Author Topic: Selling Cards!  (Read 1009 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Selling Cards!
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:50:07 AM »
Hey guys, I'm looking to unload some inventory.  I'm trying to find different ways to do this.  Here is my latest set:

1400 cards:
  *(The totals below only add up to 1387, so I will include 13 more cards not listed from the groups below to make it an even 1400 cards, probably from C/D)


Every common from AP, AW, K, PA, PR, PS, UN except non-special ability LS (510 out of 514)
   *(I can include the 4 LS if you want them)

Almost every uncommon from AP, AW, K, PA, PR, PS, UN except non-special ability LS (419 out of 425)
  *(I can include the 3 LS if you want them, this set is missing Haman's Plot, Legion & Angelic Visit)

Almost every rare from AP, L, PA, PR, UN except non-special ability LS (154 out of 161)
  *(I can include the 2 LS if you want them, all of the missing rares are from the UN set, unfortunately 3-Liner is missing)

Every ultra rare from AP, PA (26 out of 26)

Tons of Retired cards:

A/B starter deck cards (8 out of 17)
   *(I can include the 5 LS if you want them)

Every WO card except non-special ability LS (79 out of 81)
   *(I can include the 2 LS if you want them)

Every common, uncommon and rare from the WA except non-special ability LS (158 out of 161)
   *(I can include the 3 LS if you want them, this set will also include Harvest Time & Breastplate of Righteousness)

This set will also include 31 promos ranging from Local to National, even a couple of "retired" promos.

Would anyone be interested in a set like this.  If so how much would you see this selling for?

Please see the Storehouse post if interested in this set!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 03:24:46 PM by Crashfach2002 »


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