Author Topic: Selling Tins and Booster Packs + Singles from Unlimited through Disciples  (Read 3115 times)

Offline brederic

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I ran a playgroup and played actively up through Disciples.  My collection includes almost every card in the game from Unlimited through Disciples except for Warriors and Promos. Total Three Lions Gaming Value ~$2000. Make me an offer!

New and Sealed:

4 E/F starter decks SOLD
8 G/H starter decks SOLD

FOOF Tins:

1   #1     $6.90
1   #2     $7.30
1   #4     $7.65
1   #6     $7.85
1   #8     $6.75
1   #9     $6.90
1   #10    $7.50
1   #21    $7.50
1   #22    $7.85

ROA Tins:

1   #12    $7.10
1   #14    $6.90
1   #15    $8.05
1   #16    $7.30
1   #17    $7.65
1   #18    $7.50
1   #19    $6.90
1   #24    $8.60

40   Women SOLD
2   Disciples    $2.70
25   Unlimited    $0.65
46   Prophets    $0.65
13   Apostles    $1.35
9   Patriarchs    $1.35
6   Kings    $1.35
12   Angel Wars    $1.35
8   Priests    $1.35

My singles have been either sleeved or in card binders.  They are in near mint condition.
My asking prices if purchased singly are below.  The more you buy, the more flexible my prices.
1   A Child is Born    $3.00
1   Adonijah    $1.90
1   Angel at Shur    $3.00
1   Authority of Christ    $7.70
1   Bartimaeus    $1.90
1   Book of the Covenant    $3.75
1   Brass Serpent    $3.95
1   Caleb    $9.40 SOLD
2   Captured Ark    $6.40
2   Chariot of Fire    $3.75
1   Chastisement of the Lord    $1.50
1   Elijah    $3.40
1   Emperor Augustus    $1.90
1   Esther    $1.50
1   Everlasting Beings    $3.00
1   Frog Demons    $3.00
1   Gates of Jerusalem    $4.90
2   Goshen    $1.90
2   Haman    $3.00
2   Harvest Time    $3.75
1   Jairus    $1.50
1   John    $1.90
1   Joshua District    $3.40
1   Joshua Settlers    $7.50 SOLD
1   King David    $12.40
1   King Solomon    $3.75
1   Laban    $3.75
1   Mary's Prophetic Act    $1.90
10   New Jerusalem    $7.30
2   Nicanor    $3.00
1   Obedience of Noah    $1.50
2   Ordained as a Disciple    $3.00
1   Panic Demon (7)    $2.25
1   Philosophy    $1.90
1   Pithom    $2.25 SOLD
1   Pot of Manna    $1.50
1   Priests of Christ    $3.75
1   Rage    $3.00
1   Rhoda    $1.50
1   Saint Patrick    $1.50
1   Samson    $1.50
1   Self    $3.40
1   Shadrach (Hananiah)    $3.75 SOLD
1   Shobach    $1.50
2   Spirit as a Dove    $1.50
1   Stillness    $1.90
2   Thorn in the Flesh    $3.00
2   Water to Wine    $1.50
2   Windows of Narrow Light    $1.50
1   Wings of Calamity    $1.50
1   Zerubbabel    $3.00
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 05:45:27 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 11:03:09 PM »

1   Resurrection    $0.35
1   Lay Down Your Life    $0.15
1   Hating the Light    $0.35
   Simon the Zealot    $1.10 SOLD
2   Aaron    $0.35
   Benedictus    $0.15 SOLD
1   Gloria in Excelsis Deo    $0.75
1   Nunc Dimittis    $0.35
1   Passover Hymn    $0.90
2   Fall Like Lightning    $0.15
1   Faith as a Mustard Seed    $1.10
4   Eli's Sound Advice    $0.35
1   Trumpet and Sword    $0.15
1   Scribe    $0.55
1   King Manasseh    $0.90
1   The Goat with Horn    $0.35
1   The Ram with Two Horns    $0.15
   Prince of Persia    $0.15 SOLD
1   Disturbing Samuel's Spirit    $0.15
   Magicians' Snakes    $0.15 SOLD
   Arrest in Gethsemane    $0.15 SOLD
3   Tenants Kill the Son    $0.90
2   Satan Enters Judas    $0.15
2   Marketplace    $0.35
1   Nazareth    $1.65
   Caesarea Philippi    $0.90 SOLD
1   Golgotha    $1.65
1   Chorazin    $0.35
2   Lost Soul (Luke 19:10) (FBTN)    $2.60
   Lost Soul (Luke 15:13) (far country)    $0.75 SOLD
1   Lost Soul (Luke 13:25) (Shut Door)    $1.10
1   Lost Soul (Luke 15:15-16) (pigs)    $0.35
   Lost Soul (Luke 16:20-21) (beggar)    $1.10  SOLD
   Herod's Temple    $1.30 SOLD
2   Fishing Boat    $0.90
1   Dust and Ashes    $0.05
1   Haman's Gallows    $0.55
   Wash Basin    $0.15 SOLD
   The Master's Table    $0.05 SOLD
   Denarius    $0.15 SOLD
   Four-Drachma Coin    $0.55 SOLD
   The New Covenant    $1.50  SOLD
1   Peter's Curse    $0.15
   The Centurion at Calvary    $0.55 SOLD
2   Centurion's Proclamation    $0.35
   David's Triumph    $0.55 SOLD
   Sower    $0.35 SOLD
1   Watchful Servant    $0.35
   Lazarus    $0.15 SOLD
1   Kindness    $0.90
   The Prodigal Returns    $0.15 SOLD
1   Hospitality of Martha    $0.15
2   Simeon    $0.55
1   Anna    $1.10
   John the Baptist    $0.55 SOLD
1   Behold the Lamb    $0.15
1   Baptism of Jesus    $0.35
1   Eve    $0.55
1   Eve's Descendant    $0.15
1   Abraham's Descendant    $2.05
   Job's Faith    $0.35 SOLD
   Matthew (Levi)    $0.90 SOLD
1   James, son of Alphaeus    $0.75
1   Thaddeus    $0.90
2   Thomas    $0.75
   Philip    $0.90 SOLD
1   Bartholomew (Nathanael)    $0.90
1   Sons of Thunder    $0.15
   My Lord and My God    $4.30 SOLD
1   Sent Two by Two    $0.55
   A New Commandment    $0.15 SOLD
   Nicodemus    $0.05 SOLD
1   Joanna    $0.55
   Mary Magdalene    $1.30  SOLD
2   Magnificant    $0.75
   Lifting the Curse    $0.05 SOLD
1   Gabriel    $0.15
   Guardian Angel    $0.35 SOLD
   Strengthening Angel    $0.15 SOLD
1   Birth Foretold    $0.90
1   Wheat and Tares    $0.05
   His Name is John $0.15 SOLD
1   Ezra's Journey    $0.15
1   Philetus    $0.15
1   False Teacher    $0.55
   Creeping Deceiver    $0.55 SOLD
   Wolves in Sheep's Clothing    $0.15 SOLD
1   Judas' Plot    $0.15
1   Thievery of Judas    $0.15
1   Herod the Great    $0.55
1   Archelaus    $0.35
1   Herod Philip II    $0.75
   Escape to Egypt    $0.15 SOLD
   Massacre of Innocents    $0.15 SOLD
1   Imprisoned    $1.30
1   Beheaded    $1.10
2   Balaam    $0.55
1   Elymas the Sorcerer    $0.05
1   The Rabshakeh's Threats    $0.35
1   Disbelieving Sadducees    $0.35
3   Questioning Christ    $0.15
2   Chief Priests' Offer    $0.05
   King Rehoboam    $0.35 SOLD
1   King Amon    $0.35
1   Wickedness of the Tenants    $0.15
1   Pontius Pilate    $0.15
   Stone Throwers    $0.15 SOLD
1   Hard-Hearted Religious Leaders    $0.35
2   Casting Lots    $0.15
   Washing Hands    $0.15 SOLD
1   Self-Righteous Prayer    $0.35
2   Legion    $2.05
1   Strong Demon    $0.15
1   Worse than the First    $0.15
1   Suicidal Swine Stampede    $0.75
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 02:57:07 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2017, 11:03:26 PM »

Thesaurus et Preteritus
1   Mayhem    $24.55
1   Magic Charms    $1.50
1   Darius' Decree    $1.30
1   Samaritan Water Jar    $0.90
2   Stalks of Flax    $0.35
1   The Gates of Hell    $0.55
1   High Places    $1.50
1   Philistine Outpost    $0.55
1   Herod's Dungeon    $0.35
2   Kir    $0.15
2   The Centurion at Capernaum    $0.15
1   Asahel    $0.05
1   A Soldier’s Prayer    $0.75
1   The Woman at the Well    $0.90
1   Martha    $0.05
1   Meeting the Messiah    $0.55
2   Nathan    $0.75
1   Habakkuk    $0.15
1   Habakkuk Stands Watch    $0.15
1   Judah    $0.15
1   Leah    $0.05
1   Well Reopened    $0.15
2   King Solomon    $0.55
1   King Asa    $0.05
2   Asa’s Good Reign    $0.90
1   Joseph of Arimathea    $0.05
1   Susanna    $0.55
2   Consider the Lilies    $1.10
1   Attending Angel    $0.75
1   Angel of Warning    $0.55
1   Consuming Fire    $0.15
1   Jaddua, son of Jonathan    $0.05
1   Jeremiah    $0.15
1   Zadok Anoints Solomon    $0.15
2   Nebuchadnezzar    $1.10
1   Axe    $0.15
1   Large Tree    $0.05
1   Salome    $0.35
1   Herod Agrippa II    $0.15
1   Rash Oath    $0.55
1   Herod's Treachery    $0.35
1   Users of Curious Arts    $0.35
1   Enchanter    $0.35
1   Astrologers    $0.90
1   Damsel with Spirit of Divination    $0.75
1   Divination    $0.55
1   Philistine Garrison    $2.60
1   Philistine Chariots and Horses    $4.30
1   Overwhelmed by Philistines    $0.75
2   Land Dispute    $0.90
1   King Ahaz    $0.35
1   Gomer    $1.85
1   Image of Jealousy    $0.15
1   Proud Pharisee    $0.90
1   The Entrapping Pharisees    $0.55
1   Spirit of Temptation    $0.75
1   Wandering Spirit    $1.85
1   Destructive Sin    $0.15

Rock of Ages
1   Lost Soul (Jeremiah 11:8) (can't be prevented)    $7.10
2   Stonghold in the Desert    $1.30
1   Warrior's Spear    $1.10
2   The Rabsaris    $0.35
2   The Rabsaris Attacks    $0.35
2   Zalmon    $0.15
2   The Assyrian Spoilers    $0.15
2   Dodai the Ahohite    $0.05
1   The Lord Fights for You    $0.05
2   Assyria Conquers Israel    $0.05
2   Nebuchadnezzar's Pride    $1.85
1   Desecrate the Temple    $0.90
1   Repentance and Restitution    $0.75
1   The Winged Lion    $0.75
1   Convincing Miracle    $0.55
1   The Generous Widow    $0.35
1   The Thankful Leper    $0.35
2   Lost Soul (Acts 14:4) (same testament)    $0.15
1   The Imperial Guard    $0.15
1   House in Bethany    $0.05
1   Two Bears    $3.15
1   Gold Shield    $1.30
1   Lost Soul (Psalm 35:20) (site guard)    $0.35
1   Micah    $0.35
1   Night Raid    $0.35
1   Zechariah    $0.15
1   Swords into Plowshares    $0.15
1   Obadiah's Caves    $0.15
1   The Strong Force    $0.15
1   King Hazael    $0.05
1   Levi    $1.65
2   The Winged Leopard    $1.10
2   Lost Soul (Proverbs 22:10) (anti-ignore)    $0.90
1   Abomination of Desolation    $0.90
2   Antiochus IV Epiphanes    $0.55
1   Asher    $0.15
2   Following Demons    $0.15
2   Jacob Buries the Foreign gods    $0.05
2   Pleading for the City    $0.05
2   Stone Pillar at Bethel    $0.05
1   He Is Risen    $2.25
1   The Garden Tomb    $1.30
2   Persian Presidents    $0.55
1   Mary the Mother of James    $0.35
1   Salome    $0.35
1   No Need for Spices    $0.35
2   Lost Soul (Acts 23:8) (human)    $0.15
2   The Bear    $0.15
2   Demonic Blockade    $0.05
2   Zeresh Advises Haman    $0.05
1   Lost Soul (Jeremiah 3:25) (shame)    $4.50
1   The Thone of David    $0.90
2   Melchizedek    $0.35
2   Testing Solomon's Wisdom    $0.35
2   The Jeering Youths    $0.35
2   Broken Cisterns    $0.35
2   Zimri, son of Salu    $0.15
2   King Lemuel    $0.05
2   Drawn Out    $0.05
2   Jeroboam's Idolatry    $0.05
1   The Terrifying Beast    $2.25
1   Emperor Vitellius    $0.75
1   Romans Destoy Jerusalem    $0.75
1   Cymbals of the Levites    $0.55
1   Chenaniah    $0.15
1   Jeiel    $0.15
1   Musician's Chambers    $0.15
1   Prisoner Transfer    $0.15
1   Sing with Stringed Instruments    $0.05
1   The Amalekites' Slave    $2.05
1   Lost Soul (Hosea 13:2) (deck discard)    $1.10
1   Egyptian Horses    $1.10
2   Banks of the Nile/Pharaoh’s Court    $0.15
1   Angel of the Harvest    $0.15
1   Seraph    $0.15
1   Striking Herod    $0.15
1   Wickedness Removed    $0.15
1   Queen Tahpenes    $0.15
1   Given Over to Egypt    $0.15
1   Ehud's Dagger    $1.65
1   Just a Hireling    $1.50
1   Judge's Seat    $0.90
1   Capturing Canaan    $0.75
1   Alexander    $0.55
1   Lost Soul (Proverbs 16:28) (same reference)    $0.35
1   Ehud    $0.35
2   Eli the Priest    $0.15
1   High Priest's Maid    $0.05
1   Doctrine like Leaven    $0.05

« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 02:58:11 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2017, 11:03:51 PM »
Faith of our Fathers
1   Egyptian Warden    $0.90
1   Huge Egyptian    $0.35
1   Ruthless    $1.30
1   Egyptian Spear    $0.35
1   Army of Simeonites    $0.75
1   Caleb    $0.75
1   Men of Judah    $0.75
1   Caleb's Sword    $0.15
1   Standing in the Gap    $0.05
1   Lost Soul (Psalm 119:150) (discarder)    $0.35
1   Abdon    $0.15
1   Ibzan    $0.15
1   Deborah's Directive    $1.50
1   Sampson's Sacrifice    $0.35
1   Shibboleth    $0.15
1   Trembling Demon    $0.75
1   Deceiving Spirit    $0.35
1   Worshipping Demons    $1.50
1   Pergamum    $0.90
1   Satan's Seat    $0.35
1   Ashpenaz    $0.35
1   Arioch    $0.15
1   Head of Gold    $1.65
1   Nebuchadnezzar's Dream    $0.55
1   Joel    $0.15
1   Nahum    $0.05
1   Obadiah    $0.05
2   Search    $1.10
1   Visions    $0.55
3   Hidden Treasures    $0.90
1   Hormah    $0.55
1   Benjamin    $0.75
2   Jacob    $0.75
1   Dan    $0.05
1   Answer to Prayer    $0.15
1   Numerous as the Stars    $0.15
1   Uzzah    $3.55
1   Complainers    $0.35
1   Stiff-Necked    $0.15
1   Taking Naboth’s Vineyard    $0.05
2   Naaman    $0.15
1   King Cushan-Rishathaim    $0.05
1   Namaan’s Chariot and Horses    $2.80
1   Healing of Naaman    $0.15
1   Heldai    $0.75
1   Amasai the Raider    $0.35
1   Naharai    $0.35
1   David’s Mighty Men    $0.55
1   The Battle is the Lord’s    $0.15
1   House of Rimmon    $0.35
2   Nergalsharezer    $0.55
3   Nebushasban    $0.35
2   Swift Horses    $3.00
3   Belshazzar’s Banquet    $1.30
3   Babylonian Banquet Hall    $0.15
2   King Hiram    $0.35
2   Mephibosheth    $0.05
4   The Magi    $0.05
2   Peace Treaty    $0.55
2   Royal Parade    $0.05
1   Philistine Armor Bearer    $2.80
1   The Twelve-Fingered Giant    $0.75
1   Bringing Fear    $1.50
1   Goliath's Armor    $0.35
1   Ashdod    $0.35
1   Abednego (Azariah)    $0.15
1   Meshach (Mishael)    $0.15
1   Undefiled    $0.35
1   Unbowed    $0.15
1   Unbound    $0.05
1   Assyrian Archer    $1.65
1   King Asnappar    $0.15
1   The Tartan    $0.15
1   Captured by Assyria    $0.15
1   Burning Censor    $0.15
1   Angel of God    $0.55
1   The Destroyer    $0.05
1   Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur    $0.35
1   Gabriel meets Zecharias    $0.05
1   Assyria's Tribute    $3.90
1   Haggai    $0.75
1   Renewing the Covenant    $0.05
1   Seven Wicked Spirits    $0.75
1   Mary's Seven Demons    $0.55
1   Two Possessed by Demons    $0.75
1   Wastelands    $0.05
1   Joiada, Son of Eliashib    $0.75
1   Joiakim, son of Joshua    $0.55
1   Filling Zerubbabel’s Temple    $0.35
1   Zerubbabel's Temple    $0.90
2   Reuben    $0.55
2   Zebulun    $0.55
1   Simeon    $0.35
1   Reuben’s Torn Clothes    $3.90
1   Buying Grain    $0.05
1   Expelling the Jews    $0.15
1   Emperor Galba    $0.15
1   Emperor Otho    $0.15
1   Heavy Taxes    $0.35
1   Rome    $0.15
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 06:42:53 AM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2017, 11:41:21 PM »
1   Roman Prison    $0.15
1   Samaria    $1.30
1   Mildewed House    $0.35
1   Jericho    $0.15
1   Wilderness of Sinai    $0.05
2   Doubt    $4.65
1   Lost Soul (Ezekiel 34:6) (wanderer)    $2.05
2   Lost Soul (Matthew 19:23) (speed bump)    $0.90
1   Lost Soul (II Samuel 23:6) (thorns)    $0.55
2   Lost Soul (Jeremiah 13:10) (color guard)    $0.55
1   Lost Soul Psalm 119:176) (anti-angel)    $0.15
1   Job    $0.75
1   Mordecai    $0.15
1   Timon    $0.15
1   Agur    $0.35
1   Eleazar the Guard    $0.15
1   Obed-Edom the Gittite    $0.15
1   Abel    $0.15
1   Bezaleel    $0.15
1   Nehemiah    $0.15
1   King Hezekiah    $0.35
1   King Jehoshaphat    $0.15
1   King Joash    $0.15
1   Jahaziel, son of Zechariah    $0.15
1   Oholiah    $0.15
1   Sibbechai    $0.15
1   Angel at Tomb    $0.15
1   Angel in the Path    $0.15
1   Aaron    $0.15
1   Abiathar    $0.35
2   Ahimaaz    $0.15
2   Ahimelech, Priest at Nob    $0.15
1   Amariah the High Priest    $0.15
1   Azariah the High Priest    $0.15
1   Eleazar, son of Aaron    $0.15
1   Eli the Priest    $0.15
2   Eliashib the High Priest    $0.55
1   Elishana the Priest    $0.15
1   Ezekiel    $0.15
1   Ezra    $0.15
1   Hilkiah the High Priest    $0.15
1   Ithamar, son of Aaron    $0.15
1   Jehoiada the High Priest    $0.15
1   Jehoram the Priest    $0.15
1   Jeremiah    $0.15
1   Jethro    $0.15
3   Joshua the High Priest    $1.10
1   Melchizedek    $0.15
1   Phinehas, son of Eleazar    $1.85
1   Seraiah the High Priest    $0.15
1   Shelemiah the Priest    $0.15
1   Zadok    $0.35
1   Zechariah    $0.15
1   Zecharias, Father of John    $0.15
1   Asaph    $0.15
1   Covenant Keepers    $0.05
1   Ethan    $0.15
1   Heman    $0.15
1   Job Overcomes    $0.15
1   Resurrection    $0.05
1   Spiritual Sacrifices    $0.05
1   The Body of Christ    $0.05
3   Day of Atonement    $0.35
1   Built on the Rock    $0.15
1   Faith as Children    $0.05
1   Fear of the Lord    $0.05
1   Raising of the Saints    $0.05
1   Training in Righteousness    $0.15
1   Feast of Booths    $0.35
1   Blessings for Obedience    $0.05
2   David's Music    $0.75
1   New Priestly Duty    $0.05
1   Tears for a Friend    $0.15
1   Tithe    $0.15
1   Feast of Trumpets    $0.35
1   Faith in Our High Priest    $2.60
1   The Sabbath    $3.00
1   Haman's Plot Exposed    $0.05
1   Prayer of Faith    $0.05
1   Unified Kingdom    $0.35
1   Pentecost    $5.25
1   Buckler    $0.05
1   Power of the Cross    $0.15
1   Royal Priesthood    $0.05
1   Sing and Praise    $0.55
1   The Might of Faith    $0.35
1   Passover & Unleavened Bread    $0.35
1   Army of the Lord    $0.90
3   Fourth Living Creature    $0.05
1   Protection of Angels    $0.15
1   Burning Incense    $0.15
2   Burnt Offering    $0.05
1   Covering the Sacred Things    $0.05
1   Fellowship Offering    $0.05
2   Grain Offering    $0.15
1   Guilt Offering    $0.05
1   Holy unto the Lord    $0.55
1   Inspection    $0.05
1   Jehoiada's Strength    $0.15
3   Jordan Interrupted    $0.15
1   Melchizedek's Blessing    $0.15
1   Perpetual Priesthood    $0.15
1   Phineas's Spear    $0.15
1   Purifying the Unclean    $0.05
2   Scapegoat    $1.30
1   Sin Offering    $0.05
1   Trumpet Blast    $3.35
1   Zeal for the Lord    $2.05
1   First Fruits    $0.35
1   Banner of Truth    $0.05
1   Bronze Cymbals    $0.05
1   Fellowship    $0.15
1   Holy Priesthood    $0.05
1   Redemption    $0.05
2   City of Refuge    $0.75
1   The Tabernacle    $0.75
1   Headquarters at Riblah    $0.55
2   High Priest's Palace    $0.90
3   Kingdoms of the World    $0.35
1   Pharaoh's Throne Room    $0.15
1   Temple of Dagon    $0.35
1   The Trap of the Devil    $0.15

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« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 04:09:32 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2017, 12:25:24 PM »

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2017, 01:08:51 PM »

LOL. Actually, you'll probably want to revise that downward, because the all the starter decks and Womens pack are now spoken for.
Brent Paschall
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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2017, 11:34:58 AM »
Not trying to discourage you by any means, but there is a new set coming out within the next month so that does make it a tough time to sell an older collection. Just something to keep in mind  :)
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2017, 12:16:47 PM »
Not trying to discourage you by any means, but there is a new set coming out within the next month so that does make it a tough time to sell an older collection. Just something to keep in mind  :)

It's been sitting on my shelf for several years, so I don't suppose I have to sell it right now.  What time of year would you recommend for a collection liquidation?

Brent Paschall
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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2017, 04:34:04 PM »
It's tough to say really--there's usually two groups of people willing to buy a collection this large (but that doesn't have any of the most recent sets).
1) People willing put the work in to resell the cards in smaller chunks to make a little profit over the long run
2) people starting a new playgroup and looking to acquire a large amount of cards in a short time.

You may want to check with Travis (the guy who runs 3 Lions Gaming) as he might be interested in the TexP and Disciples cards. Those sets are listed on the "Buy List" on 3 Lions website currently. His board name is uthminister, but I know he's at a convention this weekend.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2017, 09:18:06 AM »
Thanks to Watchman492 and Jeremystair for getting my sale off to a great start!

Brent Paschall
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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2017, 04:06:27 PM »
Priests, continued
2   High Priest Ananias    $0.75
1   Amaziah, the Ungodly Priest    $0.15
1   High Priest Annas    $0.15
1   High Priest Caiaphas    $0.15
1   Malchus    $0.15
1   Captain of the Temple Guard    $0.05
1   Philistine Priests    $0.05
1   Covenant Breakers    $0.15
1   Job's Three Friends    $0.15
1   Sanballat    $0.15
2   Zeresh    $0.15
1   Mocking Soldier    $0.05
1   Unfaithful Priests    $0.05
1   Judas Iscariot    $4.50
1   King Merodach-baladan    $0.35
1   Abijah, son of Samuel    $0.15
1   Babylonian Forces    $0.15
1   Joel, son of Samuel    $0.15
1   King Evil-merodach    $0.15
2   Seven Sons of Sceva    $0.15
1   Pharoah Hophrah    $0.75
1   Jannes    $0.35
1   Potiphar    $0.35
1   Jambres    $0.15
1   Potiphera, Priest of On    $0.15
1   Urijah the High Priest    $0.15
3   Sabbath Breaker    $0.35
1   Abihu    $0.15
1   Barabbas    $0.15
1   Nadab    $0.15
1   False Priests    $0.05
1   Worshippers of False Gods    $0.05
1   King of Tyrus    $9.15
1   Prince of this World    $3.00
3   Prince of the Air    $1.10
1   Prince of Tyrus    $0.55
1   The Thief    $0.55
1   Fallen Angel    $0.35
1   Demon behind the Idol    $0.15
2   Evil Spawn    $0.15
1   Prince of Greece    $0.15
1   Seizing Spirit    $0.15
1   Evil Angel    $0.05
1   Injuring Demon    $0.05
1   King Sargon II    $0.35
1   Hophni, son of Eli    $0.15
1   Pashur the Priest    $0.15
2   Phinehas, son of Eli    $0.15
1   Pagan Priest    $0.05
1   High Priest's Plot    $3.35
1   Amaziah's Order    $0.05
1   Blemished Sacrifices    $0.05
1   Breaking the Covenant    $0.05
1   Reckless Endangerment    $0.05
1   Useless Fires    $0.05
1   Ahab's Armor    $0.15
2   Desolate Gateways    $0.15
1   Wickedness Abounds    $0.15
1   Evil Fire    $0.05
1   Rust    $0.05
1   Saul's Disobedient Sacrifice    $0.05
1   Set Fire    $0.90
1   Carried into Exile    $0.15
1   Destructive Decay    $0.15
1   Boasting of Strength    $0.05
1   Desecration of Graves    $0.05
1   Merodach Worship    $0.05
1   Spreading Mildew    $0.75
1   Wonders Forgotten    $0.55
1   Building Egypt    $0.15
1   Wicked Community    $0.15
1   Boasing Riches    $0.05
1   Pagan Sacrifices    $0.05
1   Deadly Snare    $0.35
1   Deceptive Sin    $0.05
1   Dishonor    $0.05
1   Moths    $0.05
1   Strange Fire    $0.05
1   Pride before Calamity    $0.75
1   Corrupted    $0.35
1   Evil Armor    $0.15
1   Poison of Dragons    $0.15
1   Pride in Position    $0.15
1   Pride in the Past    $0.15
1   Sinning Hand    $0.15
1   Built on Sand    $0.05
1   Lukewarm    $0.05
1   Pride in the Flesh    $0.05
1   The Power of Death    $0.05
3   Forgotten History    $0.75
3   Sin in the Camp    $0.35
1   Infectious Diseases    $0.15
1   Boasing of Wisdom    $0.05
1   Doeg's Slaughter    $0.05
1   Priesthood Defiled    $0.05
1   Carcasses    $0.15
1   Flee from Enemies    $0.15
1   Plagued with Diseases    $0.35
1   Wasting Disease    $0.15
1   Besieged    $0.15
1   Go Into Captivity    $0.55
1   Oppressed and Robbed    $0.15
2   Unknown Nation    $1.10
1   Rain Becomes Dust    $0.35
2   Unsuccessful    $0.15
1   Blindness    $0.15
1   Madness    $0.35
1   Confusion of Mind    $2.25
1   Incurable    $0.15
1   Covenant with Levi    $0.15
2   Covenant with Phinehas    $0.15
1   Altar of Ahaz    $3.90
1   Altar of Burnt Offering    $1.85
1   Altar of Incense    $0.15
1   Book of the Law    $0.55
1   Lampstand of the Sanctuary    $6.35
1   Priestly Breastplate    $0.15
1   Ram's Horn    $0.75
1   Table of Showbread    $2.60
1   Tables of the Law    $0.15
2   The Bronze Laver    $1.50
3   The Silver Trumpets    $0.35
1   Urim and Thummim    $1.30
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2017, 04:07:18 PM »
Angel Wars
1   The Ends of the Earth    $0.90
1   Dangerous Road    $0.05
1   Desolate City    $0.05
1   Dangerous Way    $0.05
1   Hostile Environment    $0.15
1   Place of Temptation    $0.05
1   Lost Soul (Acts 23:27) (withdraw)    $0.15
1   Lost Soul (Galatians 3:13) (anti-burial)    $3.00
1   Lost Soul (James 1:15) (demon shuffler)    $0.90
2   Lost Soul (Matthew 19:26) (first round)    $2.40
2   Lost Soul (Matthew 8:34) (site remove)    $0.15
2   Lost Soul (Romans 3:23) (revealer)    $6.90
1   Arianna    $0.35
1   Eli    $0.35
1   Kira    $0.35
1   Paladin the Fighter    $0.35
1   Swift    $0.05
1   Created by Christ    $0.05
1   Freeing Earthquake    $0.05
1   The Stars    $0.35
1   Godspeed    $0.05
1   Spiritual Warfare    $2.05
1   Working Together    $0.05
1   Ears to Hear    $0.05
1   In the Clouds    $0.15
1   A Mighty Blow    $0.35
1   Bound    $0.55
1   Burst of Light    $0.05
1   Commissioned    $0.35
1   Defeating the Enemy    $0.35
1   Destroying the Stronghold    $0.35
1   Equipped for the Mission    $0.35
1   Eyes Open    $0.05
1   Guarding    $0.05
2   Hammer of Heaven    $0.05
1   Innumerable    $0.55
1   Invisible Beings    $0.05
1   Michael's Sword    $3.75
1   Multitude    $0.05
1   Not Alone    $0.15
1   Presented Before the Lord    $0.05
1   Refined by Fire    $0.05
1   Sent to Serve    $0.15
1   Spiritual Beings    $0.55
1   Spiritual Sight    $0.05
3   Swift Beings    $0.15
1   Sword of the Fighter    $0.35
1   Sword of the Guardian    $0.05
1   Weapon of Light    $0.05
1   Weapon of the Holy    $0.05
1   Winds    $0.15
1   Wings    $0.05
1   Worshipping God    $0.05
1   Confused    $0.15
1   Praise Him Moon    $0.55
1   Chamber of Angels    $2.40
1   The Name of the Lord    $3.75
1   Demonic Stronghold    $0.75
1   Spiritual Realm    $0.35
2   The Darkness    $3.55
2   The Pit    $0.75
1   Morg    $2.80
1   Obsidian Minion Black    $0.35
1   Panic Demon (4)    $0.15
1   Morgan    $0.90
1   Graven    $0.35
1   Panic Demon (6)    $0.15
1   Admiral    $0.05
1   Cubus    $0.35
1   Panic Demon (2)    $0.15
1   Worldly Woman    $0.05
2   Obsidian Minion 3-line    $0.15
1   Obsidian Minion 4-line    $0.15
1   Panic Demon (1)    $0.15
2   Shadow    $0.35
1   Obsidian Minion Gray    $0.15
1   Panic Demon (3)    $0.15
1   Que    $0.35
1   Panic Demon (5)    $0.15
2   Spirit of Doubt    $0.15
3   Intent to Kill    $0.35
1   Evil Arises    $0.15
1   Pushed Back    $0.15
1   Blade of Death    $0.05
1   Consumed by Wants    $0.05
1   Cornered    $0.05
1   Ferocious Attack    $0.05
1   Knocked to the Ground    $0.05
1   Blast of Fire    $0.35
1   Weakness    $0.35
1   Retreat    $0.15
1   Rebellious    $0.05
1   Seeds of Rebellion    $0.05
1   Sword of the Rebellion    $0.05
1   Threatened Lives    $0.05
1   War in the Heavens    $0.05
1   Wounded    $0.05
1   Habitation of Demons    $1.30
1   Demonic Deception    $0.35
1   Flying Flames    $0.35
1   Dejected    $0.15
1   Escape    $0.15
1   Masquerading    $0.05
1   Mistakes Made    $0.05
3   Oblivious    $0.05
1   Seeds of Doubt    $0.05
1   Outnumbered    $0.55
2   Fireball    $0.35
1   Mission Deviation    $0.35
1   Partner Abandoned    $0.15
1   Subject Deserted    $0.15
1   Enticed    $0.05
1   Seemingly Insignificant    $0.05
1   Stealing    $0.05
1   Demonic Snare    $0.35
1   Evil Advice    $0.15
1   Separate Ways    $0.15
1   Twice Afflicted    $0.15
1   Fearfulness    $0.05
1   Gathering of Demons    $0.05
1   Persistent Pestering    $0.05
3   Torment    $2.60
1   Lurking    $0.55
2   Words of Discouragement    $0.90
1   Possessed    $0.35
1   Angry Travelers    $0.15
3   Angel Departed    $0.05
1   Begging for Freedom    $0.05
1   Consumed by Doubt    $0.05
1   Defiant    $0.05
1   Demonic Mist    $0.05
1   Fear of Danger    $0.05
2   I am Holy    $0.35
1   I am Healing    $0.15
2   I am Redemption    $0.15
1   I am Patience    $0.05
1   I am Salvation    $0.15
1   I am Mercy    $0.15
2   I am Creator    $0.15
1   I am Grace    $0.15
1   I am Justice    $0.55
1   I am Sustainer    $0.15
1   I am Love    $0.05
1   I am Truth    $0.05
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 05:32:50 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2017, 04:07:35 PM »
Kings Part 1
3   Lost Soul (II Chronicles 28:13) (hopper)    $11.40
1   Michael    $6.55
1   Lost Soul (II Chronicles 15:4) (*/4)    $3.55
2   Raiders' Camp    $3.35
1   Captain of the Host    $2.80
1   Goods Recovered    $2.40
1   Ark of the Covenant    $2.40
1   Asherah Pole    $2.40
1   Sword of the Spirit    $2.25
1   Israelite Archer    $2.05
2   Hezekiah's Signet Ring    $1.85
1   Saph    $1.65
3   Two Thousand Horses    $1.65
1   The Strong Angel    $1.65
1   Ambush the City    $1.30
1   Sword against Sword    $1.30
1   Helmet of Salvation    $1.30
1   Gabriel    $1.30
1   Elhanan    $1.30
1   Devourer    $1.10
1   Belt of Truth    $1.10
1   Breastplate of Righteousness    $1.10
1   King Saul    $1.10
3   Lost Soul (Psalm 1:4) (site doubler)    $1.10
1   Shield of Faith    $0.90
1   Tower    $0.90
2   Spy    $0.90
1   Mustering for War    $0.90
3   Lost Soul (Ezekiel 31:14) (shuffler)    $0.90
1   Every Man's Sword    $0.90
1   Ira    $0.75
2   Archers of Kedar    $0.75
1   Egyptian Archer    $0.75
1   Benaiah    $0.75
1   David    $0.75
1   Angel's Sword    $0.75
1   Flaming Sword    $0.75
2   Sisera    $0.55
1   Ehud's Dagger    $0.55
3   King Zedekiah    $0.55
2   Siege    $0.55
1   Shamhuth    $0.55
1   Glittering Sword    $0.55
2   Angel of His Presence    $0.55
1   Might of Angels    $0.55
2   Words of Encouragement    $0.55
1   David's Harp    $0.55
1   Helez    $0.35
2   Book of Jashar    $0.35
2   Put to Flight    $0.35
1   The Long Day    $0.35
1   Land Purchase    $0.35
1   Ishbibenob    $0.35
2   King Abijah    $0.35
1   King Zimri    $0.35
1   Political Bribes    $0.35
1   Bow and Arrow    $0.35
1   Artifacts Destroyed    $0.35
1   Besieging the City    $0.35
1   Evil Spirit    $0.35
2   Syrian Archer    $0.35
2   Provisions    $0.35
1   Absalom's Soldiers    $0.35
1   The Rabshakeh    $0.35
1   Climb the Walls    $0.35
1   Disuading Speech    $0.35
1   King Jotham    $0.35
1   Five Smooth Stones    $0.35
1   Struck with Blindness    $0.35
1   Fallen Warrior    $0.15
2   King Amon    $0.15
2   King Jehoahaz    $0.15
1   King Jehoash    $0.15
1   King Jehu    $0.15
1   King Jeroboam II    $0.15
1   King Zechariah    $0.15
1   Political Savvy    $0.15
1   Worship of Milcom    $0.15
1   Abiezer    $0.15
1   Ahimaaz    $0.15
1   Jair    $0.15
1   King Joash    $0.15
2   Book of Hozai    $0.15
1   Courage    $0.15
1   Helmet of Brass    $0.15
1   Military Escort    $0.15
1   Paying Tribute    $0.15
3   Sound the Trumpet    $0.15
2   Abner    $0.15
1   King Ahaziah    $0.15
1   King Jehoram    $0.15
1   King Jeroboam I    $0.15
1   King Joram    $0.15
1   King Nadab    $0.15
1   King Omri    $0.15
1   King Saul    $0.15
2   Chemosh    $0.15
1   Gibeonite Treaty    $0.15
2   Shimei's Malicious Curse    $0.15
1   King Pekah    $0.15
2   King Rehoboam    $0.15
2   King Shallum    $0.15
1   Nebuzaradan    $0.15
1   Queen Maachah    $0.15
1   Elon    $0.15
1   Tola    $0.15
1   Battle Prayer    $0.15
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 05:35:30 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2017, 04:11:41 PM »
Kings Part 2
1   The Acts of Solomon    $0.15
1   Wisdom of Solomon    $0.15
1   King Ahaz    $0.15
1   King Basha    $0.15
2   King Elah    $0.15
1   King Shishak    $0.15
1   King So    $0.15
1   Lahmi    $0.15
1   Pharaoh Neco    $0.15
1   Guards    $0.15
1   Mace    $0.15
1   Sword of Vengeance    $0.15
1   Troops Discharged    $0.15
1   Ahithophel    $0.15
1   King Ben-Hadad I    $0.15
1   King Menahem    $0.15
2   King Pekahiah    $0.15
1   King Rezin    $0.15
4   Bearing Bad News    $0.15
1   Israel Pays Tribute    $0.15
1   Rezon Arises    $0.15
1   Syrian Victory    $0.15
1   King Hezekiah    $0.15
3   Tekoan Woman    $0.15
1   Backward Shadow    $0.15
2   Benaiah Snatches a Spear    $0.15
1   David's Victory    $0.15
1   Faith of David    $0.15
1   Sword of the Lord    $0.15
1   Visions of Iddo the Seer    $0.15
1   Absalom    $0.15
1   Amasa    $0.15
1   King Jehoiakin    $0.15
3   King Sennacherib    $0.15
2   King Shalmaneser V    $0.15
1   Temple of Nisroch    $0.15
1   The Rabshakeh Attacks    $0.15
1   King Azarih (Uzziah)    $0.15
1   King Josiah    $0.15
1   Prince Jonathan    $0.15
1   Saint of Virtue    $0.15
1   Fortify the Wall    $0.15
1   Josiah's Covenant    $0.15
1   Abishai    $0.15
1   Recruiting Officer    $0.15
1   United Army    $0.15
1   Angel of Might    $0.15
1   Angel of the Waters    $0.15
1   Captain's Sword    $0.15
2   Gathering of Angels    $0.15
1   Shadow of Death    $0.15
2   Victory    $0.15
1   King Amaziah    $0.15
1   Maharai    $0.15
2   War Officer    $0.15
1   Woman of Wisdom    $0.15
1   Answered Prayer    $0.15
1   Battle Neutralized    $0.15
1   Conqueror over Death    $0.15
1   Destruction of Babylon    $0.15
1   Valley of Salt    $0.15
1   David's Tent    $0.15
1   Kerith Ravine    $0.15
1   Breaking Jerusalem's Wall    $0.05
1   Goliath's Spear    $0.05
1   Jehu's Sword    $0.05
1   Sword of Justice    $0.05
2   Abner's Spear    $0.05
1   King Saul's Doubt    $0.05
1   King Saul's Jealousy    $0.05
1   Saul's Javelin    $0.05
1   Army of Chaldeans    $0.05
1   Ishbibenob's Spear    $0.05
1   Pekah's Blade    $0.05
1   Strength Revealed    $0.05
1   Untested Sword    $0.05
1   Shammah    $0.05
1   Joshua Burns the City    $0.05
1   Sling    $0.05
1   Spear of Joshua    $0.05
1   Hadad Arises    $0.05
1   Lahmi's Spear    $0.05
1   Moral Decline    $0.05
1   None that Breathed    $0.05
1   King Hoshea    $0.05
1   Bow and Arrow    $0.05
1   Dart    $0.05
1   Poisoned Minds    $0.05
1   Sword    $0.05
1   Eleazar    $0.05
1   Eleazar's Sword    $0.05
1   Glittering Spear    $0.05
1   Plunderers    $0.05
1   The Tartan Attacks    $0.05
1   Break Down the Wall of Gath    $0.05
1   Coat of Mail    $0.05
1   Crushing Blow    $0.05
1   Royal Protection    $0.05
1   Jashobeam    $0.05
1   Abishai's Spear    $0.05
1   Adino's Spear    $0.05
1   Jashobeam's Spear    $0.05
1   Wall's Collapse    $0.05
1   Eaten by Worms    $0.05
1   Stronger than Men    $0.05
1   Sword of Punishment    $0.05
1   Withered Hand    $0.05
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 05:36:25 PM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2017, 05:38:28 PM »
5   Promised Land    $0.55
2   Destruction of Nehushtan    $5.05
2   Abram/Abraham (as Abram)    $1.30
1   Ehud    $0.35
1   Eli the Priest    $0.15
1   Noah    $0.15
1   Boaz    $0.15
1   Noah's Sons    $0.15
3   Hur    $0.55
2   Aaron    $0.15
2   Paladin    $0.05
3   Elders of the City    $0.35
2   Widow    $0.35
2   Melchizedek    $0.15
1   Barak    $0.15
1   Jephthah    $0.15
1   Adam    $0.05
1   Centurion    $0.05
1   Lot    $0.05
1   Destroying Angel    $0.15
1   Foretelling Angel    $0.15
1   Watcher    $0.15
1   Hosts of Heaven    $0.05
1   Messenger Angel    $0.05
1   Providing Angel    $0.05
5   Enoch    $0.35
3   Joseph    $0.35
1   Isaac    $0.15
4   Abraham's Servant to Ur    $0.35
4   Jacob's Rods    $0.35
1   A Wife for Isaac    $0.15
1   Book of Nathan    $0.15
1   Jacob's Dream    $0.15
1   Jacob's New Name    $0.15
1   Sarah's Beauty    $0.15
1   Journey to Egypt    $0.05
2   Drowning of Pharaoh's Army    $0.35
1   Blessing of Joshua    $0.35
1   Gideon's Call    $0.35
1   Jawbone    $0.35
1   Plague of Blood    $0.35
1   Ruth meets Boaz    $0.15
1   Samson's Strength    $0.15
1   Water from the Rock    $0.05
3   A New Beginning    $0.75
6   Abel's Sacrifice    $0.15
1   Confused Languages    $0.35
1   Jethro's Wisdom    $0.35
1   Creation of the World    $0.15
1   Interceding for Battle    $0.15
1   Passover    $0.05
1   Prosperity    $0.75
1   Gleaning the Fields    $0.35
1   Trust    $0.15
1   God's Generosity    $0.05
1   Helping Pharaoh's Daughter    $0.05
1   Manna    $0.05
1   Prophecy of Eldad & Medad    $0.05
2   Battle Cry    $0.55
5   Ambush    $0.15
1   Best Friends    $0.15
1   Flight of Spies    $0.15
1   Passover Preparations    $0.15
1   Wrestling with God    $0.15
2   Book of the Wars    $0.05
3   Death of Firstborn    $0.35
1   Angelic Advice    $0.35
5   Protection of Jerusalem    $0.05
4   Hagar and Angel at Shur    $0.05
1   Three Angels    $0.15
1   Witnesses to Creation    $0.15
1   Spiritual Protection    $0.05
4   Joseph before Pharaoh    $0.35
1   Love at First Sight    $0.75
1   Moses and Elders    $0.75
2   Blessings    $0.15
2   Burning Bush    $0.15
1   Brother's Reunion    $0.15
1   Patriarch Travels    $0.15
1   Loyalty of Ruth    $0.05
1   Rebekah meets Isaac    $0.05
5   Storehouse    $1.10
3   Solomon's Temple    $0.55
7   Jerusalem Tower    $0.35
1   Bera, King of Sodom    $0.15
1   Cain    $0.15
1   Demon in Armor    $0.15
1   Korah    $0.35
1   Abner    $0.15
1   Esau    $0.15
2   Leviathan    $1.10
2   The Serpent    $0.15
1   Egyptian Wise Men    $0.55
1   Pharaoh's Magicians    $0.15
1   Abimelech    $0.05
1   Leper    $0.05
1   Orpah    $0.05
3   Nabal    $0.15
1   Achan    $0.05
4   Joseph in Prison    $1.65
3   Babel    $0.35
1   Coercion    $0.35
2   Danites Attack    $0.15
2   Pit    $0.15
2   Wrath of Cain    $0.05
1   Striking the Rock    $0.05
2   Haman's Plot    $2.25
3   Korah's Rebellion    $0.35
3   Gibeonite Trickery    $0.15
1   Bad Decision    $0.35
1   Stolen Idols    $0.35
1   Brothers' Envy    $0.05
1   Gifts for Esau    $0.05
1   Treachery Afoot    $0.05
1   Wickedness of Delilah    $0.05
3   Arrogance    $0.35
5   Midianite Attack    $0.15
3   Dream    $0.15
2   The Wages of Sin    $0.15
1   Isaac Deceived    $0.15
1   Sarah's Jealousy    $0.15
1   Sold into Slavery    $0.15
1   Amorite Invasion    $0.05
3   Complaint of Moses    $0.35
2   Jephthah's Tragic Vow    $0.15
1   Moses kills Egyptian    $0.35
1   The gods of Egypt    $0.35
1   Abusive Taskmasters    $0.05
1   Smashing Tablets    $0.05
4   Balaam's Disobedience    $1.50
6   Water Shaft    $0.35
2   Deepening Lie    $0.35
2   Stolen Blessing    $0.35
3   Desolation of Tamar    $0.05
1   Begging for Grain    $0.15
1   Vulnerable    $0.05
2   Siegeworks    $0.75
1   Battering Ram    $0.75
5   Death of Unrighteous    $1.10
5   Achan's Sin    $0.35
2   All Hope Lost    $0.15
1   Disobedience    $0.15
1   Hagar Dismissed    $0.15
2   Lamenting    $0.05
1   Judah's Sin    $0.05
1   Covenant of Noah    $1.85
1   Covenant of Abraham    $0.05
2   Covenant with Moses    $0.35
2   Covenant with David    $0.35
1   Covenant of Palestine    $0.55
2   Covenant with Adam    $0.05
1   Covenant of Eden    $0.05
1   Covenant of Salt    $0.05
7   Wool Fleece    $0.35
3   Jacob's Ladder    $0.35
2   Joseph's Silver Cup    $0.35
3   Altar of Dagon    $0.15
2   Blue Tassels    $0.15
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2017, 05:40:45 PM »
1   Damascus    $0.05
1   Jerusalem    $0.05
1   Lycaonia    $0.05
1   Patmos    $0.05
1   Lystra    $0.15
1   Leper Colony    $0.15
1   Nero's Realm    $0.15
1   Golgotha    $0.05
4   Lost Soul (Acts 11:18) (N.T. only)    $0.55
1   Guardian Of Your Souls    $2.60
3   Bartholomew (Nathaniel)    $0.35
5   Thomas    $0.35
1   Epaphroditus    $0.15
1   Joseph the Carpenter    $0.15
1   Nicodemus    $0.15
1   Aquila    $0.05
1   Demetrius    $0.05
1   Philip the Evangelist    $0.05
1   Syntyche    $0.05
2   Zaccheus    $0.35
1   Apollos    $0.15
1   Eunice    $0.15
1   Good Samaritan    $0.15
1   Luke    $0.15
1   Matthias    $0.05
1   Matthew (Levi)    $0.15
1   Simon the Zealot    $0.15
2   Euodia    $0.05
1   James son of Alphaeus    $0.05
1   Philemon    $0.05
3   James (half-brother of Jesus)    $0.35
1   Ananias of Damascus    $0.15
2   Ethiopian Treasurer    $0.15
1   James Son of Zebedee    $0.15
1   Lois    $0.05
1   Stephen    $0.05
1   Lazarus    $0.35
2   Peter    $0.35
1   Andrew    $0.15
1   Epaphras    $0.15
1   Gamaliel    $0.15
1   Philip    $0.15
2   Guardian Angel    $0.55
1   Angel of Deliverance    $0.35
2   Liberating Angel    $0.15
1   Reassuring Angel    $0.15
1   Strengthening Angel    $0.15
2   Angel of Warning    $0.05
1   Attending Angel    $0.05
1   Titus    $0.35
1   Elders of Jerusalem (Black)    $0.15
1   Elders of Jerusalem (Orange)    $0.15
1   Elders of Jerusalem (Purple)    $0.15
1   Peter's Mother-In-law    $0.15
1   Thaddaeus    $0.15
1   Onesimus    $0.05
1   Priscilla    $0.05
1   Timothy    $0.05
1   Third Heaven    $0.35
6   Trapped in Cleverness    $0.35
1   Benefiting from Troubles    $0.15
1   Lay Down Your Life    $0.15
1   Pillar of Truth    $0.15
2   Alabaster Jar    $0.05
1   Heavenly Trance    $0.05
1   Miracle of Healing    $0.05
1   Fishers of Men    $0.35
9   Vengeance of Eternal Fire    $0.35
1   A New Creation    $0.15
1   Deception Exposed    $0.15
1   Entertaining Angels    $0.15
1   Sanctifying Faith    $0.15
1   Preaching God's Word    $0.05
2   Ship to Cyprus    $0.75
6   Sowing the Seed    $0.35
7   The Meal in Emmaus    $0.35
1   Blinding Light    $0.15
1   Paul's Books and Parchments    $0.15
1   Spiritual Gifts    $0.15
1   Unity in Christ    $0.15
1   Saul Repents    $0.05
1   Of One Mind    $0.35
1   Raising of Lazarus    $0.35
1   Faithfulness of Ananias    $0.15
1   God's Provision    $0.15
1   Pearl of Great Price    $0.15
1   Faith of Bartimaeus    $0.05
1   Wonderment    $0.05
1   Authority of Peter    $0.35
1   A Roman Soldier's Faith    $0.15
1   Peter's Shadow    $0.15
1   Miraculous Catch    $0.05
1   Strength in Weakness    $0.05
1   The Empty Tomb    $0.05
1   Angelic Visit    $0.15
1   Deliverance    $0.15
2   Glad Tidings    $0.15
1   Angelic Guidance    $0.05
1   Angelic News    $0.05
2   Satan's Folly    $0.75
7   Transfiguration    $0.35
1   Demons in Chains    $0.15
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Re: Buy my Redemption collection
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2017, 05:41:41 PM »
Apostles, Continued

1   Lost Coin Found    $0.15
1   Narrow Escape    $0.15
1   Burning of Magic Books    $0.05
2   Child of Great Wisdom    $0.05
1   Generous Giving    $0.05
1   New Tongues    $0.05
2   Wall of Protection    $2.40
1   Tartaros    $0.35
1   Herod the Great    $0.35
1   Simon the Magician    $0.35
1   Sadducees (crowd)    $0.15
1   Sadducees (ear)    $0.15
1   Sadducees (trio)    $0.15
1   Greek Philosophers    $0.05
1   Greek Scholars    $0.05
5   Angry Mob    $0.75
1   Governor Felix    $0.15
1   Pontius Pilate    $0.05
1   Wicked Thief    $0.05
3   Ananias    $0.35
1   Emperor Tiberius    $0.35
1   Herod Agrippa I    $0.15
1   Possessing Demon    $0.15
1   Archelaus    $0.05
1   Demas    $0.05
4   Emperor Claudius    $0.35
1   Chief Captain Lysias    $0.15
1   Herod Agrippa II    $0.15
1   Herod Antipas    $0.15
2   Phygellus    $0.15
1   Wandering Spirit    $0.05
1   Saul/Paul    $2.05
2   Emperor Nero    $0.90
1   Legion    $0.55
4   Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the Sorcerer    $0.35
1   Four Squads of Four    $0.35
1   Pharisees (crowd)    $0.35
1   Pharisees (leader)    $0.35
1   Pharisees (trio)    $0.35
1   High Priest Annas    $0.15
   High Priest Caiaphas    $0.15
1   Prominent Women    $0.15
1   Emperor Caius Caligula    $0.35
1   Controlling Demon    $0.15
1   Messenger of Satan    $0.15
1   Hermogenes    $0.05
1   Herod Philip II    $0.05
1   Roman Jailer    $0.05
1   Casting Lots    $0.75
1   Hypocrisy    $0.15
1   Leading Others Astray    $0.15
1   Flogging    $0.05
1   Shipwreck    $0.05
1   Three Crosses    $0.05
1   Crucify Him    $0.75
3   Great Mourning    $0.75
1   Lacking Sleep    $0.35
1   Face of Death    $0.15
1   Prison Guards    $0.15
1   Divisions    $0.05
1   Foolish Boasting    $0.05
1   Jealousy    $0.05
1   Wild Parties    $0.05
8   Angelic Rebellion    $0.35
1   Christian Suing Another    $0.35
1   Betrayal    $0.15
1   Partners With Demons    $0.15
1   Without Food    $0.15
1   Quarreling    $0.05
1   Selfish Ambition    $0.05
1   Denial of Christ    $0.35
1   Outburst of Anger    $0.35
6   Take as a Slave    $0.35
1   Desertion    $0.15
1   Facing Angry Mobs    $0.15
1   Rivalry    $0.15
1   Beaten    $0.05
1   Banishment    $0.35
6   Men as Gods    $0.35
1   Divisions in the Church    $0.15
1   Massacre of Innocents    $0.15
1   Pain    $0.15
1   Scoff at Angels    $0.15
1   Worked to Exhaustion    $0.15
1   Departed Wife    $0.05
1   Idolatry    $0.05
1   Sanhedrin    $0.35
2   Pierced Heart    $0.75
1   Hostility    $0.35
1   Divination    $0.15
1   Drunkenness    $0.15
1   Palsy    $0.15
2   Human Wisdom    $0.05
1   Table of Demons    $0.05
4   Unholy Writ    $1.50
2   Household Idols    $1.30
2   Three Nails    $1.10
3   Burial Shroud    $0.75
2   Thirty Pieces of Silver    $0.75
1   Cross Beams of the Cross    $0.35
1   Miraculous Handkerchiefs    $0.35
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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1   Harvest Time    $6.00
1   Wrath of Satan    $3.75
1   Chariot of Fire    $3.00
1   Dragon Raid    $1.65
1   Gabriel    $1.10
1   Angel with the Secret Name    $0.55
1   Devourer    $0.55
1   Beast from the Sea    $0.35
1   Ehud's Dagger    $0.35
2   Five Smooth Stones    $0.35
1   Maharai    $0.35
1   Mask of Fear    $0.35
1   Siege    $0.35
1   Angel in the Path    $0.15
1   Armorbearer    $0.15
1   The Second Seal    $0.15
1   Simeon    $0.05

1   Falling Away    $15.00
5   Babylon    $1.50
3   Women as Snares    $1.10
1   Lost Soul (Jeremiah 7:18) (female only)    $1.10
2   Lot's Wife    $0.75
1   Jael's Nail    $0.55
2   Media    $0.55
2   Pharaoh's Prison    $0.35
1   Treachery of Jezebel    $0.35
1   Potiphar's Wife    $0.35
1   Temptation    $0.35
2   Great Faith    $0.35
2   Reach of Desperation    $0.35
1   Jael    $0.35
2   Lot's Daughters    $0.15
2   A Look Back    $0.15
1   Foolish Advice    $0.15
1   Claudia    $0.15
2   Mary Magdalene    $0.15
1   Drawn Water    $0.15
2   Laughter    $0.15
3   Athaliah    $0.15
2   Destruction of Athaliah    $0.15
2   Scorn of Michal    $0.15
2   Gomer    $0.15
2   Sapphira    $0.15
2   Deceit of Sapphira    $0.15
2   Egypt    $0.15
2   Children    $0.15
1   Rizpah's Sackcloth    $0.15
2   Job's Wife    $0.15
2   Idle Gossip    $0.15
1   Lamentation of Rachel    $0.15
3   Midwives    $0.15
1   New Jerusalem    $0.15
1   Coat of Many Colors    $0.15
2   Dance of Death    $0.15
2   Carelessness    $0.15
1   Foolishness of Five Virgins    $0.15
1   Lion's Den    $0.15
1   Counsel of Abigail    $0.15
1   Praises    $0.15
2   Forbidden Fruit    $0.05
2   Pit of Dothan    $0.05
2   Sarah    $0.05
2   Lamenting for Jepthah's Daughter    $0.05
2   Michal    $0.05
2   Kir    $0.05
2   Elisabeth    $0.05
2   Leah    $0.05
2   Mary of Bethany    $0.05
2   Naomi    $0.05
2   Woman of Thebez    $0.05
1   Halah    $0.05
2   Prison of Asa    $0.05
2   Joanna    $0.05
2   Martha    $0.05
2   Rachel    $0.05
2   Hospitality of Martha    $0.05
2   Love for Rachel    $0.05
2   Rhoda's Gladness    $0.05
2   Silly Women    $0.05
1   Assyria    $0.05
1   Prison    $0.05
3   King's Daughter    $0.05
2   Pharaoh's Daughter    $0.05
2   Queen of Sheba    $0.05
2   Abigail    $0.05
2   Rahab    $0.05
1   Herod's Dungeon    $0.05
2   Jairus' Daughter    $0.05
1   Jochebed    $0.05
« Last Edit: April 22, 2017, 06:32:52 AM by brederic »
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Reserved for future updates
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup

Offline brederic

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Reserved for future updates
Brent Paschall
Founder, Roanoke Redemption Playgroup


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