@ Fireman - It's not a 100% complete collection, but I would expect that something like that would go for around $4.50 per 10 card set when you do it wholesale like this. So that'd be, what, around $121.50? I don't know.
@Crashfach2002 - I haven't be around much, so I'm not 100% sure. Perhaps if I get enough interest, I'll simply auction it away on here. Otherwise, 2 of the 3 binders are easily worth $300 and the 3rd is at least $100. But by no means does that mean I'm looking to get $700 for this. I know how frustrating it can be to leave something like this open-ended, but on the other hand, I don't want to put out a price and have someone bite on it right away only to know that:
1. A more worthy (needy) playgroup could have used it
2. I could've ended up $100+ richer if I had just waited