Emperior Nero
Emperior Augustus
water shaft x4
Balaam's disobedince x5
evil gold:
Emperior Claudius x2
huge egyptian x2
taken as a slave
ruthless x2
king Zimri x2
archers of kedar x4
breaking through
christian suing another
set fire
Belshazzar's banquet hall
demonic deception
habitation of deamons x2
the 12 finger giant
Simon the magician x4
lot's wife
philistine armor bearer
Goliath's armor
bringing fear
intent to kill
7 wicked spirits
mary's 7 deamons
prince of air
prince of this world
2 possessed by deamons
other cards:
glory of the Lord
Harvest time promo
stolen blessings misprint x2
obedience of Noah scribe 8 promo
faith in our high priests
sword of the spirit (kings)
helmit of salvation (kings)
brass serpent
the sabbath
battering ram x3
passover of unleavened bread x3
feist of booths x2
day of attonement
first fruits x3
spiritual warfare
renewing the covenent
storehouse (both versions) x2
Solomons temple x2
the tabernacle
Satan's seat
raiders camp
high priest's palace
Chariots of fire (promo and warriors) x5
the silver trumpet x2
ram's hornx2
Ashera pole
table of showbread
ark of the covenent (warriors)
crown of thorns
the ends of the earth
lost soul psalms 119:150 (evil discarder)
Hopper lost soul
any card from any starter set in bulk (plauge of frogs, moses, golden calf, ect)
complete set of priests common/uncommons
just about any common/uncommon in bulk including lost souls and sites
if you need something I probably have it dont be afraid to ask
Money: all cards for sale at 3Lions prices
Faithful Servent promo
king david
warriors king of tyrus
the name of the Lord
reveiler LS
anti-burial LS x2
3-liner LS x2 (will trade you a 2-liner plus other card(s) for one)
split alter
panic demon promo
gates of jerusalem
Rock of Ages other than tin 12, 16, 18, 19. will trade for whole tins or individual cards
thank you for taking the time to read all this, I will be updaing both pages frequently with new wants/haves, Godbless