Author Topic: Just a slight rant.  (Read 1806 times)

Offline redemptioncousin

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Just a slight rant.
« on: May 14, 2011, 11:12:29 AM »
So I've only been on these boards here and there for the past few years (mostly to look up rulings or play ROOT).  I used to trade a lot back on the old boards and for the first year or two on these, but have gotten away from it.  Anyways, I was looking through some of the trade threads and was very discouraged to find few to no posts about trades.  There was one post that had 3 straight pages without a single trade posted:

"PM sent.
PM recieved thanks!
Oh, I sent your cards out yesterday.
PM sent.
PM sent.
Recieved your cards thanks!
PM sent."

You get the idea.  One thing I used to love doing was looking at all the recent trades that had occurred.  Not only does it let you know how much certain cards are worth, but it also keeps all the trading on the up-and-up, especially for the newer members.  I certainly can understand where it would be useful to take a big trade or mailing talks to the personal side, but I am wondering what happened to all the posting of haves and wants.

Side comment:  You know what this also allowed a person to do, is to see the cards that are already pending without the author of the thread having to update with:
FSP (pending)

So I guess the question I'm really trying to get at is when did this happen and why?
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 12:13:40 PM »
I can only speak from my personal experience over the last few years. I am reluctant to post trade offers because there are certain board members that undercut my offer through PMs. Because we are in a capitalistic society, people are willing to accept the undercutting, because they get more out of it. There are some people on the boards that stick to their integrity and stay with the first offer, or at least allow the original offer person to make a counter-offer. Even then, though, there will be people who will say they had a better offer when they really did not, just to up the ante.

The bottom line is that several people on these boards can not be trusted. Even presumably trustworthy members do the behind-the-back dealings. I know this for a fact because I received PMs from these people trying to undercut trade offers made to me (or that I was making).

The increase in such dealings is likely because trading as a whole has diminished in the years I have been here, especially for the higher-end cards. Eventually new members come on with high-end cards, and we all scramble to get them (like sharks). It took me several months to land an orange KoT even though I have $1000s in cards and many high-end cards. I simply could not make the same offer that others are willing to make.

Although the shipping issue is not directly related to your question, it is indirectly related to the trust issue. I was an eBay Power Seller for many years. I have over 3000 recorded transactions between items I shipped or items I received. In all those transactions, I never had a single item lost in the mail. Since I have been on these boards, I have made close to 40 transactions, and I am now up to 11 items that were allegedly lost in the mail. Statistically speaking, that is quite alarming.
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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 12:16:24 PM »
It is just good trading strategy. If I post an offer on the boards and someone else sees it then they can give them a counter offer via pm or on the regular boards, hence I get a better yet still fair deal. Secondly discrete trading allows for discrete deckbuilding. If I all of a sudden want 3 thaddeus' and 5 aocp's than chances are people will conclude that I am planning on/ going to play di in type two. I really think it the same reason why you don't see top players posting there decks very often. Tradings a jungle, and jungles don't take prisoners.  8)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 12:18:36 PM by TheHobbit13 »

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2011, 12:23:05 PM »
We all want the best deal. However, cutthroat trading only leads to lack of trust. Lack of trust leads to less trading. When the supplies are limited, the wealthy profit, while the rest of us get next to nothing.

Honestly, the only reason I was able to get that KoT is because the Guardian took pity on my wee soul.
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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2011, 03:27:30 PM »
Speaking for myself-I prefer buying from instead of trading. When I do trade,I generally do that at tours(face to face). I'm not saying the folks here are not trust worthy. Far from it. I just don't have the experience yet.

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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 11:22:03 PM »
I understand this very much so...
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!

Offline Cpt.Jaeger

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 11:33:03 AM »
I agree with all of this, especially YMT....
I have had several people ask to buy things in my threads and then all of the sudden send me a PM saying they got them elsewhere or don't need them anymore, sometimes after agreeing to the deal and exchanging addy's

Consequently, I was just recently thinking that I'm going to start a negative feedback thread in the trading tips child forum to report people that back out of trades/sales because of how much it happens. Unfortunately, I don't always know who it is that steals the deals, except for the occasional outright post in my trade thread trying to undercut me
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Offline Cpt.Jaeger

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 11:36:09 AM »
If someone has a card for trade, many people can post that they want it, but it's the owners responsibility  to give preference to the first poster.
However, if someone proposes a deal, they need to honor it if it is accepted, and so does everyone else.
A bid war can be annoying, a deal broken and stolen ain't good at all.
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Chronic Apathy

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2011, 02:25:30 PM »
I agree with all of this, especially YMT....
I have had several people ask to buy things in my threads and then all of the sudden send me a PM saying they got them elsewhere or don't need them anymore, sometimes after agreeing to the deal and exchanging addy's

Consequently, I was just recently thinking that I'm going to start a negative feedback thread in the trading tips child forum to report people that back out of trades/sales because of how much it happens. Unfortunately, I don't always know who it is that steals the deals, except for the occasional outright post in my trade thread trying to undercut me

I don't think a negative trade thread is necessary. We have the current trade thread with points system, that does very well at alerting neutral or negative trades. It's the responsibility of both parties to check that thread (and if they don't have any logged trades, take precautions) to check trustworthiness. I feel like having a trade thread dedicated to, "this person screwed me over" supports negativity and a general untrusting attitude. Are there people who should not be trusted? Absolutely. About two years ago I got ripped off (sent payment, never received cards) for $20, so I definitely know that some people can't be trusted, but the system in place works fine, in my opinion. If somebody has backed out of a trade after confirming said trade, I don't see why you can post that in the existing thread.

Offline Cpt.Jaeger

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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2011, 03:05:52 PM »
I agree with all of this, especially YMT....
I have had several people ask to buy things in my threads and then all of the sudden send me a PM saying they got them elsewhere or don't need them anymore, sometimes after agreeing to the deal and exchanging addy's

Consequently, I was just recently thinking that I'm going to start a negative feedback thread in the trading tips child forum to report people that back out of trades/sales because of how much it happens. Unfortunately, I don't always know who it is that steals the deals, except for the occasional outright post in my trade thread trying to undercut me

I don't think a negative trade thread is necessary. We have the current trade thread with points system, that does very well at alerting neutral or negative trades. It's the responsibility of both parties to check that thread (and if they don't have any logged trades, take precautions) to check trustworthiness. I feel like having a trade thread dedicated to, "this person screwed me over" supports negativity and a general untrusting attitude. Are there people who should not be trusted? Absolutely. About two years ago I got ripped off (sent payment, never received cards) for $20, so I definitely know that some people can't be trusted, but the system in place works fine, in my opinion. If somebody has backed out of a trade after confirming said trade, I don't see why you can post that in the existing thread.

Well, I see it as a different kind of feedback. One is feedback for a trade (indicating that they did/didn't send cards, in the condition specified).
The other indicates that they may have a habit on backing out of trades and it isn't worthwhile to reserve cards for them. I'm not really sure how to leave feedback for it..... consequently, people just shouldn't do it
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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2011, 03:24:30 PM »
If someone has a card for trade, many people can post that they want it, but it's the owners responsibility  to give preference to the first poster.

I disagree with this. It is a moral obligation to fulfill your promises, so if you make a deal, you should definitely complete that. However, there can be valid reasons why you would make a trade with someone who posted later and not with someone who posted before. Perhaps the second poster is going to be at a tournament with you soon and you can save on shipping that way. Or perhaps they have a better feedback rating/have shown to be more trustworthy. The only time you should be obligated to give any sort of preference to the first poster is if you say first come/first serve or something like that.

I also agree with CA that the existing system works fine for you to post comments about how someone backed out of a deal that was made. That will give him a chance to explain his actions (I could see valid reasons why a person would need to back out of a deal; it may not be that they get a better deal, but it may be that they find themselves suddenly unable to pay/trade) and hopefully come to a resolution. I feel that the current system enforces a code of trading ethics, not through any kind of direct punitive action, but as a method to encourage people who want to be active traders to do things the right way, or else risk being unable to do business with others.
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Re: Just a slight rant.
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2011, 10:55:24 PM »
I have had several people ask to buy things in my threads and then all of the sudden send me a PM saying they got them elsewhere or don't need them anymore, sometimes after agreeing to the deal and exchanging addy's

Wow, this is NOT cool.  Anyone who does this should be slapped and sterilized.  If you say you are going to do something, then do it.  Dont back out of a deal. 

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