Author Topic: Simplicity or Balance?  (Read 33675 times)


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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2011, 09:21:53 PM »
It doesn't say it has to be in an opponent's land of bondage.  It just says I have to have "access."  If I have access to the Lost Soul in my territory to rescue with Son of God, then don't I have access to rescue with Jacob's Ladder?
SoG doesn't have "access", but it doesn't need it either. Access is strictly the relationship between heroes and lost souls (and sites, when applicable). I'd rule you cannot use Jacob's Ladder to rescue your own Lost Soul since it doesn't explicitly state you can (which means it has to abide by game rules) but you can rescue your own Lost Soul with SoG since it DOES explicitly state you can (any means any).

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2011, 09:29:03 PM »
Actually, access isn't defined in the REG, so I have no clue what it is.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2011, 09:30:12 PM »
I'm pretty much going completely off battle resolution and abilities with "access" in them since there isn't anything in the REG. :P

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2011, 11:28:12 PM »
Or, we could simplify the whole thing by simplifying the "rescue attempt" rule to a "rescue" rule.  (you can only rescue a lost soul from your opponent's Land of Bondage).


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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2011, 11:40:06 PM »
Or, we could simplify the whole thing by simplifying the "rescue attempt" rule to a "rescue" rule.  (you can only rescue a lost soul from your opponent's Land of Bondage).

have you been keeping up with the ROOT testing thread?


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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #30 on: October 12, 2011, 11:40:57 PM »
Or, we could simplify the whole thing by simplifying the "rescue attempt" rule to a "rescue" rule.  (you can only rescue a lost soul from your opponent's Land of Bondage).
But that's not simpler overall.... You have to take the impact on other rules/cards into consideration, which you don't seem to be doing. I've already pointed out in another thread, and been backed by an Elder, that this would utterly screw with the (already simple) "any means any" rule.

have you been keeping up with the ROOT testing thread?
Evidently not.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 11:51:06 PM by browarod »

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2011, 12:25:37 AM »
But that's not simpler overall.... You have to take the impact on other rules/cards into consideration, which you don't seem to be doing. I've already pointed out in another thread, and been backed by an Elder, that this would utterly screw with the (already simple) "any means any" rule.
I actually dont support the rule change due to strategy reasons but I would like to ask what "impact" would be made? The only thing this will effect is Sog and NJ.... And assuming new players read the rule book for a game they dont know how to play this shouldnt pose any problem.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2011, 12:30:33 AM »
All I'm trying to point out is that Bryon's idea of a "simple" change isn't as simple as he seems to think. Currently, you have to read the rulebook to figure out how battles work, SoG does exactly what it says, and any means any. If the change was made you'd have to read the rulebook to figure out how battles work, SoG doesn't work how it says so you'd have to read about that as well, and any doesn't always mean any which means you'd have to read that, too, in the rulebook.

I'm not claiming that either is "right", I just don't think the latter is any simpler than the former (in my opinion it's even more complicated).

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2011, 12:34:38 AM »
You seem to be hating on the fact you have to read the rule book... Just because you have to read a rule book to understand how a game works isnt the end of the world ::)
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2011, 12:35:55 AM »
I didnt read the rule book. I watched people play in a tournament for 5 hours....


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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2011, 12:36:14 AM »
You seem to be hating on the fact you have to read the rule book... Just because you have to read a rule book to understand how a game works isnt the end of the world ::)
End of the world? No. But reading 1 page of the rulebook is simpler than reading 3 pages of the rulebook. The current discussion is about simplicity, so I'm stating my thoughts in that regard.

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2011, 12:37:36 AM »
i agree more people should read the rulebook not just try learning the game off the reg which isn't meant to be a rulebook just a support guide one that they are working on updating the past 5 years have brought alot of concepts to the game that have changed some of the basics so yeah things need rewriting were working on that but oversimplifying the game just so people can not read will only make it boring.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2011, 12:39:30 AM »
Bryon, you make a valid point. But I would still argue that since you are attacking your opponent, and the card says "holder may choose which lost soul is rescued this rescue attempt," you're attacking your opponent. But I guess Jacob's Ladder could cause confusion, I can see both sides.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2011, 12:46:53 AM »
I didnt read the rule book. I watched people play in a tournament for 5 hours....

That reminds me. Don't listen to anything that comes out of Randall's mouth. He's busy trying to convince us that Son of God should be considered human for Herod's Temple.

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2011, 12:49:01 AM »
yeah and thats a prime example why reading the rulebook is better and in fact prolly simpler to understand yes it may be a bit dry and boring but its easier to have someone explain something you can't grasp then to just watch people play and be potentially taught something thats wrong.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2011, 12:52:03 AM »
Actually if you defined access better you could avoid any confusion to the whole thing, heroes can't have access to your own lost souls, which is fairly logical, that would eliminate the annoyance of Jacob's Ladder and any random site access character.  Primary Objective specifically says from opponent's land of bondage, leaving only Son of God and New Jerusalem.  You can change it such that SoG and NJ can't rescue your own, but I don't think it will make the game any simpler or more complicated, its a simple binary rule, either you can or you can't, it doesn't effect any other cards.

However changing the rule will decrease the number of characters used in the rule name by 8, which I suppose is simpler.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2011, 12:52:46 AM »
I didnt read the rule book. I watched people play in a tournament for 5 hours....
Yes but thats not the point and I think many players have never read the rule book. I myself havnt read a rule book since the A/B days when the game didnt even have sites or artifacts :o The only reason I have not bothered to read one again is due to me playing hundreds upon hundreds of games. But back in the day when I first started we were all still learning how to play the game so we had to read the rule book. You pick up any random CCG at a store and what comes in the starter deck? A rule book! So I really dont think its that hard to read a rule book. Just my  :2cents:

Ive also got about 20 more cents to add haha
Imo the game needs to not necessarily be simplified as Bryon has been wanting to do but what needs to be done is the wording on cards needs to make sense. I started playing in oh.... right after Womens came out I think... and back then when I played a card the card did what it was supposed to do. This trend of cards doing what they say continued till around FooF when the game first started the culture craze and errata was spreading like wild fire.
Now a days I cant post in a ruling thread with out being wrong because I always assume that cards do what they were ment to do. I play tested many of the cards that have been released and for example when I play Doubt or Kings Sword and hear that it doesnt work how it was intended to be played whats up with that?
Moral of the story is I fully understand how to play the game and what basic abilities do. But when I have placed in more tournies then I can count and even won a National Title but I cant understand what a card does or the card doesnt do what it was intended to do that I playtested and want to use in my deck. Something is seriously wrong here! Also think if I cant understand whats going on in this game think of what 10 year old Timmy will be thinking :'( Yeah he will have his mind blown!

Well thats about my  :2cents: :2cents: :2cents: :2cents: 8 cents
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2011, 12:55:30 AM »
So much agreeance with Isildur.  :) I agree 100% with everything he said. Nothing seems the way it used to be.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2011, 12:58:09 AM »
I didnt read the rule book. I watched people play in a tournament for 5 hours....

That reminds me. Don't listen to anything that comes out of Randall's mouth. He's busy trying to convince us that Son of God should be considered human for Herod's Temple.

He's also tried to convince me I can't martyr OT heroes (because they aren't Christians, Jesus wasn't born yet), CAN rescue the NT only LS with SOG (which actually just makes sense, how is Jesus NOT a new testament hero? The whole new testament is about him dangit!)

Disclaimer:All of those things were said one time, in jest he was not actually trying to convince me of those things. 

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2011, 01:04:45 AM »
One position that rarely gets represented on the EZboard is "Starter Deck Sam" who goes to his local Christian business and buys enough cards to play with his friends. Sometimes we assume that "we" (the forum members) represent the Redemption community. Having led 5 different playgroups, I've pulled a lot of "Sams" into my group by advertising at the store. Our "meta" is not the representative meta of the masses.

Sometimes we need to step back and realize what a minority of the Redemption-Card-Owning community we are (an important and involved minority, albeit). There are going to be times that our decisions will seem to drastically change the game for everyone, when in reality it only changes the meta for the 30 people actively discussing the issue.

Those of us in the grass roots out here teaching new people appreciate a game that relies more upon the RULEBOOK in "Sam's" hands than the ERRATA in Eric's e-machine. Posts don't reflect tone well, so just know I'm not being argumentative, arrogant, or angry (ah the preaching alliteration monster cometh out!). I'm just excited to see a new rulebook that I can be proud to put in my pocket. Then when "Sam" shows up at your playgroup, he may just be able to jump into a fun game with you  :)

I say all this mostly in favor of the ignore='send back' ruling, but I am being persuaded toward the opp' rescue rule as well.

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2011, 01:14:12 AM »
Sometimes we need to step back and realize what a minority of the Redemption-Card-Owning community we are (an important and involved minority, albeit). There are going to be times that our decisions will seem to drastically change the game for everyone, when in reality it only changes the meta for the 30 people actively discussing the issue.

Mumbles about how we are a pretty large majority of the people playing... But you are correct that these rule changes are being made for random players who do not use the forums. Also note that part of this is the reason I posted my big wall of text earlier.
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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2011, 02:16:18 AM »
I can only speak from personal experience...

1st playgroup: Rising Sun Church of Christ, Altoona/Des Moines, IA
2nd playgroup: South East Polk High School (simultaneously with RSCC group)
(Players: Grey, David, Shawn, Ian, Addie, Kara, Nick, Zac, Mike, Kray, Mick, Josh L., RJ, Ashley, Joey L., Grant - frequent   
  guests -> Mitch, Jeff, Brian, Travis, Sarah, Josh N., Jeremy and John Kemp... )
---Forum Members from Group: Zac (sepjazzwarrior) Mitch (mitchrobstew) Jeremy (princeofthisgame)
---note: Mitch and Jeremy, from other towns, knew about the tourneys because of the EZboard: Zac is the only native forum member

3rd Playgroup: Trinity Christian Church, Leon, IA
(Players: Caleb, Cody, Zach, Jacob)
---Forum Members from Group: Zach (The Archangel) ... never online

4th Playgroup: Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, MO
(Players: Robby, Josh, Josiah, Ian, Ashley, Andrew, Austin, Raybo, Bryan, Emylie, Marie, Britney, Mike, Aaron, Terry, Jonathan, Daniel... )
---Forum Members from Group: 0

5th and current Playgroup: Braymer Christian Church, Braymer, MO
(Players: Nathan, Nicki, Alex, Jordan, Autumn, Connor, Anna, Kallen, Bob, and growing!)
---Forum Members from Group: 0 - Alex may join some day

I don't think this is an inaccurate picture of the forum member-to-playergrouper ratio in other groups.

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2011, 02:21:31 AM »
At the risk of seeming "off-topic", the above is a monument to players who enjoy, or have enjoyed, the game of Redemption over the years equipped with nothing more than their Rulebook, experience and suggestions from other players, and Rulings made (when possible) by simply citing the rulebook.

I love the excitement of new players, lets pave a brighter future for them (cheesy commercial music comes to a hault).
...or just pass the new ignore and opp' LS rules. ;)

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2011, 08:59:26 AM »
have you been keeping up with the ROOT testing thread?
Evidently not.
Do you mean the thread where people type a paragraph of wild speculation, but then end with
Disclaimer: I have not actually played any games with this rule, I am speaking strictly from hypothetical impact.

I have played dozens and dozens of games with this rule, and I have seen it change how I play the game. 

Before, the game was always about the "Big Two," and the most consistent way to get them was speed.  There were no drawbacks to drawing tons of cards.  You could tell who was winning a game most often by looking at who had the smallest deck left.

Now, I can build a balanced deck with zero draw abilities and still have a fair fight.  I have also felt hope in games where I would have given up in the past.  I have played dozens of games against Samuel and Genesis decks and had much closer games (and even won a few times) when, in the past, the game would have been over in 5 minutes.  It bought me some time to set up my defense, my sites, etc.  We got a chance to have some battles.

In that other thread, I saw a couple people complain that the proposed rule increases "luck" instead of "skill."  That's hogwash.  For years, people have complained that SoG/NJ makes the game too much about luck.  2 cards give you 40% of the victory condition of the game, PLUS they can be used defensively.  Discarding Son of God from opponent's deck gave you a "lucky win," since it effectively took away half your opponent's defense, not just 40% of their victory. 

If anything, the proposed rule increases "skill" by reducing the power of the 2 cards that are all about Luck.  If anything, the proposed rule increases "skill" by reducing the all-powerful status of "speed," which gets you the "Lucky Big Two" before your opponent.  If anything, the proposed rule increases the need to play defense, or else continue to rely on luck and lost soul generation.

Do you all know that the top 2 Type 1 decks at nationals had a combined total of 1 EE?  Did you know that the EE was not played in 10 rounds?  If you can't rescue your own lost souls with SoG/NJ, then you may have to actually use an evil enhancement to stop your opponent's rescue attempt, rather than just rely on dominants and Uzzah to stall.  Or, you could continue to build decks the old way, then complain about the "increased luck factor" when the luck you rely on doesn't work for you.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 09:57:55 AM by Bryon »

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Re: Simplicity or Balance?
« Reply #49 on: October 13, 2011, 09:04:56 AM »
Or, we could simplify the whole thing by simplifying the "rescue attempt" rule to a "rescue" rule.  (you can only rescue a lost soul from your opponent's Land of Bondage).
Said rule would only destroy the meta-game.

have you been keeping up with the ROOT testing thread?
Evidently not.
Do you mean the thread where people type paragraphs of wild speculation, then then end with
It's not wild speculation. It's fact. The rescue rule destroys the game.
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