Author Topic: Looking to down size  (Read 1981 times)

Offline JayWall

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Looking to down size
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:06:18 AM »
I will be selling my cards at 1/3 the price of Three lions Gaming price list. So if you buy 30.00 than it will only cost you 10.00. First come first served. Just IM me and let me know what you want and i will let you know what the price is. 0.00-25.00  3.00s/h, 25.01-50.00 2.50s/h, 50.01-75.00 2.00s/h, 75.01-100.00 1.00s/h, and over 100.00 free shipping. If you have any questions about the cards let me know. Most of the cards are priest and newer.

50 pink- 1.00, 90 Ice dragon- 3.00, 70 blue-2.00, 87 black-2.25

2- 1inch- 1.00 ea.
Card sleeves
42- holds 18 cards per sheet- .25 ea
Good Dom.
Ang of the Lord
I-2, G-1, J-2
Guardian your souls x 2
New J
W x 1, Promo x1
Son of God
I x 2, G x 1, Greek x 1
The Holy Spirit x 1

Evil Dom
Burial gx5
Christian Martyr Ix3, hx1,jx1
Destruction x1
Doubt x 1
Strife x1
Vain philosophy x2

Altar of ahaz x1
altar of incense x3
asherah pole x1
blue tassels x1
Burial shroud x3
Chariots of Fire x2
covenant with levi x1
covenant with phinehas x1
gifts of the Magi x1
Golden cherubim x2
hezekiahs signet x1
holy of holies x1
household idols x1
I am love x1
i am patience x2
I am redemption x1
Iron Pan x1
Letters to the Corinthians (new card) x1
Miraculous Handkerchiefs(new card)x1
Priestly crown x1
Pam Horns x2
Samaritan water jar x1
Scroll of Isaiah(new card)x2
Thirty pieces of silver x1
unholy writ x5
Urim and thummim x1

Captured ark x1
confusion of mind x1
covenant with death x1
madness x1
peters curse x1
plagued with diseases x2
rain becomes dust x4
Unknown Nation x1
unsuccessful x1

Lost Souls
Hopper x1
Discard Hero x2
set aside heros x1
draw 1 x1
with drawer x1
protected from burial x1
1st rd protect x 1
discard all rescuing heros x2
female x2
site Ls discard from hand x2
toughness of */4 or greater x1
Site double x2
n.t. rescue x2

babylonian banquet x1
bank of the nile x1
chorazin x1
fortress of antonia x1
golgotha x1
herods dungeon x1
hormah x2
kidron valley x1
kir x1
lycaonia x2
prison x1
samaria x 3

areopagus x2
assyrian camp x2
davids tent x1
dust and ashes x1
gates of jerusalem x4
goshen x1
headquarters at riblah x1
high places x1
house in bethany x1
musicians chambers x1
raiders camp x1
rome x1
store house x1
the garden tomb x1
the throne of david x1
tower of thebez x1
wall of protection x2

Good Characters

Job x3

aquila x2
aristarchus x3
bereans x1
jason x1
luke x1
Noble women x1
mark x1
mary the mother x3
matthias x1
peter x1
phoebe x1
priscilla x1
secundus x1
stephanas x1
titus x1
titus justus x3

anna x1
habakkuk x1
haggai x1
hosea x1
hur x2
nathan x2
micah x1
obadiah x1
tekoan woman x1

ehud x1
gideon x1
good samaritan x1
jephtha x1
lazarus x1
nicanor x1
martha x2
samson x1
the thnkful leper x1
the women at well x1
watchful servant x1
zaccheus x1

King amaziah x2
King david x1
king hexekiah x1
king jotham x1
king saul x1
king solomon x1

ahimelek the hittite x1
caleb x1
dodai the ahohite x1
jashobeam x1
jephthah x1
ishmaiah the gibeonite x1

angel of deliverance x1
angel of shur x2
angel of warning x1
captain of the host x1
fortelling angel x1
Gabriel (kings) x2
gabriel (I) x2
host of heaven x1

ablathar x1
ahimaz x1
ezra x1
jaddua son of jonathan x1
joiada son of eliashib x1
joiakim son of joshua x1
jonathan son of joiada x1
joshua the high priest x1
phinehas son of eleazar x1
priest of christ x1
shelemiah the priest x1
temple priests x2

asaph x3
boaz x6
chenaniah x2
elders of city x2
enoch x1
ethan x2
heman x1
keoe; x1
joanna x1
lomg amaziah x1
naomi z1
mary magdalene x1
mary the mother of james x1
salome  x1
susanna x1

Multi colored
Barnabas c/g x1
jeremiah g/t x1
zechariah g/t x1

Good enhancements
forgiven of joseph x1
jacobs rods x1
jobs faith x1
job overcomes x3
jubilee x1
numerous as the stars x1
obedience of noah x2

burning of magic books x1
call to macedonia x1
examing the scriptures x3
generous giving x1
goodness x1
miracle at the gate x1
peters sermon x1
miracle at troas x1
prayer and fasting x1
stand firm x2
work with your hands x3

benaiah snatches a spear x1
habakkuk stands watch x1
provisions x1
search x1
split altar x1

ambush the city x1
battle prayer x2
built on the rock x2
convincing miracle x1
ehuds dagger x1
gideons call x1
hospitality of martha x1
meeting the messiah x1
repentance and restitution x1
samsons sacrifice  x1
samsons strength x4
shamgars oxgoad x1
shibboleth x1
the sword of gideon x1
trumpets and torches x6

Authority of christ (promo) 1
reach of desperation 1
unified kingdom 1
valley of salt 2

this is the first part of two


« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 01:09:03 AM by JayWall »

Offline JayWall

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2nd part of down sizing
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2015, 12:57:37 AM »
 this is the second part of down sizing. send me a im if interested. Check the first part for any information about how i am selling these.
angelic advice x1
angelic guidance (I)x1
angelic guidance x1
angelic news x4
angels sword x1
angelic visit x1
captains sword x1
army of the lord x1
consuming fire x2
eaten by worms x1
glad tidings x1
hammer of heaven x1
protection of angels x4
sword of the fighter x1
three angels x1
wings x2
witness to creation x1

burning incense x1
filling zerubbabels temple x1
grain offering x4
holy unto the lord x2
jehoiadas strength x1
jordan interrupted x2
scape goat 1
trumpet blast x1
zadok anoints solomon x1
zeal for the lord x1

bravery of prisc illa x1
bronze cymbals x1
burning bush x3
conqueror over death x1
consider the lilies x2
cymbals of the levites x2
devotion of ruth x2
fellowship x1
gleaning the fields x5
he is risen x1
kindness of boaz x5
love at first sight x2
loyalty of ruth x3
ruth meets boaz x5
sing with stringed instruments x1
undefiled x1
words of encouragement x2
withered hand x1

benedictus w/t x1
capturing canaan g/r x1
counsel of abigail p/r x1
elis sound advice g/t x1
family bond w/g x4
faith as a mustard seed g/p x1
faith in our high priest  multi x1
first friuts t/w x2
feast of trumpets t/g x1
foreign sword r/b x1
gentleness c/r x1
gloria in excelsis deo w/s x1
kidness c/g x1
loaves and fishes   multi x3
nunc dimittis w/g x1
pentecost t/p x1
praise from prison w/c x2
raising laxarus   multi x1
self control  c/t x1
sing and praise  multi x1
temple dedication w/p/t x1
the lord fights for you r/g x1
the sabbath  multi x1
wickedness removed s/gx1
when judges governed w/g x1

Offline JayWall

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3rd part
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 12:58:13 AM »
Evil charcters
delilah x1
demetrius the silversmith x1
epicurean philosophers x2
goliath x2
ishbibenob x1
king amon x1
philistine garrison x1
saph x1
stoic philosophers x2
shech em x1
simon the magician x1
sisera x1

angry mob (old one) x1
king abijam x1
king ahab x1
king ahaz x1
king jehoash x2
king jeroboam I x1
king joram x2
king nadab x1
king omri x3
king zadekiah x3
kirah x1
the jeering youths x1
zimri, son of salu x1

Arioch x1
ashpenaz x1
judas Iscariot x1
king belshazzar x1
king rehoboam x1
nebuchadnezzar x1
nergalsharezer x1

Egyptian archer x2
herod agrippa I x1
herodias x1
huge egyptian x1
king shishak x1
pharaoh neco x1
queen tahpenes x1

deceiving spirt x1
prince of the air x1
seven wicked spirits x1
unclean spirit x1

Pale green
Asssyrian archer x1
enchanter x1
king asnappar x1
king sargon II x1
king sennacherib x1
messenger of satan x1
prince of this world x1
the assyrian spoilers x1
the rabshakeh x2
the rabsaris x1
user of curious arts x3
women as snares x1

emperor galba x1
emperor nero x2
emperor otho x1
emperor tiberius x1
emperor vitellius x1
king pekahiah x1
naaman x1
quirinius x1
sabbath breaker x3
saul/paul x1
syrian archer x1

hellenistic jews g/b x1
antiochus IV epiphanes g/b x1
damsel with spirit of divination pg/o x1
foreign spearman  multi x2
laban g/pg x1
the terrifing beast g/o x1

evil enhancements
abomination x1
adjourn x1
bringing fear x2
displeased philistines x1
goliaths spear x1
ishbibenobs spear x3
ishbibenobs sword x3
jealous rage x1
joseph in prison x1
lahmis spear x2
land dispute x1
political savvy x1
posterity removed x1
pride of simon x1
seized by rioters x1
wickedness of delilah x1
worldly wisdom x1

bad decision x1
breaking jerusalems wall x1
broken cisterns x1
chemosh x1
desolate gateways x1
dungeon of malchiah x1
gibeonite trickery x1
gifts for esau x1
king sauls doubt x2
korahs rebellion x1
lacking sleep x1
shimeis malicious curse x2
siege x1
stiff-necked x1
wickedness abounds x1

belshazzars banquet x1
carried into exile x2
christian suing another x2
disagreement over mark x1
dream x2
great image x2
head of gold x1
hypocrisy x1
nebuchadnezzar dream x1
swift horses x1

begging to go back x1
besieging the city x1
egyptian horses x1
egu[toam s[ear x1
given over to egypt x1
imprisoned x1
mosses kills egyptian x1
rash oath x1

sinning hand x1
suicidal swine stampede x1
two posssessed by demons x1

Pale green
achans sin x4
boasting of wisdom x1
confusion x1
death of unrighteous x3
divination x1
forgotten history x2
misuse of talents x1
plunderers x2
sin in the camp x2
slave trade x1
stocks x1
temple nisroch x4
rabshkeh attacks x2
rabsaris attacks x2
rabshakehs threats x1
tartan attacks x5
thorn in the flesh x2
two k horses x2
tower x 1
words of discourgement x2

arrest in philippi x1
balaams disobedience x2
casting lots x1
dart x1
healing of naaman x1
men as gods x1
namaans chariot and horses x1
roman whip x1
sorrow of mary x3

arrest in gethsemane b/c x1
ashtaroth worship x4
defenestrated p/b x1
disturbing samuels spirit b/pg x1
herods treachery x1
hypocrites proselyte x2
invoking terror c/pg x2
partners with demons o/c x1
romans destroy jerusalem x1
satan enters judas c/o x1


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Re: Looking to down size
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2015, 07:37:55 AM »
Are these 1/3 the price of the new TLG, or the Kens TLG.

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Looking to down size
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 08:59:51 AM »
I would be interested in picking up your whole collection. Please PM me with a price for everything and we can figure out the details.

Offline Knoxyouthpastor

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Re: Looking to down size
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2015, 04:32:10 PM »
I'd be interested in the sleeves, especially the Ice Dragon ones (they are purple with a gnome and dwarf if I'm not mistaken? I have 100 of them already and they are hard to find).
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us- Gandalf in LOTR

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Looking to down size
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2015, 10:21:05 PM »
It should be mentioned that I have purchased this whole lot.

Offline Knoxyouthpastor

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Re: Looking to down size
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2015, 10:59:32 AM »
It should be mentioned that I have purchased this whole lot.
So what would you sell me the sleeves for?  ;D
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us- Gandalf in LOTR

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Looking to down size
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2015, 12:47:21 PM »
Please PM me your address and an offer for the sleeves and we can work something :Dout.  ;


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