Author Topic: Looking to trade for:  (Read 1038 times)

Offline jesse

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Looking to trade for:
« on: March 07, 2020, 11:27:17 AM »
- 1st Print I/J Starter decks...these were printed small, slightly but noticeably smaller than other older Redemption cards (before Early Church's larger card size) and fixed in subsequent printings. I would prefer to trade for the entire I/J decks. You can quickly tell if they are the 1st print just by holding them up to an older Redemption card (a Patriarch's or King's card, for example) and instead of being the exact same size they are definitely smaller.

I'm also looking for the following single cards:

The First Sacrifice, PoC
Melchizedek, CoW (regular border)
Jacob (Israel), CoW (regular)
Lost Soul “Prosperity”, FoM
The Syrian Reinforcements, CoW (regular)
Elisha, PoC
The Judean Mediums, PC
King Xerxes, PoC
Haman, 2019 Promo
Isaiah, Prince of Prophets (with complete name on card), PoC
Light in the Darkness, PoC
Son of God, 2019 Seasonal Promo
The Divining Damsel, Promo
Holy Grail, PC
Love, EC
All Lost Souls from Early Church through Cloud of Witnesses with updated Identifier "nicknames" added on the card

Thank you!
Love is the flame of God, Who is love and an all-consuming fire!- Song. 8:6-7, 1 Jn. 4:8, Deut. 4:24


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