Author Topic: How would you prefer to buy cards?  (Read 974 times)

Offline Alex_Olijar

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How would you prefer to buy cards?
« on: April 30, 2012, 12:03:50 PM »
Hey guys,

In a week or hopefully less I'm going to have some cards up to sell in order to raise money for a missions-esque trip I am going on. There's two ways I can sell:

1. High end Singles and small lots with average cards
2. Small Lots with a mix of good and average cards

I am interested in making the most money I can, so I'm curious which option you would prefer to see me try. I'm planning on selling anything I have a duplicate of, so that's going to be stuff like Mayhem, Grapes of Wrath, Nicolas of Antioch, Faithful Servant, etc.


Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: How would you prefer to buy cards?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2012, 01:41:35 PM »
I don't typically buy cards these days unless it's someone's whole collection.  However, back when I was buying more often, I looked for cards that had several of the top end cards (for a bargain) mixed in with a large number of average cards to bulk up the deal.

I know that John Michaselakhjdslkfasd used to regularly sell ebay deals for about $30 each that would always have 1-2 top end cards, 5-6 medium-end cards, and a couple hundred common cards.  I remember getting one or two of those back in the day, and I knew others who did too.


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