Author Topic: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?  (Read 4428 times)

Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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Type 1 over the years has gotten a lot more complex.  A lot more drawing, a lot more searching, a lot more cards I don't know what they do that I have to read a bunch.  I know there is only so much time in the day to play but we need to really think about tournament time being increased from 45 min to AT LEAST an hour. 
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Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2019, 02:11:01 PM »
Type 1 over the years has gotten a lot more complex.  A lot more drawing, a lot more searching, a lot more cards I don't know what they do that I have to read a bunch.  I know there is only so much time in the day to play but we need to really think about tournament time being increased from 45 min to AT LEAST an hour.

     Quite a balancing act we are trying to achieve. Sufficient complexity of gameplay to be completed in a timely matter. I do agree with extending the time limit from 45mins. to 1hr. That being said, impact is probably negligible in most Local, District and some State Tournaments, but could severely impact other State, Regional and the National Tournament. 15mins added to each of 3 rounds is an additional 45mins. to a single category. It is easy to picture how the time adds up and we run out of time. I don't see any easy solution to this continued debate.
    An idea, although probably not ideal, would be Local, District and perhaps State Tournaments, use a 1 hour time limit. Regional and the National use the 45 min. time limit. My thought behind this is your Local, District and State are prime training time to learn about your deck in competition. With Regional and National tournaments you should be familiar with what you are running knowing you are going into a higher level of competitive play. As I said, an idea and probably not ideal, but at least thinking about possible solutions.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 02:42:36 PM by 777Godspeed »
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Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2019, 02:46:04 PM »
Type 1 over the years has gotten a lot more complex.  A lot more drawing, a lot more searching, a lot more cards I don't know what they do that I have to read a bunch.  I know there is only so much time in the day to play but we need to really think about tournament time being increased from 45 min to AT LEAST an hour.

     Quite a balancing act we are trying to achieve. Sufficient complexity of gameplay to be completed in a timely matter. I do agree with extending the time limit from 45mins. to 1hr. That being said, impact is probably negligible in most Local, District and some State Tournaments, but could severely impact other State, Regional and the National Tournament. 15mins added to each of 3 rounds is an additional 45mins. to a single category. It is easy to picture how the time adds up and we run out of time. I don't see any easy solution to this continued debate.
    An idea, although probably not ideal, would be Local, District and perhaps State Tournaments, use a 1 hour time limit. Regional and the National use the 45 min. time limit. My thought behind this is your Local, District and State are prime training time to learn about your deck in competition. With Regional and National tournaments you should be familiar with what you are running knowing you are going into a higher level of competitive play. As I said, an idea and probably not ideal, but at least thinking about possible solutions.
  I definitely understand but high level game play takes time even.  If you aren't playing speed and actually play a solid defense your games almost always time out (at least what I've noticed from playtesting and tournaments in FL I've been too).  I'd rather have quality, longer games than quantity.  Maybe at Nationals run more categories at once if you have too.  I know this isn't ideal but I think it should be considered if the community agrees. 
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2019, 03:36:50 PM »
Type 1 over the years has gotten a lot more complex.  A lot more drawing, a lot more searching, a lot more cards I don't know what they do that I have to read a bunch. 

Don't forget:

   - The advent of the Reserve means players are playing 53 card decks instead of 43 card decks (LS don't count) - more than a 20% increase
   - The advent of Star abilities means players are activating abilities during the beginning of games and in Draw phases
   - LS abilities - more complex, more powerful
   - The ever-increasing number of ongoing abilities that players need to remain vigilant/cognizant of, lest they burn themselves (think Mayhem/RBD)

The OH States tournament taught me that 45 minutes isn't close to enough time to play a T1 game.  Soooo many games were at 1-1, 3-1, 2-0, etc. when time was called. 

In my first Booster game at OH States, I got exactly 5 turns.  The first 4 of those, there were no LS in my opponent's LoB.  (Part of that was worsened by Star abilities topdecking cards from my opponent's Reserve though - I would have been able to rescue on turn 4 had he not been doing Star abilities).  I lost 2-0, and I'm pretty sure my defense had my opponent locked out at that point.

I really think the massive increase in Searches and Negates is what really costs Redemption games the most time.  Searches take so much time when they go to deck.  And undoing stuff that was already done, or trying to figure out what a Negate is actually undoing (because cascading), takes a lot of time too.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2019, 04:21:52 PM »
I'll reserve the right to make my comments until after NC Regs lest I eat my words, but I'm fairly certain the current time limit is fine

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2019, 10:32:10 PM »
I'll reserve the right to make my comments until after NC Regs lest I eat my words, but I'm fairly certain the current time limit is fine
I am with John since TN State is in the back window now.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2019, 11:10:06 PM »
I think it's player-specific, honestly.  There are definitely slower players out there who I've had to ask, whether playing them or judging their games, to please speed it up.  The slower player sets the pace of the game.  So I think, instead of increasing the time limit from 45 minutes to an hour, judges and players need to be aware of the limited time and monitor the slower players and be a little more strict on the already-established time limits for prep phase, battle, responding to a play in battle, etc, that are in place to keep the game moving along. 

Although I agree that with the added abilities it does take more time, I am not a fan of increasing the time limit from 45 minutes, for several reasons:

1. This is the category that most people play, which means it would drag out the day that much longer (imagine what this would do at Nationals). 
2. It decreases the time allotted for players to play other categories, particularly when players have to travel the morning of and leave that afternoon/evening to go back home, which could be a several hour drive each way, and making that drive tired due to waking up early and brain-drain at the end of a tournament.
3. It not only affects T1 2P, but any format where T1 2P is played, such as sealed and 2P booster.  Which, as stated in point 2, increases the day that much more, leaving less time to play other categories. When you start adding up the number of players times the number of games being played and adding 15 minutes extra each game, that takes away A LOT of time in the day.
4. If you know your deck well enough, and you have a decent grasp of the game (if a person is playing in tournaments then it's expected that you're ready for mid to higher level play), then it should come as natural to go at a faster pace.  I understand that there are folks who play in tournaments (kids, etc.) who may not have a strong grasp and take more time, so some grace can and should be employed with them, but there should also be the understanding that it's a timed game, not casual, so it's expected that players are to keep the game moving along.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 11:12:07 PM by Watchman »
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2019, 11:42:41 PM »
I agree with this:

Type 1 over the years has gotten a lot more complex.  A lot more drawing, a lot more searching, a lot more cards I don't know what they do that I have to read a bunch. 

Don't forget:

   - The advent of the Reserve means players are playing 53 card decks instead of 43 card decks (LS don't count) - more than a 20% increase
   - The advent of Star abilities means players are activating abilities during the beginning of games and in Draw phases
   - LS abilities - more complex, more powerful
   - The ever-increasing number of ongoing abilities that players need to remain vigilant/cognizant of, lest they burn themselves (think Mayhem/RBD)

The OH States tournament taught me that 45 minutes isn't close to enough time to play a T1 game.  Soooo many games were at 1-1, 3-1, 2-0, etc. when time was called. 

I really think the massive increase in Searches and Negates is what really costs Redemption games the most time.  Searches take so much time when they go to deck.  And undoing stuff that was already done, or trying to figure out what a Negate is actually undoing (because cascading), takes a lot of time too.

And I would say that it does not only apply to T1 games, but T2 games as well, and T2 games are already 75 minutes long!  So, as The Watchman says, it is not ideal to increase the time allowed for games.

My proposed solution:

Change the swiss-style point reward structure

Currently you receive 3 points for an outright win, but only 2 points if you win and the game times out.  Is a game that is won 6-1 closer than a game that is won 7-6?  I would say in most cases, no.  Why then, is the player who wins 6-1 punished by not receiving full points?  I know I would not be nearly as upset when a game times out if I still received 3 points for the win.

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2019, 01:52:51 AM »
We just held a local tournament with 16 players in T1-2P and had very few time outs. The games that did time out usually involved players who are unfamiliar with most of the recent sets and/or didn't know their deck well.

What I'm seeing, and what I hear people describing in this thread isn't a problem with the time limits. It's a problem with people knowing their decks and the cards they will most likely face.

If you don't want to take the time to learn your deck well (so you can make decisions quickly) and don't want to learn all the new cards, that's OK. There's nothing wrong with showing up at a tournament and having a good time playing Redemption without putting in large amounts of effort ahead of time. But don't expect to do really well or finish many games before the time limit.

If you look at the competitive scene in any other collectable game (CCG or otherwise) you'll find that the successful people spend a good deal of time learning all the components and knowing their build inside and out. Redemption really isn't any different.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2019, 11:04:40 PM »
If you look at the competitive scene in any other collectable game (CCG or otherwise) you'll find that the successful people spend a good deal of time learning all the components and knowing their build inside and out. Redemption really isn't any different.

I don't really think that is an accurate comparison. For one, Redemption's entire cardpool is basically still in the game, so you have all of that to know in the back of your mind as you play. Since each decision is partially based on what you think the opponent is doing, this can prolong each turn, especially if you haven't played each other before.

Next, T1 Redemption is unlike other card games in that there are no duplicates. Other games present less choice based on the simple fact that you are better off running 3-4 of your best card, so your plan is pretty clear based on the fact you have fewer options. There are far less variations in those games, and they'll play out pretty much the same no matter your draw. There's just so many more possibilities with how your deck can come up in Redemption that memorizing certain interactions is no guarantee that you'll even have that come up in any given game. Some games you have to come up with plans you've never run into in any game before.

Another thing is that Redemption requires your opponent to have souls for you to even do anything most of the time. You can win the big three card games based on your cards alone. You don't need to rely on your opponent to draw a set number of cards from his deck to even have a shot at winning.

Also, most other games have far more time put into them in terms of netdecking. They have way more results and data and even more ways to play. It's way easier looking up results, looking at a deck list, watching that deck in action, looking up matchups, etc in other games. All these things go towards streamlining play and improving efficiency. Because so few games of Redemption happen for many players in the course of a year, all these things take longer.

These are the things that immediately come to mind. I think it's unfair to compare Redemption to other popular card games. It's almost designed to take longer. I would honestly prefer a longer time limit. There's just so much going on in a game nowadays that just taking one turn can easily take 5+ minutes. Of the two games at regionals I timed out, if we had an extended time limit, I would've finished at least one of those, if not both.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2019, 11:32:21 PM »

If you look at the competitive scene in any other collectable game (CCG or otherwise) you'll find that the successful people spend a good deal of time learning all the components and knowing their build inside and out. Redemption really isn't any different.

Other competitive card games give huge incentives for winning,  ban cards, and playtest more.

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2019, 12:26:31 AM »
While a timed out game due to LS drought isn't ideal, I don't really see the problem with timed out games in general. If a game times out and there was no LS drought involved, that likely means the decks, draws and players were evenly matched. If a game times out because one or both players are playing exceedingly slow, I'm not sure the game is to blame for that.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2019, 12:46:25 AM »

If you look at the competitive scene in any other collectable game (CCG or otherwise) you'll find that the successful people spend a good deal of time learning all the components and knowing their build inside and out. Redemption really isn't any different.

Other competitive card games give huge incentives for winning,  ban cards, and playtest more.

Our play testers are volunteers and I think our incentives for winning are fine considering the size of the game. Being more open to banning cards would be good though.


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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2019, 12:51:58 AM »
While a timed out game due to LS drought isn't ideal, I don't really see the problem with timed out games in general. If a game times out and there was no LS drought involved, that likely means the decks, draws and players were evenly matched. If a game times out because one or both players are playing exceedingly slow, I'm not sure the game is to blame for that.

The problem is that swiss style punishes timeout anything. Did Josh not know his deck, prepare poorly, and/or play too slow when you time out-beat Josh? No, you soul-droughted him and bounced him to me. Someone who met all of those things  :laugh:

Dominants in booster draft is another thing that should be looked over. You can draft them but not play them, which is like the site rule. Seems more fair.


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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2019, 12:52:43 AM »

If you look at the competitive scene in any other collectable game (CCG or otherwise) you'll find that the successful people spend a good deal of time learning all the components and knowing their build inside and out. Redemption really isn't any different.

Other competitive card games give huge incentives for winning,  ban cards, and playtest more.

Our play testers are volunteers and I think our incentives for winning are fine considering the size of the game. Being more open to banning cards would be good though.

Thank you Kevin.  Helpful as always.

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2019, 01:37:30 AM »
While a timed out game due to LS drought isn't ideal, I don't really see the problem with timed out games in general. If a game times out and there was no LS drought involved, that likely means the decks, draws and players were evenly matched. If a game times out because one or both players are playing exceedingly slow, I'm not sure the game is to blame for that.

The problem is that swiss style punishes timeout anything. Did Josh not know his deck, prepare poorly, and/or play too slow when you time out-beat Josh? No, you soul-droughted him and bounced him to me. Someone who met all of those things  :laugh:

Dominants in booster draft is another thing that should be looked over. You can draft them but not play them, which is like the site rule. Seems more fair.

You should probably re-read my report...Josh was the one who LS droughted me...I was even using GoYS to instead his Sheol triggers...  ::)

I was fortunate to get a first turn d9 off Damsel, which set me up to have optimal blocks the whole game, but that's the risk of using multi GE and it was the reward I got for using Damsel. I'm not claiming I had a better deck than Josh's because I know his deck is very, very good, but mine is certainly equipped to counter some of his strategies, and it did exactly that.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2019, 06:59:04 AM »
Although everyone has valid points here and I understand the "elite" players who don't have to ever read cards don't time out a lot, the majority of games I've watched do.  But the main issue for me is it keeps the meta towards a speed meta.  You could play a good defense, non-speed deck but have no chance because typically you don't have time even if you are an "elite" player.  Just my opinion though.
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2019, 12:59:50 PM »
I am not a big fan of extending Type-1 (or any category) time limits as tournaments are long as it is. This is not a length of round issue or even a familiarity with cards issue for me. IMO the complexity of the game is such that we could continue to expand time restraints and the game would fill what we give it. In Type-1 we could address this in a variety of ways including but not limited to:

-Smaller deck size (40 instead of 50)
-Lower win condition (4 instead of 5)
-Separate Lost Soul deck with 1 Soul drawn per turn
-"Soul Seek" when a player has no souls available their opponent can search their deck for a soul and put it in play in lieu of their battle phase

There are probably other ways but these seem to be the most obvious to me up front. Faster games, not longer rounds is the solution I can support as a tournament host and as an old guy who is experiencing sciatica more and more.

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2019, 01:20:57 PM »
I am not a big fan of extending Type-1 (or any category) time limits as tournaments are long as it is. This is not a length of round issue or even a familiarity with cards issue for me. IMO the complexity of the game is such that we could continue to expand time restraints and the game would fill what we give it. In Type-1 we could address this in a variety of ways including but not limited to:

-Smaller deck size (40 instead of 50)
-Lower win condition (4 instead of 5)
-Separate Lost Soul deck with 1 Soul drawn per turn
-"Soul Seek" when a player has no souls available their opponent can search their deck for a soul and put it in play in lieu of their battle phase

There are probably other ways but these seem to be the most obvious to me up front. Faster games, not longer rounds is the solution I can support as a tournament host and as an old guy who is experiencing sciatica more and more.

I think a better option that lowering the win condition that accomplishes the same goal is banning the Women's FA. There are so many powerful dominants competing for 1-2 flex slots that I don't believe running GoYS is optimal in nearly any T1 decks even if you know W FA is a big part of the meta. If players don't have to worry about GoYS as a cost when considering putting W FA in their deck, then it's an auto include and effective raises the soul rescue requirement to 6. The more new dominants that come out the closer we get to the cost of running GoYS simply being too high and I think we're there already.

Banning W FA would both increase dominant diversity and speed games up which are both things I'd imagine everyone wants.


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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2019, 02:02:28 PM »
I am not a big fan of extending Type-1 (or any category) time limits as tournaments are long as it is. This is not a length of round issue or even a familiarity with cards issue for me. IMO the complexity of the game is such that we could continue to expand time restraints and the game would fill what we give it. In Type-1 we could address this in a variety of ways including but not limited to:

-Smaller deck size (40 instead of 50)
-Lower win condition (4 instead of 5)
-Separate Lost Soul deck with 1 Soul drawn per turn
-"Soul Seek" when a player has no souls available their opponent can search their deck for a soul and put it in play in lieu of their battle phase

There are probably other ways but these seem to be the most obvious to me up front. Faster games, not longer rounds is the solution I can support as a tournament host and as an old guy who is experiencing sciatica more and more.

I am going to play-test a category where all lost souls have no special abilities and start in territory.

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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2019, 02:24:06 PM »
I am going to play-test a category where all lost souls have no special abilities and start in territory.

Meek Lost Souls you say? Interesting...  ::) 8)
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2019, 03:18:14 PM »
I am going to play-test a category where all lost souls have no special abilities and start in territory.

I'd be interested in testing this. Would it still be the same deckbuilding rules, with essentially 43 card decks?
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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2019, 03:55:21 PM »
I am going to play-test a category where all lost souls have no special abilities and start in territory.

I'd be interested in testing this. Would it still be the same deckbuilding rules, with essentially 43 card decks?

Personally I'd prefer a format without souls in main deck to keep the 50 card limit. The game could use a little reduction in consistency.


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Re: T-1 2 Player Game Length - Possibility of Increase in Time?
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2019, 11:22:55 PM »
I am going to play-test a category where all lost souls have no special abilities and start in territory.

I'd be interested in testing this. Would it still be the same deckbuilding rules, with essentially 43 card decks?

Personally I'd prefer a format without souls in main deck to keep the 50 card limit. The game could use a little reduction in consistency.

That sounds good. Personally I am going to make 60 card decks which are more conducive to teaching beginning players the game. The decks will be pseudo balanced 30-30 good and evil. Pseudo meaning defensive artifacts will be counted as evil and offense artifacts will be counted as good. Then I will show people my lost soul book and say now in real tournaments there are a lot of amazing lost souls! Unfortunately, I cannot trade/sell any of mine but the I am sure the tournament host or TLG has some to sell. :kenobi:

This is also something I feel like we need to be better at as a community. Stop selling your random cards and just trade/ give them away  at tournaments to other people.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 11:27:13 PM by TheHobbit »


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