Author Topic: Selling a few Recent Set Cards as lot or Individuals (Including Woes, Remnant,  (Read 1512 times)

Offline matts3376

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Hey all!

I've been away from the game for about ten years, but recently had a nostalgic moment and bought a few newer packs (And an I/J starter set). Like most people, I'm pretty busy in this current season and realized after having a lot of fun delving into the new cards that I don't have the resources to keep up with the game these days. I am, however, keeping all of the older cards (Really, the tins and prior are more my speed at this point) to play with family.

I got a few good pulls, and figured I would list the cards I would like to part with here. I would also be open to trading some of them for larger quantities of pre-tin cards, but cash would probably be preferred.

I'm listing them at YTG prices - I'm accepting any offers and don't expect to sell them at those prices. Feel free to reply here or in a message. If there's any chance anyone would like them all, I would do a substantial discount for that and throw most of the low-value cards in for free.

The Angel of the Winds - $12.50
Moses - $7.50
Joshua, Son of Nun - $7.50
Word of Their Testimony - $5.50
David, the Shepherd - $2.50
Lost Soul (Hebrews 10:39) “Destruction” - $1.50
Daniel - $.75
Faith Among Corruption - $.75
The Dove Returns - $.50
Jephthah - $.50
Faith of Joseph - $.50
Faith of Enoch - $.50
Faith of Abraham - $.50
Warning Against Rebellion - $.50
Salem - $.50
Isaac - $.50

Three Woes - $65
Twelve Gates - $.50
Heavenly Temple - $3.50
Faithful Witness - $1.50
The Song of Moses - $.50
The Binding Angel - $.75
Seventh Bowl of Wrath - $1.50
The Strong Angel - $5.50
Ark of the Covenant - $3.50
The Golden Altar - $1.50
Seven Trumpet Sounders - $1.50
Seven Trumpets - $.75
Sea of Glass - $.75
The Chief Priests - $.75
Unthwarted - $.50
The Haunting Spirits - $.50
Marriage Covenant - $5.50
Worship of Edom - $3.50
Bethlehem - $3.50
Achim, the Compiler / Achim, the Talmid - $3.50
Hired Sword - $.75
Worship of Nisroch - $.75
Arrogance - $.75
The Rabshakeh - $.75
Assyrian Forces – $.75
King Hazael - $.75
Queen Maacah - $.75
Syrian Marauders - $.75
Peleg, the Divider / Peleg, the Tributary - $.75
Impartial Judgment - $.75
Feast of Booths - $.75
Appointing Judges - $.75
King’s Signet Ring - $.75
Eliakim, the Expatriate / Eliakim, the Restores - $.75
Tamar, the Widow / Tamar, the Righteous - $.75
Builder’s Spear - $.75

Remnant - $55
Jeremiah, Hope Bringer - $5.50
Vain Vision - $5.50
Devouring Lion - $3.50
Unsuccessful - $2.50
Abed-nego (Azariah) - $.75
Haggai - $.75
Blindness - $.75
The Coming Prince - $.75
Stubborn Heifer - $.50
Spirit of Elijah - $.50
Covenant of Palestine - $.50
Trumpet in Zion - $.50
Habakkuk - $.50
Righteous Judge - $.25
Delivered - $.25
The Widow at Zarephath - $.25
Negev Lions - $.25
Haman’s Boasting - $.25

Upate: All have been sold or traded for.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 04:48:56 PM by matts3376 »

Offline Watchman

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I’d like to buy your Remnant. PM coming your way!

By the way, you may want to double check the values of the cards from Righteous Judge and down. Pretty certain I have those listed at either $.50 or $.75.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 11:42:46 AM by Watchman »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline MarshallMatters

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PM sent, I would love to trade old sets for the lot.


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