Hi all, I have come to that fateful time of trying to sell my collection. Over the last years I have been away from home a lot and have picked up other hobbies, so I am afraid Redemption has to go.
I have been out of the game for a few years, meaning most of my collection is old.
I have:
Foil packs(except Warriors): ~4 of each card, plus more of the useful ones
Starter decks: ~1 of each, plus many more for G&H, I&J
Txp/Discipes: ~2 of each, plus more of useful/random ones
Early Church/Persecuted Church: ~1 of each, plus few rares and many commons
Cloud: >~1, almost full set, random extras
Fall of Man: 3-4 packs worth
~500 Random old URs/Promos
~3,500 foil pack junk cards in addition to the ones mentioned above
I will happily sell sets or large chunks of what is above. The cards below are included in the amounts above, but I will sell them as individuals too.
High Priced Individuals: (Pulled from this
thread. If you want to buy any other individuals that it would look like I have, make me an offer.)
Promos:Abram’s Army $12
Daniel $10 x4
Eli the Priest $10
Faithful Servant $9 x2
Goliath $9 x12
King David $7 x6
Laban $7 x3
Crowds Ls $7
Philistine Diviners $7 x2
The Serpent $10
TinsAssyrian Archer $1.5 x6
Ruben’s Torn Clothing $1.5 x3
CPB Ls $2.5 x9
Angel under the Oak $2 x13
Womans:Falling Away $9 x15
Warriors:Holy Grail $4 x4
Kings:Hopper Ls $7 x6
Priests:King of Tyrus $5 x5
Txp:Grapes of Wrath $11 x9
Mayhem $15 x6
Early Church:The False Prophet $7 x2
Evil Sacrifices $9
Peace $4
Persecuted Church:Silly Women $12
Holy Grail $10
Awake Ls $9 x2
Cloud:Angel of the Wind $5
At the end of the day I want money and more closet space so go ahead and haggle or make an offer.
Paypal is the best way to pay me.