Author Topic: Selling a slightly used PSP + 4GB memory stick and game starting at $50 on ebay  (Read 1468 times)

Offline Gohanick

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Hey I thought I would just pass this along to you guys if anyone is interested in buying a cheap PSP . The bidding is starting at $50 but if anyone wants it sooner rather than bidding I can sell the package for $80 free shipping.

here's the bid

and Instead of GTA I can switch it with the first SOCOM game.

Also before I make the $80 deal with anyone, I just want to make sure that you are serious about buying it before I take it off ebay


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I am interested in buying the PSP system for 80$.

I can write you a check if you want. (i dont have paypal).

Just let me know your addy and I can send you the check.

Let me know!

Steve Kamke
639 Trenholm Trail
Fort Mill, SC, 29715


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