I was looking over the old Abbreviations thread and thought that most of them are never used, and someone new looking at them would be swarmed by unused abbreviations. So I'm going to repost this with all of the most-used abbreviations. I would edit the other topic, but I can't access my old account anymore.

Good Dominants:
SoG - Son of God
NJ - New Jerusalem (nearly always referring to the Dominant)
AotL - Angel of the Lord
GotL - Glory of the Lord
GoYS - Guardian of Your Souls
Evil Dominants:
CM - Christian Martyr
DoN - Destruction of Nehushtan
FA - Falling Away
WoP - Wall of Protection
JT - Jerusalem Tower
TGT - The Garden Tomb
Good Heroes:
Mike - Michael
Gabe - Gabriel
TSA - The Strong Angel
CoTH - Captain of the Host
ET - Ethiopian Treasurer
Zeb/Zebby - Zebulun
Kenny - Cheneniah
Good Enhancements:
AoC(P) - Authority of Christ (Promo)
ANB - A New Beggining
WoW - Walking on Water
MPA - Mary's Prophetic Act
Evil Characters:
KoT - King of Tyrus
PoTW - Prince of This World
PD - Panic Demon
Tiggy - King Tiglath Pilesar III
TAS - The Amelekite's Slave
Evil Enhancements:
HP - Hamon's Plot
Deceit - Deceit of Sapphira
2kH - Two-Thousand Horses
HoH - Holy of Holies
AoA - Altar of Ahaz
U&T - Urim and Thummim
BoTC - Book of the Covenant
DR - Dragon Raid
Perg - Pergammum
Lost Souls:
NT - can only be rescued by a NT Hero
*/4 - can only be rescued by a Hero */4 or higher
Female - can only be rescued by a female Hero or Son of God
Hopper - placed in opponent's territory when drawn
Revealer - reveal top two cards, put LS in play, put rest under draw pile
Shuffler - when rescued, shuffle all other LS not in Sites into draw pile
LSs - Lost Souls - must be rescued twice to count
(Site) Doubler - can be placed in a Site with another LS
Wanderer/Exchanger/Switcheroo - exchange with another LS
Anti-Burial - when in a LoR, protect that player's LS from Burial
Color Guard - when in a single-color Site, all ECs in your territory are immune to that color
Speed Bump - protect all LS in play from rescue by player with more than 10 cards in hand
Demon-discard-shuffle - if lone Hero begins RA, discard one of your demons to shuffle this card into draw pile
Anti-withdraw - if Hero withdraws from RA, place LS under draw pile
Anti-angel - if angel rescues this LS put another LS under draw pile
First Round (Protect) - can only be rescued by Dominant or angel first round it is in play
Evicter - when placed in your Land of Bondage, you may remove a LS from one of your Sites
Thorns - protect LS from shuffle, place under draw pile, or exchange
Site Hand Discard - when placed in a Site, opponent must discard a card from hand
And last but not least, terms when gaming online.
EC - Evil Character
LS - Lost Soul
LoR - Land of Redemption
LoB - Land of Bondage
RA - Rescue Attempt
BC - Battle Challenge
If I am forgetting anything, please post here or tell me.