
The Angel under the Oak vs The Strong Angel


Author Topic: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)  (Read 1260 times)

Offline jbeers285

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1. The Angel Under the Oak
8/8 Silver (angel, prophet)
You may draw 2 and exchange this Hero with a gold Judge in your hand, deck, territory, or discard pile. Protect Gideon from opponents. Cannot be negated.


2. The Strong Angel
10/8 Silver (Angel)
All special abilities on character cards and enhancement cards except this one are interrupted and prevented.  Battle is determined by the numbers.
JMM is a modern day prophet

Offline jbeers285

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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2014, 12:41:55 AM »
Due to Foreign Wives, Naz, HHI, and Scattered I am going with TSA. Solo FBTN angel ftw
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2014, 04:57:42 PM »
Just curious, how do HHI and Scattered play in?  Only two gold judges have band abilities, and they band to each other (if you even use Eli).  And Naz doesn't matter as much for AutO because he is best just going every single battle and exchanging to territory.

TSA is fantastic, but draw is still king.


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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2014, 05:00:22 PM »
AutO is good for the banding potential he brings. Sure, the +2 is nice, but I hardly think that's deserving of his high praise.


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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2014, 09:34:27 PM »
TSA is arguably the strongest character in the game for the first two turns, and then he's pretty much garbage for the remaining thirteen or so. A handful of characters that are occasionally used stop him outright (Tibbles and KoT), and he gives up crazy initiative. Admittedly, he can run through a lot without issue, but the only way I'm rescuing with him after I have a couple other heroes out are if he's the only good part of my draw, or I'm using U&T and I know everything my opponent has.

Meanwhile, AUtO is the lynchpin of the best offense in the game, including a play that gives you a 15/14 CBN band and an optional D2. Not to mention all the other heroes he can exchange (and search the deck for).

If it came down to TSA vs. any one of AUtO's abilities, I would go for TSA, but AUtO is simply too versatile not to win this.

Offline AJ

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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2014, 09:53:42 PM »
TSA is arguably the strongest character in the game for the first two turns, and then he's pretty much garbage for the remaining thirteen or so. A handful of characters that are occasionally used stop him outright (Tibbles and KoT), and he gives up crazy initiative. Admittedly, he can run through a lot without issue, but the only way I'm rescuing with him after I have a couple other heroes out are if he's the only good part of my draw, or I'm using U&T and I know everything my opponent has.

Meanwhile, AUtO is the lynchpin of the best offense in the game, including a play that gives you a 15/14 CBN band and an optional D2. Not to mention all the other heroes he can exchange (and search the deck for).

If it came down to TSA vs. any one of AUtO's abilities, I would go for TSA, but AUtO is simply too versatile not to win this.

 +1 completely. Whole archetypes of decks wouldn't be viable without Auto.
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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2014, 09:58:01 PM »
TSA is arguably the strongest character in the game for the first two turns, and then he's pretty much garbage for the remaining thirteen or so. A handful of characters that are occasionally used stop him outright (Tibbles and KoT), and he gives up crazy initiative. Admittedly, he can run through a lot without issue, but the only way I'm rescuing with him after I have a couple other heroes out are if he's the only good part of my draw, or I'm using U&T and I know everything my opponent has.

Meanwhile, AUtO is the lynchpin of the best offense in the game, including a play that gives you a 15/14 CBN band and an optional D2. Not to mention all the other heroes he can exchange (and search the deck for).

If it came down to TSA vs. any one of AUtO's abilities, I would go for TSA, but AUtO is simply too versatile not to win this.

 +1 completely. Whole archetypes of decks wouldn't be viable without Auto.
And yet basically every archetype should use TSA...

Offline AJ

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Re: Rd 3 Silver (1. The Angel Under the Oak Versus 2. The Strong Angel)
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2014, 10:04:18 PM »
TSA is arguably the strongest character in the game for the first two turns, and then he's pretty much garbage for the remaining thirteen or so. A handful of characters that are occasionally used stop him outright (Tibbles and KoT), and he gives up crazy initiative. Admittedly, he can run through a lot without issue, but the only way I'm rescuing with him after I have a couple other heroes out are if he's the only good part of my draw, or I'm using U&T and I know everything my opponent has.

Meanwhile, AUtO is the lynchpin of the best offense in the game, including a play that gives you a 15/14 CBN band and an optional D2. Not to mention all the other heroes he can exchange (and search the deck for).

If it came down to TSA vs. any one of AUtO's abilities, I would go for TSA, but AUtO is simply too versatile not to win this.

 +1 completely. Whole archetypes of decks wouldn't be viable without Auto.
And yet basically every archetype should use TSA...

But every archetype could survive without it. TSA is gravy. Auto is Meat Stuffing. In my Sam decks I might use TSA. If I did not use Auto, I might as well have used a G deck.
Its Stiddy Time


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