Author Topic: Looking for Red Dragon and Michael the Archangel Revelation of John cards  (Read 1084 times)

Offline redemption collector 777

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Looking to trade for 1 or 2 copies of Red dragon and/or 1 copy of Michael the Archangel from the Revelation of John card set.

I have more cards to trade for them then what is currently listed. If you are looking for any other cards other than what is listed , please pm for specific ones you would be looking for.

Here are some cards of the cards I would be willing trade for any of them :

New Jerusalem (promo)

Eternal Inheritance (Cow)
Philistine Diviners
Gideon's 300
Haman (promo)
The False Prophet (Early Church)
Daniel (promo )
Noah's Ark

The Strong angel (Kings)
Lost Soul (Can not be prevented)
Guardian of your souls (apostles)
Dragon Raid (Warriors) x 2
Confusion (prophets) x 4
Melchizedek (Cow)
Confusion (Cow)

Authority of Christ (promo)
Angel of the Winds (Cow)
Moses (Cow)
Joshua son of Nun (Cow)
Crown of thorns
Babylon x 2 (Wo)

Lost Soul (hopper)
Michael (Angel Wars)
Captain of the Host (Wa)
Destruction of Nehushtan

The Angel under the Oak
Philistine Chariot and Horses
Swift Horses (crimson)
Namaan's Chariot and Horses
My Lord and My God

If anyone has a red dragon or Michael the Archangel card (s) they would be willing to trade then please pm me.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 03:48:28 PM by redemption collector 777 »

Offline everytribe

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Hey Andy, does that mean you got a Three Woes out of the box you won at the Type Two Only?
Old Guys Rule

Offline redemption collector 777

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