Author Topic: Large Lot for sale (everything at least 50% off)  (Read 1585 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Large Lot for sale (everything at least 50% off)
« on: July 02, 2019, 06:42:59 PM »
Hey guys,

As I continue to play, buy and trade for more cards I always seem to have an abundance of extra cards and honestly it has gotten ridiculous.  So to try to potentially help out someone either new or rejoining the game or maybe even a new playgroup leader, I wanted to sale a bunch of stuff to do that.  So here is a breakdown of the cards I'm selling and the discounts you will get.

50% off each card from the following sets:
     Prophecies of Christ, Fall of Man (and Legacy Rares included in those) and Revelation of John

70% off each card from the following sets:
    Cloud of Witnesses, Persecuted Church and Early Church

There will currently not be any Promos included in this set.  To give you an idea of what will be included you can check out THIS thread.  The cards listed in the "spoiler tags" will be the ones included, so the "High Value Cards" will not be included.  This list is also a working list and might be missing cards I have or even list cards I forgot to remove after a trade/sell.

So here is a breakdown of what I currently have and the price.  Numbers in paratheses beside is how many that set has total (So the EC cards has all the commons and only missing 1 rare).

EC:  108 commons & 33 rares   (108/34)
PC:  63 commons & 21 rares   (64/26)
CoW:  89 commons & 34 rares   (90/36)
RoJ:  82 commons & 25 rares   (90/36)
FoM:  92 commons & 4 rares   (108/36)
PoC:  144 commons & 13 rares   (144/72)
LRs:  18 commons   (18/18)

Given the discounts listed above you can acquire all of these cards for $475!  The TLG pricing for all of these cards is $1189.75

For an added bonus if you would like to acquire a ton of cards for almost nothing I'll throw in all the cards older than Early Church (not wide cards) I have for $0.04 each.  This will not include any promos or lost souls without abilities.  It looks like I currently have 2273 cards, this would make this group of cards an additional $90. 

So quick breakdown of all the listed above.  If you want the EC and newer cards at the discounted prices you will pay $475 plus shipping.

As a bonus for purchasing that "set" you can acquire 2273 "older" cards for $0.04 a piece which will bring the price to $565 plus shipping.  *I'm only selling this set as a bonus, so will not do this otherwise.*

I'm willing to take payments for this.  If this is something you want to do, I'll go ahead and pull all the cards reserving them for you but won't ship them until all the payments come in.

Please let me know if you are interested or suggestions for possible things to sale.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 03:29:26 PM by Crashfach2002 »

Offline Crashfach2002

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Smaller and Cheaper Set
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2019, 03:37:18 PM »
I'm REALLY trying to eliminate a lot of cards, so maybe this is more your speed.  Again, this is probably geared towards a new comer or playgroup looking to acquire several newer cards for themselves or others pretty cheap.  Or maybe this will be a good step for someone to jump into Type 2!  You know you want to (it is the better category)!!!  Here is the breakdown of this set (out of the paratheses).

EC:  106 commons & 24 rares   (108/34)
PC:  19 commons & 2 rares   (64/26)
CoW:  81 commons & 25 rares   (90/36)
RoJ:  35 commons & 8 rares   (90/36)
FoM:  22 commons   (108/36)
PoC:  140 commons   (144/72)
LRs:   18 commons   (18/18)

So I'm selling this set at 85% off!  So 480 cards for $106.24 plus shipping.  Please let me know if you are interested and I'm willing to haggle (a little).


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Re: Large Lot for sale (everything at least 50% off)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2019, 09:45:09 AM »
Pm sent


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