My son and I are working on a deck building guide for new players. I want to include the available themes in a chart. I'm sure I'm missing a few, so please look this over and remind me of what I'm missing. (I'm not counting a theme with only a couple of cards, or themes that cross brigades.)
Blue: OT Genesis, NT none? (Acts heroes, anyone?)
Gold: OT Judges, NT Luke/John heroes
Green: OT & NT Prophets
Purple: OT Royalty, NY Disciples
Red OT Warriors (could be OT & NT Warriors)
Silver: OT & NT Angels
Teal: OT & NT Priests (I know, NT is a stretch...)
White: OT Musicians, Daniel heroes, NT Women
Black: OT Philistines, NT Sadducees, Greeks
Brown: OT Persians, NT none? (OT some royalty theme?)
Crimson: OT Babylonians, NT Heretics
Gold: OT Egyptians, NT Herods
Gray: OT Syrians, NT Pharisees, Romans
Orange: OT & NT Demons
Pale Green: OT Assyrians, OT & NT Magicians
What's missing?