New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Son Of God I X2Son Of God J X2Grapes of WrathNew Jerusalem X4Mayhem X2Falling AwaySeeker of the LostCaptured Ark X42 Liner X43 LinerPentecost X2King Of Tyrus (wa)House Hold Idols signed by Doug Gray (Illustrator)DanielAuthority of Christ X5Uzzah X3Amalekite Slave X2[/b]Gomer X4Philly HorsesMy Lord and My God X3Phineas and his Zeal in several multiplesStrong Angel (ki) and (wa)Captain of the Hosts (ki) and (wa)Prince of this WorldWrath of SatanHigh Priest’s PlotWall of ProtectionHoppers X2Gifts of the MagiUrim and Thummim X2Unholy Writ 12+
So according To your post the excluded 750(+) RoA, FooF, Texp, Di cards have no value. If that's true the game is truly dead.