Author Topic: Various ideas, etc. from a new player  (Read 11600 times)

Offline Arkon

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Various ideas, etc. from a new player
« on: November 29, 2021, 02:47:34 AM »
Hello all!

I have been doing a lot of reading around various Redemption resources both before and after playing for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about the game and such from a beginner's point of view.

First of all, I really like the game and the helpful community around it. I see myself remaining a fan of Redemption for many years to come. I have already purchased a lot of boosters despite only playing a few matches because it just clicks with me well. Now for my various ideas and thoughts:

1. The 4th edition rulebook doesn't even mention that there is much more to the game than what is shown in I and J. I touched on this in the forum topic about K and L ideas, but I imagine an officially released 2 player set of advanced decks would be phenomenal for new player growth once mastery of I and J (or K and L if that comes sooner than a potential advanced decks) is reached. I am aware of the improved decks one can buy from yourturngames, but most new players will probably look to the official site when doing initial research.

2. The 'home of Redemption' page needs a touchup in regards to information. The frontpage news section doesn't even mention GoC! A need for updated information is a reoccurring issue I have noticed. When looking up 'Redemption card game' in google (which is one of the first things a new or potential new player would do), the three biggest hits at the top are wikipedia, boardgamegeek, and the home of Redemption page. Wikipedia helped me to quickly understand what expansions there were and the order of their release, but some other sections are really outdated. All 3 of these sites share the same issue. There's a need for an update, at the very least on the reviews and information side of things. I haven't made any accounts on boardgamegeek or wikipedia before, but I am considering doing so in the coming days just to contribute whatever I can to help my fellow new players and those thinking of jumping in. A really definitively titled and quickly accessible 'resources for new players' section on the main page or something would be fantastic!

That's all I have for now on this general topic. I just really needed a place to express these things because this game is a true 'diamond in the rough' and I think a lot of the rough could be worked out with a moderately concentrated effort from this wonderful community. Personally, I have always been the type to be fine with doing a pretty deep dive to research a new interest, but I think this game could flourish more with new connections and talent through these kinds of ideas.
The best resource for Redemption beginners!

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Re: Various ideas, etc. from a new player
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2021, 06:37:43 PM »
Very valid points! Thanks for sharing your ideas. At least some of these topics are already at least somewhat covered by the Links section of Cactus Website and also by other well known Redemption pages (at least within the community) like the ones you mentioned.

Next to those there is also Land of Redemption and the Redemption Discord as well as several youtube channels like Redemption with Jayden and RobM Studios and Sign of the Star (latter one from the past).

IMO it would be great if you'd post your thoughts over there at Discord too!

Offline Arkon

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Re: Various ideas, etc. from a new player
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2021, 08:14:14 PM »
Thanks for reading my wall of text!

I am aware of those resources, but some of them I had to dig a bit for. I didn't mind the dig, but I imagine a lot of people don't want to go through that when starting out. It would be neat if there was a 'new players' section on these sites that pooled together all of these things onto one easily accessible page or something, links and all. For example, landofredemption has a lot of information, but there were two really good articles about the brigade colors from Gabe. Links to stuff like that would be great in a 'new players' page along with other really notable articles, videos, etc. to help new players and potential new players find their bearings.

I will take your advice and make a discord account one of these days- especially to raise more awareness of the idea of advanced decks with an advanced rulebook to go along with them instead of boggling the mind about how to incorporate a bunch of features in starter decks. This is something I would really like to see happen someday and I feel like it might become something of a catchphrase for me until it does haha
The best resource for Redemption beginners!

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Re: Various ideas, etc. from a new player
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2021, 09:34:30 PM »
Welcome to Redemption!

As a Redemption YouTuber I am always looking for ideas for content. Aside from unboxings I try to include a lot of videos to help newer players!

Let me know if there is any video content that you think would be good to have. Also I welcome input on how to get our content out to more viewers.

Thanks for reading my wall of text!

I am aware of those resources, but some of them I had to dig a bit for. I didn't mind the dig, but I imagine a lot of people don't want to go through that when starting out. It would be neat if there was a 'new players' section on these sites that pooled together all of these things onto one easily accessible page or something, links and all. For example, landofredemption has a lot of information, but there were two really good articles about the brigade colors from Gabe. Links to stuff like that would be great in a 'new players' page along with other really notable articles, videos, etc. to help new players and potential new players find their bearings.

I will take your advice and make a discord account one of these days- especially to raise more awareness of the idea of advanced decks with an advanced rulebook to go along with them instead of boggling the mind about how to incorporate a bunch of features in starter decks. This is something I would really like to see happen someday and I feel like it might become something of a catchphrase for me until it does haha


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