Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
Haves:Original/Prophets Expansion: Sound the Alarm Women Expansion: Eve Sarah Rahab Jael Praises Children Women as Snares Silly Women Carelessness Foolishness of Five Virgins A Look Back Temptation Rizpah's SackclothWarriors Expansion: Flaming Sword Edge of the Sword Abiezer Fortify Site Ishbibenob Witch of Endor
I can send you the following (at a glance):lost soul (nt only)angry mobcrucify himgreat mourninglove at first sightprosperitysatan's follysiegeworksjehu's sword x2king jehoram x2liberating angel x2walls collapse x2valley of salt x2useless tactics x2adambreak down the wall of gath x2controlling demonhypocrisy x2paul's books and parchmentsprotection of jerusalemrezon arisesI am healing x2Judah's sininterceding for battlebetween the envelope and stamps it should be about $2.25 total if you want em. they all look to be in pretty good shape Lemme know
Instead of trying to match value, I just matched the amount of cards! I know that my end is worth more since your cards are harder to get! Let me know what you think!Note: To anyone on the outside paying attention to this, if you have any Womens & Warriors cards, I will give you a similar deal!