New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Even if it was your choice to discard the card, it's still an opponent's card, which your hand should be protected from.
Always get a chuckle re-reading these stories...I have one from this past weekend that wasn't exactly a "terrible" play...just one of those "Are you kidding me?" moments that tend to happen in booster draft. It was my turn and I had 4 LS. All three of my opponents had Lost Souls out, but two of them seemed much more vulnerable in terms of defense. I had several Clay Heroes and a couple clay battle winners, but I also had Faith of Jacob. I decided I was better off getting multiple Heroes into battle right away so I used Faith of Jacob to take two of my brother's Heroes, one of which was able to start his WC banding chain and then I grabbed his Jacob (CoW) since I figured why not protect my hand for what should be the final battle.I push the 3 Hero band into battle against the opponent I felt had used up most of his defensive options. With a resigned look, he reluctantly blocked with Spirit of Fear (Withdraw all Heroes in battle. Opponent may allow you to discard a card at random from hand instead.) No big deal I thought since I didn't actually have anything to play on the Heroes in battle. A moment later I realized the crushing truth (as did my brother)...CoW Jacob was now protecting my hand thereby not giving me the option to instead the withdraw... As it turns out, if I had just attacked the other player I thought was vulnerable, I would have walked in for #5--instead the guy who blocked me ended up getting to 5 and I ended up in second...