Gil, thanks for taking the time to do the research and leg work for this idea! That's going to be a big help the people putting this together!
I also desire to see good quality videos made for Redemption, like the ones you've referenced. Those take a lot of time, good equipment and a certain degree of knowledge. I have access to equipment and a basic knowledge. I hope that over the next several months I can work on this piece by piece. I'd welcome any effort by others who are able to produce quality content as well. That will certainly help things move along quicker.
Rob and I discussed tutorial videos when making the 4th Edition Starter decks and he advised that he'd like to see video segments that break down the game interactions. I feel like going through the examples in the
rulebook will have a lot of value.
Initially, just to get something available, I know a couple guys are going to start recording demos over Lackey. While they won't be on par with the quality of examples you gave, they will give us something of decent quality that's fresh and pertains to the 4th Edition I/J Starter deck.