Author Topic: SE Regional tournament in Florida LIVE box break July 14 streaming to you  (Read 1003 times)

Offline whiteandgold7

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**** This just in ****

There will be a live Fall of Man Booster box break at the SE Regionals tournament in Florida on Sat July 14

I have broken Fall of Man into six different groupings listed below. The way it works is you will agree to purchase one (or multiple) groups, and then I will open a booster box of Fall of Man live on Facebook to the the Lions Den so we can all hang out together and see what each person gets. Once the stream is finished, I will package the cards you purchased, and send them all to you!

If you are at the tournament, you can walk away with your cards then.

$30 – Group 1: Dominants, Artifacts, Covenants and Curses (possible cards)
$25 – Group 2: Sites, Cities and Lost Souls (possible cards)
$25 – Group 3: Heroes and Dual Alignment Characters (possible cards)
$25 – Group 4: Good and Dual Enhancements (possible cards)
$25 – Group 5: Evil Characters (possible cards)
$25 – Group 6: Evil Enhancements (possible cards)
*Note on pricing. I am going to keep each group roughly the same price for now. Pricing of groups will be adjusted in the future to more accurately reflect the value of that group.
Also, each of these groupings include ALL the cards in the booster box, not just the Fall of Man cards… so if you purchase Group 1, not only will you have a chance of getting the new Ultra Rare card Fall of Man, but you will also have a chance of getting Grapes of Wrath and Mayhem from Thesaurus ex Preteritus!
If you would like to purchase a group please pm me on the boards, or e-mail me at

also, please specify SE Regional FoM box break

these groups are on a first come first serve basis, and if there is enough interest, I can do two box breaks live on July 14

Please sign up no later than 10 pm by pm'ing me on the boards or e-mail.  If you still want a spot after that you can check in with me via text to see if a spot is still available at 856-296-8899 all the way up until 12 noon on Sat. July 14.

Offline whiteandgold7

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still no responses.  Please text any interest to 856-296-8899.  Box break pieces will no longer be able to be bought by 12 noon.  Box break is still happening, and we will be streaming it live.



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