Author Topic: Different kind of sell  (Read 1219 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Different kind of sell
« on: September 06, 2017, 11:32:26 PM »
Hey everyone,

I have tried to come up with different bundles to sell to help out other playgroups and make a little for my playgroup, and I didn't sell very many.  So I came up with a different type of idea and wanted to see if there is anybody possibly interested in this.  If you check out my trade thread you will see that I don't need a ton of cards with the exception of Ultra-Rares from the last several sets.  So I was trying to figure out a way for me to acquire URs without all of the excess stock.  So basically I was going to open a box of packs, pull any UR I found and try to sell all the excess by "rarity."

So the process would be this:  I would open a fresh box of cards, pull only the UR(s) and sell everything else at a discount, both based on the cost of box and the individual cards.  So let me break down the discounted prices I was throwing around in my head, by giving a detailed breakdown of the cards in the boxes.

Revelation of John:

So there are 24 R/UR in a full box of RoJ.  We know there is at least 1 UR per box, and if you are really lucky there might be 2.  So to figure the price of the Rares, I took (a minimum) of 22 cards for (a minimum) of $4 a piece (TLG pricing).  That equals $88.

There are 3 commons per box and the minimum price for those is $1.  So 3 x 24 x $1= $72.

Then in the "extra cards" there are 5 Priest, 3 Faith of our Fathers & 3 Rock of Ages.  The minimum price for any of those sets is $0.10.  So 11 x $0.10 x 24 = $26.40

So the minimum TLG prices for these cards are $88 for 22 RoJ rares, $72 for the RoJ commons & $24 for the "extra cards."

Now that you have this breakdown, I wanted to put the 4 different sets with their minimum prices, and what I would be looking for in return.

Revelation of John:

Rares (minimum of 22):  (TLG $) $88 / (My $) $45
Commons (72 cards):  (TLG $) $72 / (My $) $35
"Extra Cards" (264 cards):  (TLG $) $26.40 / (My $) $15
    *5 Priests, 3 Faith of our Fathers & 3 Rock of Ages

Cloud of Witnesses:

Rares (minimum of 22):  (TLG $) $66 / (My $) $33
Commons (72 cards):  (TLG $) $72 / (My $) $35
"Extra Cards" (264 cards):  (TLG $) $26.40 / (My $) $15
    *1 Warriors, 2 Apostles, 2 Patriarchs, 3 Kings & 3 Angel Wars

Persecuted Church:

Rares (minimum of 22):  (TLG $) $66 / (My $) $33
Commons (72 cards):  (TLG $) $72 / (My $) $35
"Extra Cards" (264 cards):  (TLG $) $26.40 / (My $) $10
    *1 Warriors & 10 random from Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings & Angel Wars.

Early Church:

Rares (minimum of 22):  (TLG $) $66 / (My $) $33
Commons (72 cards):  (TLG $) $48 / (My $) $25
"Extra Cards" (240 cards):  (TLG $) $24 / (My $) $15
    *4 Kings, 3 Faith of our Fathers & 3 Rock of Ages

I'm not expecting someone to buy the complete box of excess from me.  I just wanted to break down the different options and am totally fine if one person buys the entire box or if 3 different people wanted to buy the 3 different options.  Again, I'm trying to do this to help my playgroup acquire some of the URs as none of them are old enough to have a job and pay for their own cards, much less buy a box to acquire at least one of them.

I do want to point out that if someone is interested in this but skeptical about me pulling cards I'm not saying I'm going to I do want to say this:  Please ask the people on the boards here that know me, and they can reassure you that I would never take advantage of anyone!  Second, if you are interested and commit to purchasing some of the options above I would be more than willing to record/Skype/etc. me opening the packs and show you exactly what is opened and what you would be acquiring, as I don't plan to open any boxes until someone would be interested in buying part of it!

Hopefully you don't think I'm totally crazy (maybe just part)!  But again, I'm just trying to come up with ways that helps my playgroup and also helps yours (or you) by selling cards at a discount!

Thanks for looking!


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