Author Topic: Pricing Question  (Read 2587 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Pricing Question
« on: November 20, 2018, 11:37:25 AM »
Hey guys,

I'm going through my collection for my playgroup and was trying to do a pricing guide of sorts.  Basically what I'm doing is finding cards that would be "fair" to both sides of a trade.  What I mean by this is we used to just simply use rarity as the key.  So if you only wanted to trade your rares for rares, then no problem.  That still works with the EC and later sets, but all of the other ones have been jumbled quite a bit.  But that isn't the true issue I'm running into, I'm actually finding the super expensive Commons and Rares in the new sets to be the most difficult to pinpoint.  So I'm reaching out to you for opinions.

So basically, would you do these trades, and that would allow me to finalize my "values."

1. Grapes & Mayhem for the new URs:

a) Individually for the "lower cost ones"
examples (Broken Covenant, Wages of Sin, Red Dragon, Michael the Archangel)

b) Together for a "higher cost one"
example (Shipwreck, New Destruction, Babel)

c) The groundwork for "top tier"
example (2nd Coming, 3 Woes)

2. National only promos:

a) Individually for the "lower cost ones"
b) two for a "higher cost one"
c) The groundwork for "top tier"

3. High cost rares:
examples: Dull LS, The Deceiver

a) Individually for the "lower cost ones"
b) two for a "higher cost one"
c) The groundwork for "top tier"

4. High-cost promos:
examples: Job, Esau the Hunter, The Serpent

a) Individually for the "lower cost ones"
b) two for a "higher cost one"
c) The groundwork for "top tier"

Those are the biggest question marks for me, but these still raise some as well.

How high would you trade for some of these?

Forsaken/Humble/Awake LS
New Jerusalem
"Good" Retired cards (examples HG, KoT, FA (WO))
"Old-School" Promos (Seeker, SoG, FS)

Again, any thoughts are helpful (except ones that don't answer the questions) :P
« Last Edit: November 20, 2018, 02:12:50 PM by Crashfach2002 »

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Pricing Question
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2018, 10:16:58 AM »
Alright, guys, I'm not asking you to commit to these trades.  They are all hypothetical!  So simply look at it as if you have every UR from EC on to trade.  Also, imagine you don't have any of the cards I'm asking about, so in that situation which of these cards would you be willing to part with your "extra" URs?

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Re: Pricing Question
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2018, 10:59:56 AM »
I was a little confused on which direction the cards were going.

For example, in 1-b, are you asking if I would trade MY Grapes and Mayhem for YOUR Babel? Yes.

However, I would not trade MY Babel for YOUR Grapes and Mayhem ($ value-wise that would be reasonable, but it's easier to trade lower end cards for Grapes and Mayhem).
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Pricing Question
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2018, 02:41:43 PM »
However, I would not trade MY Babel for YOUR Grapes and Mayhem ($ value-wise that would be reasonable, but it's easier to trade lower end cards for Grapes and Mayhem).

This is what I'm looking for.  You (hypothetically) have EVERY UR from EC on (False, Prophet, Evil Sacrifices, Shipwreck, Love, Holy Grail, Christ's Triumph, Silly Women, 2nd Coming, Broken Covenant, Eternal Inheritance, 3Woes, Michael, Red Dragon, Babel, Wages of Sin, Fall of Man)

So basically, you own all the above URs and none of the below cards.  What trades would you make?

Grapes of Wrath/Mayhem
Noah's Ark/Tabernacle/Whirlwind/Glory of the Lord
Dull LS/The Deceiver
Job/Esau the Hunter/The Serpent
Forsaken/Humble/Awake LS
New Jerusalem
"Good" Retired cards (examples HG, KoT, FA (WO))
"Old-School" Promos (Seeker, SoG, FS)

***New Question***
Would you trade a 2nd Coming, 3 Woes, Shipwreck, maybe include Babel as a high-end UR, for a stack of the other URS?

*Basically I'm publicly adjusting my Tiers from my article and I'm trying to figure out if I need more tiers because cards like ones above are "better" than their "like cards."  So Dull is better than most other box set rares, so it needs to move up a tier, but is it in the same tier as the URs?  Also, should there be a Tier for just the top 3 (or 4) cards, or is there some other cards that belong with those?*
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 03:29:37 PM by Crashfach2002 »

Offline Master Q

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Re: Pricing Question
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 05:27:58 PM »
So these would be my rating of URs and promos:

New Set URs
Tier S:

3 Woes

Tier A:

DoN (PoC)
Wages of Sin
Christ’s Triumph
Red Dragon
The Emmaus Road
The Fall of Man

Tier B:

Broken Covenant
Eternal Inheritance
Book of the Covenant
Silly Women
Holy Grail

Tier C:

False Prophet
Evil Sacrifices

Tier SS:

National winner promos

Tier S:

The most recent national promo

Tier A:

Whirlwind/Everlasting Ground
Glory of the Lord (2015)
Glory of the Lord (2014)
The Tabernacle
Noah’s Ark
Faithful Servant
Seeker of the Lost
Soldier of God
Seasonal Promos
Goliath (new)

Tier B:

Newer Regional Promos
King David
Nicolas of Antioch
Newer District Promos
Newer Local Promos
Dragon Raid

-And, in order of my personal perceived value of decreasing value, these would be cards we have considered trading for despite having multiples (only a few PoC cards are considered as of now):

Higher-value Singles
Tier A:

Grapes of Wrath/Mayhem
King of Tyrus (Wa)
Dull LS
Holy Grail (Wa)
The Deceiver
Awake LS
Hopper LS LR
The Angel of the Winds
Falling Away (both)
Covenant of Prayer
King of Tyrus (priests)
Imitate LS
Humble LS
Covet LS
Vindicated LS
PoC rare LSs
Forsaken LS

Tier B:

Chariots of Fire (PoC)
Rubble and Dust
The Ends of the Earth
Moses (CoW)
Joshua (CoW)
Most Legacy Rares
Hopper LS (Kings)
Michael (Kings)
Fire Foxes

Tier C:
Not Alone
The Mighty Warrior
Word of Their Testimony
Lost Anointing
Captain of the Host (both)
TSA (both)

I would place the Tier B and C of the URs at even ground with much of Tier A for the singles and promos. Tier A for URs would be sparsely traded for lower Tier cards and more easily traded for other cards in its own Tier.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 05:32:17 PM by Master Q »
If you were to go on a trip... where would you like to go?

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Pricing Question
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2018, 11:17:32 PM »
Awesome!  This is exactly what I’m looking for.  Anyone else want to weigh in?


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