Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
King of Tyrus $10New Jerusalem promos x2 $4 eachUzzah $3Priests of Christ $12King David $9Falling Away x2 $8 eachLampstand of the Sanctuary $6He is Risen x3 $1 eachAuthority of Christ Promo x2 $10 eachDarius' Decree $1Grapes of Wrath x2 $10 eachMayhem x2 $10 each
I must apologize to Soul Seeker, Cpt. Jaeger did email me first and will have dibs. More info tonight
@Nameless- I assume you mean the Revealer lost soul...but i do no know what you mean by Phil and Gary.@ Soul Seeker- I apologize for the mix up. I am still sifting through tons of cards, so I do hope to post more stuff you need. I might have another Falling Away somewhere.