Author Topic: T1 Offense vs Defense  (Read 1477 times)


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T1 Offense vs Defense
« on: March 15, 2018, 11:03:41 AM »
In t2 this doesn't seem to be as much of an issue for a variety of reasons,

But in t1 I'm really feeling like generally speaking offense is 2:1 to defense for nearly everything. Cards printed containing 4 or 5 cards like Moses, Auto, CoL, Throne etc

We simply do not see defenses with these kinds of capabilities in t1.

I get that the point of the game is to rescue and not block, but it is also why I get the feeling these days sometimes you are better off not blocking at all rather than blocking only to give your opponent +6 or more cards and an opportunity to sabotage your own offense.

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Re: T1 Offense vs Defense
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2018, 12:18:47 PM »
While I completely agree and wish building defense heavy stall decks was always a viable strategy, the so far unsolvable issue with this has always turn game times. Even full rush deck mirror matches occasionally time out and a stall mirror would almost always do so.


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