Author Topic: Upcoming opportunity for me to promote Redemption in our area! :)  (Read 1380 times)


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Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you all know and be in prayer, as I have the opportunity coming in May (May 4-5) to get the Redemption card game promoted in our local community a bit. :)  Our church partners with our local Teen Challenge and they use our parking lot about once a quarter for a MASSIVE yard sale.  They have a lot of families and kids/teens/young adults who come out.  With that being said, it finally hit me, why not set up a Redemption table to sell some of my extra redemption cards, advertise the newer sets in my binder(s), offer some starter decks (cheap), have a few boxes of CoW and ROJ available for them to buy packs, and also to top it off have my computer up for them to see videos and browse cards online.  Finally, have a table where my kids will be able to play a short game with those that really want to try it out.  I know many in our area play pokemon and/or Magic anyways, so most will catch on pretty quick.  Just wanted to share this opportunity that I have with you all!  I will let you know the outcome.  If anyone has any other ideas let me know. 
I will have a sheet with links mentioned to this forum along with Land of Redemption along with the "How to play" Pdf sheet. :) 


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