Author Topic: Lackey Customized!!!  (Read 3304 times)

Offline KingLeo

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Lackey Customized!!!
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:23:38 PM »
         Hey everyone, after playing on lackey for a while I have realized no one else has customized their lackey. I didn't know if this was because of time or lack of knowledge, so I have decided to try and eliminate both. Here I am going to place a guide to reformat your playing mat, hand background, opponent's see-able avatar, and of course the card back.

Here below are the download links to the images you will need and they are named by theme.

Avengers ---
Kingdom Hearts ---
Spy vs Spy ---
Mad Magazine ---
Warhammer Space Marines ---
Star Wars Jedi Knight ---

1. Find the LackeyCCG folder in your computer that should be under the name "LackeyCCG" or LackeyCCGWin" or "LackeyCCGMac".

2. Once you have found the file open it. Then open the images folder. Then open the folder called backgrounds.

3. In each of the links below there are four images each named according to what they are. Select the theme of your choice and go to its link. Click outside of the sign up box and click the download in the top right corner. Once downloaded navigate to the downloaded file and unzip it.

4. Now select the background picture from that folder and copy and paste in the backgrounds folder of lackey.

5. Return to the LackeyCCG/images... folder and open the zone backgrounds folder.

6. Select the handback image and copy and paste in your zone backgrounds folder.

7. Return to the LackeyCCG folder and open the plugins folder, then open in that folder the Redemption folder.

8 (optional). If you would like to save the original bot and cardback of Redemption, do so now by copying and pasting the images labeled as such to a separate destination outside of Lackey.

9. Delete the images in your LackeyCCG/plugins/Redemption... folder that are "cardback" and "bot".

10. Move or copy and paste the selected download pictures named "cardback" and "bot" to that file.

11. Now you may close all windows and run Lackey. If you already have the Redemption plugin as your started up plugin you should see your new cardback and new bot picture without any changes to your hand zone or background.

12. In the Lackey program go to preferences in the far right. Then go into appearance on the left.

13. In Appearance their are many options but we only need to focus on two. There are two long gray buttons on the far right. First open the one that says "browse gamezone background images".

14. On the left are the list of images you can select. Find the handback image then hit choose in the upper right corner.

15. Now after selecting the image you will be brought back to the start screen of Lackey with your hand zone now customized. Head back to Preferences then to appearance.

16. Click the second lower long gray button marked "Browse table playmat images"

17. In the new window there will be a list of background images on the left. Choose the background image that you put there earlier and click choose in the top right corner.

You are now at the LackeyCCG home screen with everything customized!! Enjoy and have fun playing people online!

I am going to be making more and more presets as I find time. If you have theme suggestions please post and share so that I may see and decide to choose and do them. If you have suggestions for images please PM those to me. Have fun with a vibrant new Lackey and hopefully more joy in your online play.

Mark Twain - Outside of a dog a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog its too hard to read!

Offline kram1138

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Re: Lackey Customized!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 11:35:12 PM »
Another handy one is in the preferences, under "Chat & Macros", you can change one of those lines to "/draw3", and then you have a button to draw 3 cards.


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