Hello All!
I played Redemption years ago and haven't touched it since. I started collecting in A/B and then stopped collecting right before faith of our fathers came out. I have hundreds of cards and honestly just want to get them off my hands. I have attached pictures of all my cards and have listed some highlights below. I figured that I'd just do a auction here and start the bidding at $50. Winner is responsible for shipping.
King of Tyrus (Warriors) x1
Chariots of Fire x2
Holy Grail x1
Guardian of your Souls x2
Mayhem x1
Falling Away (Women) x2
Destruction of Nehushtan x2
New Jerusalem x2
Harvest Time x1
I have pictures of most of my cards, but I can't figure out how to attach them to this post. So just pm your email and I can send you a zip of all the photos.