC for the rest of the cards?  Remember, there's complete C&D, E&F, G&H decks and a Revealer LS in there.  Not to mention the Soldier of God promo that I've heard there is no other way to get nowadays.

I already asked for the Soldier of God. And I asked to pay full price.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 03, 2010, 10:23:11 AM
I already asked for the Soldier of God. And I asked to pay full price.
Sorry, I missed that way back on page 2.

OK so at this point does this work for all involved?
LJF11 gets Altar of Ahaz for $5,
that 1 kid gets Soldier of God for $10
and DDiceRC has the top bid for the rest of the cards for $25.

If so, the next question is will anyone outbid DDiceRC for the rest of the cards?  Remember, there's complete C&D, E&F, G&H decks and a Revealer LS, Leviathan, and Haman's Plot in there.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Captain Kirk on June 03, 2010, 10:35:00 AM
DDiceRC has the rights to buy the whole lot for $40.  It costs the seller more to ship out three packages for the same price, so it makes more sense for the seller to sell it in bulk anyways.

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 03, 2010, 10:47:00 AM
DDiceRC has the rights to buy the whole lot for $40.  It costs the seller more to ship out three packages for the same price, so it makes more sense for the seller to sell it in bulk anyways.
But DDiceRC agreed ( to let LJF11 buy the AoA and drop his bid, in order to help LFJ11 out.  As for pulling out the Soldier of God as well, I don't know if he'd agree to that, which is why I said:

does this work for all involved?
But I'm guessing that DDiceRC will be OK with it for 3 reasons.  #1 it helps another guy out and DDiceRC is a great guy.  #2 it lowers his bid by $10, and he probably wasn't counting that card as a full $10 of his bid.  #3 the cards that he's most interested in (Plague of Flies & Stillness) are still there.

I'm also guessing that Lemon will be OK with it because it means that it is more likely that there will be more bidding on the remaining cards, which means more overall profit for him.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Captain Kirk on June 03, 2010, 11:04:15 AM
Oh I realize he agreed to let someone buy the AoA, but that doesn't negate my point that he has the rights to buy it all for $40 if the seller agrees.

I don't see there being any more bidding on the lot at $25, but maybe that is just me and I will be proven wrong.

The seller can fork out an extra $.88 if he feels like being a nice guy to sell things all around, but I will leave that up to him.  Just figured I would chime in.

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 03, 2010, 11:17:01 AM
I don't see there being any more bidding on the lot at $25, but maybe that is just me and I will be proven wrong.
I don't know if it will or not, but it might.  There's still 3 complete starter decks (including the out of print C&D), a Revealer LS, Haman's Plot, Leviathan, and a couple Israelite Archers as well as the fact that there are about 1000 cards.  I think that could easily get a bid higher than $25.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xCaLeBx on June 03, 2010, 12:03:26 PM
this is a confuzzling DD has won?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: DDiceRC on June 03, 2010, 12:59:16 PM
I suppose I could part with Soldier of God and lower my bid by the $10.  :) That's a hard card to find, so I don't mind letting someone else get their hands on one. So I'm in for $25 at the moment, with the lot less AoA and Soldier. If anyone outbids me, I want to put in a claim to split off Plague and Stillness, though.  ;)
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 03, 2010, 10:31:25 PM
I am still taking bids on the lot.. I appreciate all of the offers! kepp them coming  :) I will probably give it another week before I let the bidding stop and start selling.. Thanks!

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: that one kid on June 03, 2010, 10:34:56 PM
that 1 kid gets Soldier of God for $10

AAAAAAHHHHHH! You did it too!!!!!
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: DDiceRC on June 04, 2010, 10:29:11 AM
I should add at this point that I am willing to split off AoA and Soldier, but it is still up to the seller and another buyer whether they do this if someone wants to bid on the full lot. Unless the seller has already agreed to the separate sale of AoA and Soldier, which is OK by me, he still retains the right to keep the lot together. (Translation: Are AoA and Soldier considered sold, and is the lot now the remainder?)
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 04, 2010, 11:18:00 AM
No the lot is still completely together at this point. I want to wait a week and see how high the bids go for the lot as a whole, and then make my decision of sending the lot out as one or selling single cards to a few different people. Thanks!

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Marine4eternity on June 04, 2010, 12:07:30 PM
  Hey Lemon Head dont let these sharks tear you up on the price for your cards, when they smell blood in the water they go in for the KILL...
  I will give you a $50 bid on the collection, I would still wait a week befor you sell but I want the lot if at all possible. Now gentlemen let the games begin!!!

   P.S. pm me if you need to talk to me and after the auction if I win it will be my wife that does the transaction with you for im unable to communicate properly from where I am.

    CPL Cooper
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 04, 2010, 08:31:34 PM
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 06, 2010, 07:54:17 PM
Well guys I am going to let the bidding go until Thursday.. So if anyone is still interested it will be available until then!
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 11, 2010, 12:20:30 PM
Well $50 was the highest bid, so marine is the winner! Thanks to all who were interested!

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: goldencomet on June 11, 2010, 03:52:45 PM
nooooo i just saw this  T-T
i'll go $55 if you're still willing to go. i need that soldier of god
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Prof Underwood on June 11, 2010, 09:56:45 PM
Well guys I am going to let the bidding go until Thursday.. So if anyone is still interested it will be available until then!
The latest I can go is until Monday, because I won't be home this weekend. So bid away until then!
I know it would be nice to help out a guy who didn't see the auction until too late, and I know it would be nice to have the extra $5.  But generally it is considered bad form to end an auction and then re-open it.  Just to let you know.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on June 13, 2010, 08:35:19 PM
It was my mistake.. When I made the post saying that it was closed, I sent Marine a message saying it was his. I completely forgot that I had messaged him when I allowed it to go for a few extra days. My apologies! Thanks again to all that were interested!

Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on August 19, 2010, 02:45:46 PM
Still selling this lot of cards, really need to get it off my hands.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: DDiceRC on August 19, 2010, 02:51:36 PM
My bid still stands, if others have backed out. But only for the entire lot, no splits this time.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: stefferweffer on August 19, 2010, 03:20:29 PM
When, precisely, is this going to end?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on August 21, 2010, 02:01:55 PM
Well I thought it already ended, but the person that one the bidding has sorta backed out. What was your bid DDice?
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Crashfach2002 on August 21, 2010, 02:23:11 PM
I'd bid $40, but only for the whole lot.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on August 26, 2010, 06:02:44 PM
Well anyone else want to bid? If not, drice can have it!
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: stefferweffer on August 26, 2010, 09:00:09 PM
Again I ask, what is the current offer, and does that offer include every card listed, or has the list been altered by now?  Thanks.
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: xMr. Lemon Headx on August 28, 2010, 02:31:36 AM
The current offer is $40. And yes, it is everything listed!
Title: Re: Selling Redemption collection.. Updated with list of cards!
Post by: Warrior King on October 22, 2010, 03:35:19 PM
Is the list still up for bids? If so, what is the current bid for? ???
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