Hey all, I have been completely out of the game for almost a year now, meaning there have been 1,400 topics since I last logged on here. I know I can't fully get back into the game at the current time, but am planning to go to a tournament for old times sake. That being said, I want to know what has happened since I left so no RLKs stomp me with new things. The last time I played was just when Cloud of Witnesses came out, so I don't really know anything about that set. What new cards are broken? What old cards do new things? What new rules are there? New ignore/immune stuff, or did that get all sorted out? Is ANB banned from the game? I have heard of a reserve, what is that? What interesting things are there in the new John set? What are the new, powerful staples? What are the strategies everyone is using? Also The Fall of Man, what are the most interesting things? Any other new interesting things?