I am trying to sell a huge portion of my collection. If your looking for any card let me know and Ill let you know if I have it and what i'm trying to get for them.
Abram’s Army $17
AOCP x2 $5
Captured Ark $4
Dragon Raid x2 $4
Goliath x3 $10
Haman $4
King David $7
Laban $3.50
NJ $3.50
Philistine Diviners $13
Early Church URs
The False Prophet x2 $12
Angel Wars
Michael $6
Michael’s Sword $3.50
Morg $2.50
Spiritual Warfare x4 $2
Household Idols x2 $0.75
Saul/Paul x11 $1.50
Unholy Writ x3 $0.75
Wall of Protection x4 $2
Ambush the City x3 $1.25
Ark of the Covenant x2 $2.50
Asherah Pole x2 $2.50
Belt of Truth x2 $1
Breaking Through x2 $1
Captain of the Host x2 $3
David Red $0.50
David Green x4 $$0.50
Goods Recovered x2 $2.50
Helmet of Salvation $1
Israelite Archer x2 $1.75
LS Hopper x2 $5
Michael $7
Shield of Faith $1
Sword of the Spirit x2 $2
The Strong Angel x3 $2
Two Thousand Horses x9 $1.50
Balaam’s Disobedience $1
Death of Unrighteous x14 $1
Destruction of Nehushtan x2 $2
Haman’s Plot x4 $2
Assyrian Camp x3 $1
Job x4 $0.75
Lampstand of the Sanctuary $5.50
LS Matthew 19:23 x4 $0.75
Urim and Thummim $1
Mayhem $10
Holy Grail $3
Michael $5
Prince of this World $1.50
The Strong Angel $1.50
Wrath of Satan $4
If you are looking for any Early Church cards let me know. I will be selling them $2 each for the rares and $0.25 each for the Commons. I have most the cards from the Early Church set. I have Early Church 1st Print cards that I will sell for $4.50 each for rares and $1.50 each for the commons. I also have cards from the new set which will be $3 each for rares and $0.75 each for Commons. PM me what you’re looking for and I’ll let you know if I have it. Plus I have most of the older cards including just about every tin card PM me if you’re looking for any of them and I’ll let you know if I have it and what I’ll be trying to get. I will ask for $1 for shipping if the total is under $7.50