Author Topic: more 5 points for $25 deals emp nero michael warrior arkand char nj dom etc  (Read 991 times)

Offline acree3

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  • ROLL TIDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pick any 5 points for $25 ppd

1 point  cards  (so you could get 5 of these cards for $25)
chariot of fire warriors shows wear
ark of the covenant warriors show wear
new jerusalem dominant shows wear
michael kings
elijah x 3
faith in our high priest x 4
alter of ahaz x 2
judas iscariot x 4
mary's prophetic act x 7
walking on water x 6
ark of the covenant x 3
book of the covenant x 4
jonathan son of joiada
emperor nero shows some wear

2 point cards  (so you could get 2 of these cards and a one point card for $25)
michael warriors x 2
split alter
soldier of god
authority of Christ promo
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 02:44:04 PM by acree3 »
ROLL TIDE !!!!!!!!!!


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