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everyone know that nothing is for free....
Not me. I prefer mentos or mouth wash if I want my breath to smell good. According to Ring Wraith, cards should not be put in your mouth. He is wise(er than me), so I'll listen to him.
What's the SA?
Quote from: batman6768 on October 01, 2009, 05:34:44 PMeveryone know that nothing is for free.... My son gets free karate lessons at the local library. The sheriff's department covers all the expenses.
Will give much more then just a GoyS what do you want?...vary low on cash.
Quote from: crustpope on October 02, 2009, 11:03:52 PMTINSTAFLIs that an acronym or some foreign language?
I guess I don't see the point, then. Someone is paying for the lessons, but it's not me. So, to me, it is free. The library is a short walk and they provide the uniform. How can nothing be free if this is for me?
Because you do pay for the library via taxes. The library is paying the person who is teaching the classes. So, you pay for the classes.
The sherrif's department is paying for it and you dont think that any of those $$ are Coming from your pocket? Everything gets paid for. There is no such thing as a free lunch. It costs you something (time, energy, $$, Taxdollars) It may be a great deal for you but nothing is ever free. Somebody is paying for it.Even Salvation isnt free. Jesus had to buy that one for us.