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will we be able to trade wrappers for disciples at nationals?
so if im understanding correctly, if we order packs via the cactus website, these will be the packs shipped via air and not from the boat? meaning if we place an order we wont have to wait until late september?how many packs will we be able to order off the cactus website? will we be able to use redemption cash?and last, will there be disciples super packs like last years texp?
actually, those can be contained in regular packs. super packs were packed more full of rares and ultra rares than regular packs.
Quote from: Ring Wraith on August 10, 2010, 03:36:55 PMwill we be able to trade wrappers for disciples at nationals?No. Only foiled wrapped booster packs are eligible for barcode redemption. In other words, booster pack barcodes will not get you free starter decks, gift sets, FoOF, ROA, Tep or Disciples items. Also the barcodes from these other items are not worth anything. I mention this because some people have sent in TeP barcodes and a few have sent in starter deck barcodes.Moreover, I am not accepting barcodes at Nationals in any case. So, please leave your barcodes at home (or mail them in).