Author Topic: Collection For Sale!  (Read 1141 times)


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Collection For Sale!
« on: June 03, 2018, 10:31:53 AM »
I haven't played Redemption for several years and found these cards when cleaning out the office. They were stored in binders and boxes inside of a padded carrying case. The collection contains a couple thousand cards from the beginning through Angel Wars.

I went through and listed out anything currently worth $1+ below. The value of those cards is about $450 and I would like to sell the entire collection at a great discount. I am listing these as an Auction with a Buy it Now price of $225. The starting bid for the Auction is $150 and I'll run it for at least a week. Shipping will be an additional $15.

P.S. Going through these cards brought back a lot of great memories and I am glad to see that the game is still going strong.

Thanks for looking!


A Child is Born $4 x2
Bartimaeus $2.50 x2
Brass Serpent $5 x3
Chariot of Fire $5 x3
Chastisement of the Lord $2 x4
Everlasting Beings $4 x2
Frog Demons $4 x2
Joshua (District) $4.50 x2
New Jerusalem $10
Nicanor $4
Pot of Manna $2
Rage $4
Rhoda $2
Shadrach (Hananiah) $5 x5
Thorn in the Flesh $4 x2
Water to Wine $2 x3

Christian Martyr $3
Lost Soul 2-line $15

Falling Away $20
Lost Soul $1.50

Chariot of Fire $4
Dragon Raid $2 x2
Gabriel $1.50
Harvest Time $8
Holy Grail $10

Holy of Holies $3 x2
Jacob $3
Samaria $3

Burial Shroud $1 x2
Crucify Him $1 x3
Great Mourning $1
Guardian of your Souls $3.50
Ship to Cyprus $1
Unholy Writ $2
Wall of Protection $3

Abram/Abraham $2
Balaams Disobedience $2 x2
Covenant of Noah $2.50 x2
Destruction of Nehushtan $7
Hamans Plot $3
Love at first sight $1 x2
Prosperity $1
Storehouse $1.50 x2

Angels Sword $1 x3
Archers of Kedar $1
Ark of the Coventant (playable in sleeve)
Belt of Truth $1.50
Benaiah $1
Breaking through $1.50
Breastplate of righteousness $1.50
Captain of the host $4 x2
David (red) $1 x2
David (green) $1
Devourer $1.50
Egyptian Archer $1 x3
Elhanan $2
Every mans sword $1
Flaming sword $1 x2
Gabriel $2 x3
Glory of the lord $7
Hezekiahs signet ring $2.50
Ira $1
King tiglath $1
Lost Soul II Chronicles 28 $15 x2
Lost Soul Psalms $1.50
Lost Soul II Chronicles 15 $5 x2
Lost Soul Ezekiel $1 x2
Michael $9
Raiders camp $4.50
Shield of Faith $1
Spy $1 x2
Sword against Sword $2
The strong angel $2

Complete (not sealed) $20
Angel of the Lord $3
Angel of the Lord (Greek) $3
Burial $1.50 x2
Christian martyr $3
Gifts of the Magi $2.50 x2
Priestly Crown $1 x2
Son of God $1

Angel Wars
Chamber of Angels $3
Demonic Stronghold $1
Lost Soul Galatians $4
The Name of the Lord $5

Complete (sealed in tin) $25


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