Author Topic: FoM for FoM  (Read 1026 times)

Offline Xonathan

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FoM for FoM
« on: September 01, 2018, 06:25:09 PM »
I don't have a lot of FoM cards so I'd like to trade a little bit to fill up my gaps. Below is what I need and further down is the FoM extra I have that I can trade. If you are looking for something for the older sets that fine too. Just PM your needs and what you an trade for it.

FoM Rare Needs:
3- Did God Really Say?
36- Sodom & Gomorrah
40- Moab
43- Deceit & Vengeance
48- Coat of Many Colors
66-Golden Calf
74- Og, King of Bashan
77- Overtaken
97- Avenged!
114- The Fallen King
131- Justice Bringer
132- The Lord Goes Before You
134- Corrupted Temple

FoM common needs:
2- Tree of Knowledge
8- Serpent's Curse
9- Birthing Pains
10- Cursed Ground
13- East of Eden
14- City of Enoch
17- Tubal-Cain
19-Lost Soul (Wicked)
29- Canaan, the Cursed
34- Harbingers
42- Hamor
44- Brother's Envy
45- Wild Beast
46- Pit of Dothan
52- Raamses
53- Hard Bondage
56- Egyptians Wise Men
59- Magicians' Stave/Snakes
67- Golden Calf Worship
68- Ahiman, Son of Anak
69- Seshai. Son of Anak
70- Talmai, Son of Anak
71- Fiery Serpents
72- King Balak
73- Emim
79- Lost Soul (6/*)
85- Canaanite Wives
86- idols of Canaan
89- King Eglon
90- Shamgar
91- Gideon's Ephod
92- Jepthah's Daughter
93- Daughter's Grief
95- Prisoner at Gaza
96- Altar of Dagon
102- Dancing Wives
108- David's Servants
110- David's Sin
113- Jonathan, Son of Shimei
116- Baal Worship
118- Wayward Sheep
121- king Mesha
122- Moabite Army
125- Moabite Maraders
127- Manasseh's Altar
129- Benaiah
139- Treachery
140- Lost Soul (O.T. Only)
143- Darkness

FoM haves:
1- Adam x2
27- Antropophobia
47- Midianite's Slave
49- Hiding Joseph's Cup
51- Slaves in Egypt
57- Jambres
62- Plague of Darkness
63- Lost Soul (Hunter)
80- Joshua's Spear
88- Othniel, Son of Kenaz
98- Captive Priest
103- Death of Family
104- Orpah
105- Orpah Departs
109- Bathsheba
111- Ahimaaz
112- Elhanan
123- Naaman's Servant Girl
137- Lost Soul (Blind)
147- Life Through Christ
« Last Edit: September 01, 2018, 06:59:08 PM by Xonathan »
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Re: FoM for FoM
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2018, 07:13:08 PM »
I can hook you up with a good amount of these. I need some older cards. I’ll pm you shortly.
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