Author Topic: Type 2 character themes to buy cards for?  (Read 1011 times)

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Type 2 character themes to buy cards for?
« on: December 28, 2014, 02:16:44 PM »
I am just getting into a type 2 collection and wondering if any of the following themes are worth buying all the duplicate cards for?


1.White garden tomb theme

2.White Musicians

3.Gold Luke and John heroes

4.Purple Kings


1. Syrians

2. Romans

3. a defense with just gold Herod characters

4. Brown persians  (Is there an effective type 2 persian deck?)

5. Brown Kings ( Judah and / or Israelite) in general

6.Straight orange

7.Crimson heretics

8. Black Greeks 

9.  All Magicians

Any thoughts on these?

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Re: Type 2 character themes to buy cards for?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 12:51:48 AM »
Of the themes you listed, the only ones I really haven't done are Musicians, Herods and Persians. However, I'm a little biased because I love trying new decks. For a beginning T2 player, I'm not sure I would recommend buying all of those themes right away.

If I were to recommend some themes to start with I would say Brown Kings of Judah--I like using Covenant with Death since Gates of Jerusalem makes them CBN. (However, this does restrict you to using an Offense with mostly CBN/P characters such as Judges, Isaiah or Temple Priests.) All of the cards you would need are pretty easy to obtain with the Gates of Jerusalem and maybe a couple Haman's Plots being the most expensive to acquire (Haman's Plots aren't absolutely necessary as Brown has many great battle winners).

Magicians are another theme I would recommend getting because they are easy to pair with lots of other defenses (in addition to being very strong on their own). Magicians work well with Assyrians, Heretics, Demons, Babylonians and those are just the ones I've tried.

For the offense, TGT is still pretty good though I think it's best paired with another theme like NT Prophets or Disciples. I've only tried Musicians once (after Disciples came out), but I'm not sure they're good enough yet. Luke/John is okay--they work amazing with Greeks and they're just average with any other defense so maybe not a theme worth investing in for a beginning T2 player. Purple King with Throne of David/Isaiah is a very good offense and makes another good pairing with Kings of Judah because Solomon's Temple is so amazing if you can splash a little Teal into the deck.

Just some thoughts, hope that helps...
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