All deals have ended.
Deal 1
For every Prophet pack that you purchase from Three Lions Gaming, get one random extra card. To make sure that it's worth your while, 1 in 5 will be an ultra rare, and you won't get any duplicates!
So if you buy 50 Prophet packs for $90, you end up with at least 10 ultra rare cards and 40 other cards on top of it.
Maximum order: 1,000 packs
Deal 2
Women booster packs for $3.50 each!
Maximum order: 250 packs
Deal 3
Warrior booster packs for $13 each!
Maximum order: 10 packs
Deal 4
500 assorted cards with no duplicates (includes 10+ ultra rares) + 1 pack each of Unlimited, Limited, Prophets, Women, Warriors, Apostles, Patriarchs, Kings, Angel Wars, Priests, Thesaurus, and Disciples for $75!
Maximum order: 3 sets (with no duplicates)
Deal 5
Set of 50 free card sleeves with every starter deck purchased (E/F for $15 or G/H for $9.99)!
Maximum order: 5 starter decks
Deal 6
100 assorted cards with no duplicates (includes 5+ ultra rares) + 1 pack each of Unlimited, Prophets, Women, Apostles, Patriarchs, and Priests + 1 G/H Gift Set for $30!
Maximum order: 10 sets (with no duplicates)
Deal 7
100 matching card sleeves + 1 G/H Starter Deck + 100 assorted cards with no duplicates (includes 10 ultra rares) + 10 Prophets packs for $27!
Maximum order: 5 sets (may have duplicate ultra rare cards)
Deal 8
Complete set of every card for $1,600!
Maximum order: 3 sets
Deal 9
10 card pack from Tin XXIV for $8 each!
Maximum order: 5
Deal 10
Sealed Tin V, IX, or XII for $12 each!
Maximum order: 2 of each
Deal 11
Place an order on Three Lions Gaming for $100+ of cards valued under $2 each, get a Faithful Servant, Seeker of the Lost, or Soldier of God promo free!
Maximum order: 10 ($200 worth of cards valued under $2 each will get you two promos)
Deal 12
1st Edition Starter Decks for $10 each!
Maximum order: 5
Deal 13
Limited Edition booster packs for $1 each!
Maximum order: 25
Deal 14
Tube full of Redemption posters for $25!
Maximum order: 3
Deal 15
Free Prophet pack with every Thesaurus or Disciple pack purchased ($4.50 each)!
Maximum order: 100 of each
Deal 16
Redemption Dice Bag for $5 each!
Maximum order: 2
Deal 17
Redemption stickers for $0.25 each!
Maximum order: 20
Deal 18
UPCs for $0.15 each (not cut out)!
Maximum order: 1,000
Deal 19
Anyone who spent $50 or more at Three Lions Gaming between 1/1/12 and 12/24/12 can get 25% off between now and 12/31/12. Place your order like normal, and you'll get a refund of 25%!
Maximum order: Unlimited until 12/31/12
Deal 20
"Priceline" for packs - Make an offer for any combination of booster packs, and I'll let you know if it's accepted or rejected. Offers must be sent via PM or email.
Maximum order: Unlimited, but not all offers will be accepted