Author Topic: Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13  (Read 8262 times)

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Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13
« on: April 13, 2024, 10:01:23 AM »
Hey All,

There is a new update to the lackey plugin from TheJaylor that can be found in the usual location. Here are his release notes...

What started as a small Promo update morphed into a substantial undertaking of adding the new cards, standardizing Lost Soul names, fixing multiple minor card data bugs, and also adding a new "Formats" feature to Lackey, which I think will help with Lackey deck building both now and in the future. BEFORE YOU UPDATE, however, please note the highlighted changes below. These changes affected the Name of specific cards in Lackey, which means that any decks that previously contained those cards will no longer find them if you reload the deck after the update. You will need to re-add those cards and save the deck again. In order to remember which cards are missing (particularly Lost Souls), use the "Export to txt" button in the Deck Editor for each deck you want to use to create a .txt file deck list. That file will be unaffected by the update and will still contain the pre-update names of the cards which can be used to see what cards need to be re-added.

11 new cards and 1 new token added:
  • Ark of the Covenant [2024 - Winner]
  • Banner of Love [2024 - State]
  • Glory of the Lord [2024 - Winner]
  • Holy Grail [Fundraiser]
  • Lost Soul Token "Lost Souls" [Proverbs 2:16-17]
  • Michael, Dragon Slayer [Fundraiser]
  • Red Dragon [Fundraiser]
  • Solomon's Temple [2024 - Seasonal]
  • Son of God [Fundraiser - Greek]
  • Son of God [Fundraiser - Hebrew]
  • The Judean Mediums [2024 - Regional]
  • Warrior in Training [2024 - Seasonal]

Card data fixes:
  • Changed brigade on False Prophecy (PoC) from "Grey" to "Gray"
  • Changed brigade on Fountain of Living Water from "Multicolor" to "Multi"
  • Changed brigade on One of Seven (RoJ) from "Sliver" to "Silver"
  • Added "Fruit of the Spirit" Identifier to Patience (EC)
  • Added white to Temple Dedication brigades
  • Changed Class of Swift Horses (Roots) from "Warrior" to "Weapon"
  • Fixed SpecialAbility of Fire from Heaven (RoJ) to match printed card
  • Replaced all Type instances of "DAE" with "GE/EE" and "DAC" with "Hero/Evil Character" so that dual-alignment Characters and Enhancements will show up when filtering for Type contains "Hero", "GE", etc.
  • Removed all hyphens in blank columns for consistency
  • Added "OfficialSet" column, which is now what the "Set" column used to be. The "Set" column now contains an abbreviation of the set for each card and is used to define "Formats". More details on Formats in the next section
  • Removed "Meek (has no special ability)" from Special Ability of token cards to be consistent with all other cards that have no special ability
  • The Name and Identifier for all Lost Souls in Rotation (I/J forward) have been standardized to the following formats: Name - Lost Soul "moniker" [reference], Identifier - ["moniker"]
  • Apostrophes and quote marks removed from He Is Risen, He Is Risen (GoC), Shibboleth, I AM Has Sent Me, and Today (CoW AB) to simplify searching for and sorting them
  • Changed Name of Zeresh (Roots) to "Zeresh, Wife of Haman (Roots)"
  • Changed Name of Armorbearer (Roots) to "Armor Bearer (Roots)"
  • Added "[IR]" to the Israel's Rebellion version of Wicked Community to distinguish it from the Priests version
  • Changed "[H]" to "[IR]" in Name of Zelophehad's Sin from Israel's Rebellion

  • A dropdown menu has been added to the right of the Quick Search box in the Deck Editor tab. This is a quick and easy way to filter the cards that appear in your searches for a defined format that includes only cards from particular Sets.
  • 5 Formats added: Rotation, Christ Block, Scroots, LoC Only, and GoC Only

Pack definitions fixes:
  • K/L decks added
  • Fixed K/L Starter Deck image
  • Packs with 5 Roots cards added for every Rotation set
  • Changed from using "Set" to "OfficialSet" to be compatible with Formats update

Thank you to everyone for your patience in waiting for these Promos to be added! Please post any urgent bugs or questions regarding the update in the #lackey-helpdesk channel on Discord, and please post non-urgent bugs here on this Forums thread.

Offline Reth

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Re: Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2024, 05:29:09 PM »
  • Damascus (EC) is missing identifier text
  • Damascus (LoC) has one space too much between name and set part of the entire card name - so ATM it is Damascus  (LoC)

Offline TheJaylor

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Re: Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2024, 08:04:48 PM »
Somehow the multibrigade Roots Evil Characters ended up as Type "GE" again.

Offline Reth

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Re: Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2024, 01:15:11 PM »
K and L starter decks seem no longer to be working. Or have they been recreated with different names?

Offline TemurTim

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Re: Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2024, 10:00:03 PM »
There is a bug that sometimes happens when underdecking cards. I'm not sure what causes it, or if it is just a bug inherent to lackey, but I've noticed games where when underdecking cards from play, sometimes those cards disappear! (like they cease to exist and vanish after being underdecked)

I've noticed this happen when I'm connected to a server and playing against another opponent.

Offline TheJaylor

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Re: Update to Lackey Plugin - 2024-04-13
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2024, 09:27:22 PM »
There is a bug that sometimes happens when underdecking cards. I'm not sure what causes it, or if it is just a bug inherent to lackey, but I've noticed games where when underdecking cards from play, sometimes those cards disappear! (like they cease to exist and vanish after being underdecked)

I've noticed this happen when I'm connected to a server and playing against another opponent.
Yeah, this is an issue that pops up here and there and I can't figure out why. I know that every time I've seen it happen it's when underdecking multiple cards at the same time. I guess I can't say for sure, but I don't think it has anything to do with our plugin specifically, but I haven't tried enough others to know.

They also don't always disappear for all players, so sometimes when underdecking it will show that the opponent's deck size increased for them but not for me. They reappear if you shuffle the deck before looking at it, but obviously that kinda defeats the purpose of the underdeck. The only real "solution" I've found is to underdeck cards one at a time, or to save before underdecking multiple cards and confirm that the deck size changed properly for both my opponent and myself.


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