Author Topic: Selling a Few High-End Cards  (Read 870 times)


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Selling a Few High-End Cards
« on: August 19, 2012, 01:22:47 PM »
Prices listed are TLG prices and not what I'm asking for; I have no idea what to ask, so PM me with offers. Selling individually or as a set; I'm not too picky. Looking to sell, not trade (unless trade is heavily in my favor).

Lost Soul (First Round) - $5.00
Harvest Time (Promo) - $10.00
The Sabbath - $8.00
Michael (ki) - $15.50
Doubt - $14.00
Goliath - $30.00
Gates of Jerusalem - $10.00
Trumpet Blast - $10.50
Lost Soul (FBTN) - $5.75
Uzzah - $6.50
The Amalekites' Slave - $4.00
Lost Soul (*/4) - $8.50
Lost Soul (Hopper) - $13.75 (x2)
King of Tyrus (w) - $20.00
Pentecost - $9.50
Lampstand - $15.00
Priests of Christ - $12.00
Split Altar - $15.00
Daniel - $40.00


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