Author Topic: Selling cards  (Read 2128 times)

Offline eddie_falbo

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Selling cards
« on: April 29, 2017, 09:45:11 PM »
Hello everyone,

I want to sell my Redemption cards because I haven't played in over a year. So I have a few question...

1. Is this the best place to sell cards?

2. How do you recommend I sell them so there gone in a timely fashion (a few months) but I get the most i can for them.

3. Is there a market for unlimited/not very good cards? If not, what's the best way to sell them?

4. Is there something that tells me the value of cards so I have a general idea of what there worst?

5. If I were to make my own packs, would they sell?

Finally, Should I sell cards from sets (tins or starter decks) together or separately?

Thank you for your time,


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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2017, 09:55:41 PM »
0 has a wonderful little price sheet for all the cards in singles and sets....But I would recommend not expecting the full amount of course.  But that will give you a starting point. :)  I might be able to help rid you of some of those if you can let me know what you have. :)

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2017, 10:30:18 PM »
Hi Eddie. What expansions, other than Unlimited and the tins do you have cards from?
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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2017, 10:48:02 PM »

Offline eddie_falbo

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2017, 12:02:19 AM »
I've got a decent amount of cards but the notable ones are......
King of tyrus
Emperor Augustus
Chariot of fire
Lost souls (3 line)
The entrapping Pharisees
Wandering spirit
Set 4
Set 8
Set 9
Set 10
Set 12
Set 14
Set 15
Set 16
Set 19
Set 20
Set 21
Set 22
Set 23
Set 26

Those are just some of the. 

Offline eddie_falbo

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2017, 12:03:41 AM »
Hi Eddie. What expansions, other than Unlimited and the tins do you have cards from?

Everything before early church (except Nicolas of Antioch)

Offline eddie_falbo

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2017, 12:04:47 AM »


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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2017, 12:06:37 AM »
I will give you $1.05 for the whole lot, final offer  ;)

Offline jesse

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2017, 12:57:07 AM »


Don't take it personally Eddie...that's just Kairusvega's standard offer on lots like these...always $1.05!  ::) He's just playing around  8)
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Offline eddie_falbo

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2017, 09:14:57 AM »


Don't take it personally Eddie...that's just Kairusvega's standard offer on lots like these...always $1.05!  ::) He's just playing around  8)

Got it.

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2017, 12:56:33 PM »
Which King of Tyrus is it?  My guess would be the Orange one with the Gold border, but if it isn't you need to state it because the Gold one with the purple border is worth more.

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2017, 12:59:39 PM »
Hello everyone,

I want to sell my Redemption cards because I haven't played in over a year. So I have a few question...

1. Is this the best place to sell cards?

2. How do you recommend I sell them so there gone in a timely fashion (a few months) but I get the most i can for them.

3. Is there a market for unlimited/not very good cards? If not, what's the best way to sell them?

4. Is there something that tells me the value of cards so I have a general idea of what there worst?

5. If I were to make my own packs, would they sell?

Finally, Should I sell cards from sets (tins or starter decks) together or separately?

Thank you for your time,

Double posting but wanted to answer the questions above.

1)  Yes, this is the best place to sell them.  Ebay is OK but not great!

2)  The best way to get more money is sell them individually or as small lots of hundreds (depending on how many cards you have), but that is not the quickest.  The quickest is to sell as full lot.

3)  The limited/unlimited/prophet cards are mostly worthless, so the only true way to get anything for them is the small lot sets that just included them too.

4)  TLG as has already been mentioned.

5)  Possibly, but I've tried something like this in the past and they didn't sell well.

Offline Ironisaac

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2017, 01:07:09 PM »
Which King of Tyrus is it?  My guess would be the Orange one with the Gold border, but if it isn't you need to state it because the Gold one with the purple border is worth more.

Why is it more than double the price for the gold one? just because it's more rare? Because the special abilities and numbers are exactly the same, and the gold brigade on a demon makes it (debatably) less playable, so i would think it would be less than the orange one.   
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2017, 01:12:14 PM »
Which King of Tyrus is it?  My guess would be the Orange one with the Gold border, but if it isn't you need to state it because the Gold one with the purple border is worth more.

Why is it more than double the price for the gold one? just because it's more rare? Because the special abilities and numbers are exactly the same, and the gold brigade on a demon makes it (debatably) less playable, so i would think it would be less than the orange one.   

The main reason is as you listed, it is now nearly impossible to acquire.  I also don't know that if I agree with the assessment that it is more playable as orange.  There is nothing like throwing the gold one in a Egyptian or Herods deck with enhancements to back it up too!

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2017, 01:28:44 PM »
Gold also has more viable CBN options for KoT (Evil Spirit, Wonders Forgotten, Abandonment and Enslaved by Egypt if you're running the Egypt Site) whereas Orange really only has Worshipping Demons and to some extent Fearfulness but that requires you to get additional brigades in battle.
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Offline Ironisaac

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Re: Selling cards
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2017, 02:36:40 PM »
Which King of Tyrus is it?  My guess would be the Orange one with the Gold border, but if it isn't you need to state it because the Gold one with the purple border is worth more.

Why is it more than double the price for the gold one? just because it's more rare? Because the special abilities and numbers are exactly the same, and the gold brigade on a demon makes it (debatably) less playable, so i would think it would be less than the orange one.   

The main reason is as you listed, it is now nearly impossible to acquire.  I also don't know that if I agree with the assessment that it is more playable as orange.  There is nothing like throwing the gold one in a Egyptian or Herods deck with enhancements to back it up too!
Gold also has more viable CBN options for KoT (Evil Spirit, Wonders Forgotten, Abandonment and Enslaved by Egypt if you're running the Egypt Site) whereas Orange really only has Worshipping Demons and to some extent Fearfulness but that requires you to get additional brigades in battle.

I guess i was just thinking from a demon deck perspective. i do remember how fun he was in my herod's deck on lackey!
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