Author Topic: Create your own Booster Draft!  (Read 1071 times)

Offline Crashfach2002

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Create your own Booster Draft!
« on: April 23, 2011, 03:10:22 PM »
Create your own Booster Draft!


I'm going to be putting together some pre-made booster draft decks.  These decks will be 120 card Decks, which is more than you would get from the actual draft!  The advantage of these decks over an actual booster draft is that there will be NO DUPLICATES!!!  The deck will also focus on the brigades of your choice!

Each deck will include: Unlimited, Prophets, Apostle, Patriarch, Kings, Angel Wars, Priests, TxP & Disciple Cards.

You will select 4 colors, 2 good & 2 evil.  I will then procede to create packs based on my avaliable quanities.  If possible every card in your deck will be either, one of the 4 colors you picked, a Dominant, Artifact, Site, Fortress or Lost Soul.  Obviously, this won't always be possible, but I'll do the best I can!

Each deck will include what you would get from a booster pack.
Unlimited & Prophets: 4 commons, 3 uncommons & 1 Rare
Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings & Prests: 5 commons, 4 uncommons & 1 Rare or Ultra-Rare
Angel Wars: 9 commons & 1 Rare or Ultra-Rare
TxP: At least 1 TxP, 1 WA, 3 Unlimited or Prophet, 4 Apostles, 5 Patriarch.  With at least 7 Rares or Ultra-Rares!
Disciples:  At least 2 DI, 3 Angel Wars, 4 Apostles & 5 Patriarch.  With at least 7 Rares or Ultra-Rares!

Due to the lack of a lot of extra TxP & DI cards, I am going to make each of these decks at least 120 cards, which is more than 20 extra cards, In these 20 extra cards you could get anything from the packs listed above or even some Promos, Starter Deck cards, Womens, or Tin cards!  I will promise that you will get at least 30 Rares, Ultra-Rares, Promos, TxP, Disciples, Faith of our Fathers or Rock of Ages cards!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 12:21:26 PM by Crashfach2002 »

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Create your own Booster Draft!
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 06:14:16 PM »
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 03:07:03 PM by Crashfach2002 »

Offline Cpt.Jaeger

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Re: Create your own Booster Draft!
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 06:32:31 PM »
Just in case you were wondering how this worked.  I am randomly selecting the cards.  Every extra card that I own could potentially be pulled for one of these decks.  Every cards is listed once, except for the repeats in the TxP & Disciple packs, meaning that there is the same chance to get a lost soul from the E/F starter deck as their is my New Jerusalem Promo!

I did a mock draft and here is what it looked like:
My wife picked Red & Green for offense & Brown & Gray for Defense

Of the 120 cards drafted only 5 of those were not one of the above colors or a "neutral" cards, and one of these was a covenant!

This set also included 31 Rares, 3 Ultra-Rares, 1 TxP & 4 Disciples, with just those 39 cards totaling a $75 value!

Deal #1:  $25

For an additional $5, I will allow you to choose ANY 4 cards that will be included in your deck!

Deal #2:  $35

For an additional $15, I will allow you to choose ALL of the 7 Booster Pack Rares & the TxP & Disciple Cards that will be included in your deck!

Deal #3:  $50

For those of you who are willing to pay the price, I will let you pick EVERY SINGLE card that comes in your deck!  Of coure I have to have the card to select it, so there will be no FSP, King David's or anything like that, but you would get your money's worth, if you choose this one too!
I'll take deal 1 with your extra Grapes and NJ promo and Captured Ark and King Manasseh

Gold (good)
Player, collector, fan, and friend since 2002.

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Create your own Booster Draft!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 08:25:15 PM »
Just in case you were wondering how this worked.  I am randomly selecting the cards.  Every extra card that I own could potentially be pulled for one of these decks.  Every cards is listed once, except for the repeats in the TxP & Disciple packs, meaning that there is the same chance to get a lost soul from the E/F starter deck as their is my New Jerusalem Promo!

I did a mock draft and here is what it looked like:
My wife picked Red & Green for offense & Brown & Gray for Defense

Of the 120 cards drafted only 5 of those were not one of the above colors or a "neutral" cards, and one of these was a covenant!

This set also included 31 Rares, 3 Ultra-Rares, 1 TxP & 4 Disciples, with just those 39 cards totaling a $75 value!

Deal #1:  $25

For an additional $5, I will allow you to choose ANY 4 cards that will be included in your deck!

Deal #2:  $35

For an additional $15, I will allow you to choose ALL of the 7 Booster Pack Rares & the TxP & Disciple Cards that will be included in your deck!

Deal #3:  $50

For those of you who are willing to pay the price, I will let you pick EVERY SINGLE card that comes in your deck!  Of coure I have to have the card to select it, so there will be no FSP, King David's or anything like that, but you would get your money's worth, if you choose this one too!
I'll take deal 1 with your extra Grapes and NJ promo and Captured Ark and King Manasseh

Gold (good)

Just so you know, my Grapes & NJ have been traded!  I am in the process of a large update on my trade thread.  If you are still interested please make another offer!  Just so you know, Mayhem is pending a trade too.

Offline Cpt.Jaeger

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Re: Create your own Booster Draft!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2011, 08:32:11 PM »
Well, I'll probably have to pass then. The only way this is a good deal is if there are at least 2 really good cards included, or 1 extremely good cards. Let me know what high-end cards you have left, and maybe we can work something out.
Player, collector, fan, and friend since 2002.


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