Author Topic: Question  (Read 3349 times)

Offline EmJayBee83

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« on: June 12, 2018, 01:58:45 PM »
This mod includes EVERY card from Original through Fall of Man as well as every Promo/Legacy Rare. Using the ORCID as a starting point for our database we developed a streamlined automated back-end system which allows us to show any card's metadata with a simple hover and provide superb image loading times (Only the images you need are loaded).
Is the mod source (including images, database, etc) publicly available? If not would you mind sharing a copy with me for Redemption Online Gaming purposes?  Specifically, I am looking for a way to harmonize the Lackey, TTS mod, and ORCID formats to eliminate having three different update efforts each cycle.

Another question is how did you get the info for FoM since it does not appear to be in ORCID?

To anyone interested, the complete source of the LackeyCCG plugin gets pulled down on install.  I can also provide github links if you want.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 02:01:30 PM by EmJayBee83 »

Offline NathanW

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Re: Question
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2018, 02:52:15 PM »
Ok, so the "database" is a Google sheet. That's where all of the automation is done to get the info into the format I use in TTS. I'd be more than willing to send you a share link for my database spreadsheet so that you can pull info from there if you want. As far as I know the ORCID isn't going to be updated soon, I'm planning on changing my database a bit to work better in the TTS environment (splitting brigades to good/evil columns and other similar changes). I got the abilities from FOM using an image to text capture program and I typed out the identifiers because they were short enough. The images from original-tins I got from lackey and redid everything from TeXP-FOM using the images from the LoR imgur albums and my automated image resizing system (the images are hosted on AWS). I strongly believe there needs to be an official central database with all card info in an easy to reference format. I am looking into options for making this happen atm. Even a spreadsheet that a few trusted people have access to edit would be great.
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(='.'=) I know it's cute.


Offline EmJayBee83

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Re: Question
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2018, 04:06:01 PM »
Ok, so the "database" is a Google sheet. That's where all of the automation is done to get the info into the format I use in TTS. I'd be more than willing to send you a share link for my database spreadsheet so that you can pull info from there if you want.
If you would not mind PM'ing me the information I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm planning on changing my database a bit to work better in the TTS environment (splitting brigades to good/evil columns and other similar changes).
Yes.  The introduction of DAE and multi-typed cards really plays hob with a neat database schema.

I strongly believe there needs to be an official central database with all card info in an easy to reference format. I am looking into options for making this happen atm. Even a spreadsheet that a few trusted people have access to edit would be great.
This is what I am looking into creating. I want to start by looking at your doc, ORCID, and the Lackey carddata.txt and generate a generalized card schema that will serve all of our needs. From that we can have a centralized database with an API to grab whatever info you need on the fly in whatever format you are interested in.

Offline Reth

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Re: Question
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2019, 06:15:51 PM »
Just came across this thread. Fully support the approach to create a common, offical and central database with all information including images so that everyone who needs it can easily access it and create/convert own formats out of it where necessary (e.g. for different plugins or documents etc.). Maybe also creating image links for sites like LoR might become easier by such an approach...

If I can support somehow just let me know!


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